Cornerstones of a Healthy Lifestyle Blueprint for Nutrition & Physical Activity

2018 Technical Assistance Seed Grant Opportunity - Application

Due to by April 12, 2018

The Association of State Public Health Nutritionists(ASPHN) is offering technical assistance grants to members interested in using the Cornerstones of a Healthy Lifestyle Blueprint for Nutrition & Physical Activity(Blueprint) in public health nutrition efforts in their state. The Blueprint outlines practical, consumer-focused, state and local strategies for improving eating and physical activity that will lead to healthier lives for children, adults, and families.

States may request financial support or apply for technical assistance to carry out projects in one of threeareas. The topics are:

  1. Working with communities on activities related to the ASPHN Brief,Supporting Maternal Mental Health In Public Health Nutrition Practice;
  2. Incorporating nutrition expertise into state home visiting programs;
  3. Integrating USDA, FNS Core Nutrition Messages within MCHB activities.

The project must be based on strategies outlined in the Blueprint.

Award –The grantee will receive financial support (not to exceed $7,000) or receive intensive technical assistance (valued at $7,000) from ASPHN.This seed grant will not cover F&A/indirect/overhead costs.

Project Period: May 1, 2018 – April 30, 2019

Reporting Requirement - Grantees will submit quarterly updates on progress and a short final report summarizing the project, discussing the outcomes and the effectiveness of the approach used.The final report is dueApril 30, 2019.

Selection Criteria–

  1. Preference will be given to applications to work with communities on maternal mental health projects. (topic #1 above)
  2. All ASPHN members are eligible to apply. 2018 State or associate member dues must be paid prior to financial support being provided.
  3. Up to threegrants will be awarded.
  4. Successful applicants will be notified by April 30, 2018. The application ison the next page.

Questions–Please contact Sandy Perkins at

  1. Contact Information:

Phone number
Email Address
  1. In 300 words or less, describe the proposed project. The description should include:
  2. Project goals / objectives
  3. Expected outcomes
  4. Activities for each goal / objective
  5. Timeline for each activity
  6. Anticipated completion date
  1. What is the focusof the proposed project?

Community projects related to the ASPHN BriefSupporting Maternal Mental Health In Public Health Nutrition Practice;

Incorporating nutrition expertise into state home visiting programs; or

IntegratingUSDA, FNS Core Nutrition Messages within MCHB activities.

  1. Indicate the Cornerstone(s)addressed by the proposed project.


Cornerstones of a Healthy Lifestyle Blueprint for Nutrition & Physical Activity

2018 Technical Assistance Seed Grant Opportunity - Application

Due to by April 12, 2018



Science, Research & Evaluation


Policy & Advocacy


  1. Indicate all of the ASPHN products that were used in preparing this application or will be utilized in the proposed project?

Cornerstones of a Healthy Lifestyle: Blueprint for Nutrition & Physical Activity, 2nd Ed.

Supporting Maternal Mental Health In Public Health Nutrition Practice

The Role of Nutrition in Infant Mortality

Incorporating Nutrition into the Title V MCH Services Block Grant National Performance Measures

Preconception Health: The Role of Nutrition

Improving the Nutritional Well-Being of Women, Children and Families

Moving to the Future Website

Other. Please List:

  1. Indicate the type of support requested.

Technical Assistance (valued at $7,000) – select this option if you would like ASPHN to pay the costs associated with the request directly to vendors. Some limitations apply.

Financial Support (not to exceed $7,000), include amount requested and breakdown of expenditures. – select this option if you would like ASPHN to dispense the funds directly to the grantee. Funds may be dispersed to any project partner. They do not need to be received by the State Agency / ASPHN member applying for the seed grant.

Please contact Sandy Perkins at ith questions.