Scioto County Sheriff’s Office

Portsmouth, Ohio




Effective Date:
020106 / Directives Rescinded: / Review Date:090705
Pages 25
Revised date: / Reference: / Distribution:



Provide sufficient staffing to the Scioto County Jail [SCJ] to ensure the safety and security of the inmates, staff and community.


The Scioto County Sheriff will assign sufficient staff to ensure the safe and secure operation of the county jail, but only to the extent that such staff can be provided with funds appropriated to the Sheriff’s Office at the discretion of the Scioto County Board of Commissioners. The Sheriff’s Office will conduct background investigations on all prospective employees of the facility.


Jail Administrator – The Corrections Division Commander performs the function of Jail Administrator.



  • The mission of Scioto County Jail is thehumane detention of persons as ordered by the court and the provision of opportunities for personal improvement of those confined is the responsibility of the staff.
  • As a public service institution, the Jail must serve the community as a component
  • of the Scioto County Sheriff’s Office and asa segment of the criminal justice system. To gain respect as an asset to the community, the Jail staff must approach their mission with an attitude and behavior that evokes honesty, integrity and professionalism.

The Corrections profession is one which demands honor from its members. This honor can be earned by the Scioto County Jail Facility staff by maintaining a positive mental attitude toward the mission of the Jail.


The Scioto County Jail shall have a designated jail administrator who is qualified by training or experience to supervise and control inmates.

The Jail Administrator’s qualifications and duties shall be outlined in a written job description.


A performance review of all jail employees shall be conducted annually. A standardized format shall be utilized for this review and shall only reflect on the employee’s jail duties during the evaluation period.

Shift Sergeants – will be responsible for performance reviews of deputy sheriffs.

Captain– will be responsible for performance reviews of shift supervisors and kitchen staff.

Division Commander – will beresponsible for performance reviews of the Jail Sergeant.

Completed Evaluations – will be maintained as part of the employee’s personnelfile.


Every shift shall have an assigned staff person who will be in charge of the shift.

Shift Supervisor – Under the general direction of the sergeant the supervisorwill be responsible for the following:

  • provide supervision to staff on their assigned shift;
  • be able to perform the duties required at each duty post;
  • ensure compliance with all directives of the Sheriff’s Office ;
  • make recommendations for overtime and leave requests to the Captain;
  • conduct briefing sessions with staff;
  • normally serve as the roving officer which will allow for the supervision of other officers and to provide backup to other officers; and
  • perform other duties as assigned by the Sergeant.

Officer-in-Charge – When the sergeant is not available for duty, an officer will be assigned by the sergeant to serve as the officer-in-charge and it will be noted on the shift schedule. The officer-in-charge will have the same responsibilities and perform the same duties as are required of the shift sergeant.


On occasion, volunteers will be used in non-security functions as designated by the Division Commander and will be responsible to the shift supervisor. Volunteers will be subject to a background investigation prior to beginning their volunteer work.

Training – Volunteers will receive instructions in the following areas prior to beginning work as a volunteer:

  • entry, exit, and security of the facility;
  • explanation of contraband;
  • specific role of the volunteer; and
  • responsibility of the volunteer.


All employees will be required to take theScioto County Sheriff’s Oath of Office and will be provided with a copy.

The Scioto County Sheriff’s Office Oath of Office:

  • I pledge my solemn oath I will support the constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Ohio.
  • I pledge and affirm that I will perform my assigned duties in a manner deemed proper and professional as an employee of the Scioto County Sheriff’s Office.
  • I will abide by the directives; rules, regulations, polices, and procedures, set forth by the Scioto County Sheriff’s Office.
  • My position as an employee of the Scioto County Sheriff’s Office is that of a public servant and I will personally extend every effort to fulfill my assigned duties to the best of my ability.
  • I will not exceed or misuse my authority or job description as an employee for unauthorized or unethical personal gain.
  • I pledge my personal conduct, at all times, to be such as not to reflect adversely or unfavorably upon myself, the Sheriff’s Office, or law enforcement, in general.
  • To these statements, I voluntarily pledge myself, without reservations, as I accept my position as an employee of the Scioto County Sheriff’s Office.

The oath will be administered by the Sheriff or a licensed notary.


The facility shall be staffed with the necessary personnel to ensure compliance withthe Ohio “minimum Standards for Jails.”

Staffing Analysis Plan – A staffing analysis plan approved by the Jail Administrator shall be implemented to ensure that all duty post assignments are covered on a continuous basis. This plan will ensure there are sufficient numbers of trained staff available to replace staff that is on sick leave, vacation, military leave, training leave, etc. The shift relief factor being applied is 1.5. The shift relief factor includes the swing shift/ relief officers in this factor.

  • Personnel – This staffing plan must allow for sufficient numbers of both male and female personnel to be on-duty and available to perform gender sensitive functions and procedures such as frisk and strip searches.
  • Review of Plan – The plan shall be reviewed once a year by the Jail Administrator. This review will be documented in writing and include the recommendations for any revisions. The report will be submitted to the Sheriff through the chain-of-command for his review. After approval by the Sheriff, the report will be forwarded to the Scioto County Commissioners for funding consideration.

Staffing Levels – The SCJ suggested manpower allocation is as follows:


  • Jail administrator [1]
  • Clerk / Records support person [1]

Inmate Supervision

  • Correction Officer [21] [5 Sergeants]
  • Visitation Officer [1]
  • Transportation Officer [1]
  • Part-time officers [2]

Food Service

  • Food service supervisor [1]
  • Full time cooks [2]

Medical - Contract physician and nurses


  • Contract services
  • Volunteers

Facility Maintenance - Contract services or maintenance supervisor


Instructions for all duty posts:

  • Anytime an officer enters a housing unit, a second officer must be immediately available as a back-up officer.
  • Duty post orders are a general guideline. However some flexibility of staff and operations may be necessary for the safe, secure, and orderly operation of the facility.
  • Staff may deviate from policy and procedures under emergency conditions and/or at the directions of supervisory staff.

Post Orders

Post orders for each position in the Scioto County Jail shall be established by the Jail Administrator. Each Shift supervisor is responsible to insure the post orders for each position are adhered to on their respective shifts. Each Deputy Sheriff is responsible to comply with the post orders for the position they are assigned to. Deviation from post orders is permitted in the event of an emergency after approval by the shift supervisor when compliance will affect the safety of inmates, employees, or the public. Whenever post orders are deviated from due to the above, the shift supervisor will document the change and the reason for the change. Jail Staff duties are limited to the operation of the Scioto County Jail.


I.A post is a position of duty or trust assigned to an employee within the Jail. The established posts within the Facility, which will include, but not necessarily be limited too, include:

A.Male Housing (1)

B.Female Housing Officer

C.Booking Officer

D.Central Control Officer

E.Rover Officer

II.Copies of the Post Orders shall be kept in all Scioto County Jail Manuals, and in addition to, the post orders for specific posts shall be kept at the following locations:


Jail Administrator Copy of all Post Orders

Each Housing Unit 1 Copy

Central Control 1 Copy

Booking Counter 1 Copy

III.When Post Orders are added, changed, or deleted; the Shift Supervisors shall ensure that their shifts review them, and sign-off as to reviewing the order.

Appendix A


A.Location of Post Orders - Copies of post orders shall be available in the offices of the Jail Administrator, the Shift Supervisor, at each fixed post, and in every Policy and Procedure Manual.

B.Utilization of Orders

1.All Deputy Sheriffs and Supervisors shall use the post orders to familiarize themselves with the extent and duties of the post, as well as stay abreast of changes that occur in the operation or duties of the post.

2.Field Training Officers shall instruct all newly recruited Deputy Sheriffs to read the post orders prior to their assignment of a post. The officers shall be tested as to their knowledge of post orders prior to the end of their probationary period.

3.When Deputy Sheriffs are assigned to a post, they should continually be reading the post orders as to be abreast of the schedule and duties of any assigned post.

C.Changes to Post Orders - Deputy Sheriffs are encouraged to submit to their supervisors a written list of changes that have occurred or, in their opinion, should occur in the operation of their posts. The Shift Supervisor shall edit these suggestions and submit them to the Jail Administrator, or his designee for review and/or action. No changes will be made in any post order without the approval of the Jail Administrator.

D.Security of Post Orders - Post orders are for the exclusive use of Facility personnel and shall, at no time for any reason, be shown to inmates or persons who are not so authorized.

E.Relationship to Overall Jail Policy and ProcedureManual Post orders are intended to provide an outline description of the duties and tasks affiliated with each post. Flexibility of staff and operations is a necessity for the safe, secure, and orderly operation of this facility. In addition, for detailed information on how specific procedures are carried out (e.g., Emergency Evacuation, Disciplinary Procedure, Key Control, Inmate Rights, Visitation, Medical Procedures, etc.), the officer must be able to refer to the specific section of the Jail Policy and Procedure Manual for additional direction.

F.General Orders-

1.At no time will any inmate of the Scioto County Jail have any authority or control over any other inmate or any security function of the Scioto County Jail.

2.At no time will any inmate of the Scioto County Jail be in possession of any keys, which control any function of the Scioto Jail.

  1. Inmates of the Scioto County Jail are never permitted inside the

Control Center of the Scioto County Jail.

4.Anytime a staff officer enters a housing unit with more than one inmate, a second officer must be immediately available to enter the housing unit as back up.

  1. Post Coverage - The posts covered by the procedure include Central Control, Booking Counter, Housing Officers, and Rover Officers.




Day Shift7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Sunday

Afternoon Shift 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. through

Midnight Shift11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Saturday


1.Control Officer must be in complete uniform.

2.Read and follow Central Control post orders in "Staff Post Order Manual".

3.Complete logs and reports before going off-duty.

4.Know Central Control emergency procedures.

5.Officers may deviate from general orders under emergency conditions and/or at the direction of the Shift Supervisor or other supervisory staff.


FirstWatch - 2300 to 0700

2300* Shift change on post / Passdown

* Check keys; verify key control.

* Test Central Control board

  • Read Central Control pass down log


* Change battery and log in Battery log

* Announce over P.A system for "Beginning Headcount". All movement in Facility ceases.

* Fax paperwork to all agencies requiring so.

2300 - 2320* Announce over P. A. system "Clear Count" upon advisement from Booking. All movement may resume in Facility.

2300 - 0700* Monitor all cameras inside and outside of secure perimeter by rotating cameras through pre-programmed sequences.

* Operate all interior and exterior doors. Doors are only to be opened for authorized personnel, at their request.

* Check all requested visitors on Approved Visitor List (Form CF-058) for local and/or entered warrants in LEADS. Enter all approved visitors in inmates computer approved visitor log.

0500* Allow movement of kitchen trusties to the kitchen.

0500 - 0545* Monitor all breakfast tray movement to and from all housing areas, opening doors for authorized Officers.

0615- 0645* All movement in Facility ceases for headcount.

0645 - 0700* Movement may resume in Facility.

Second Watch - 0700 to 1500

0700 * Shift change on post / Pass down

* Check keys; verify key control.

* Test Central Control board

* Read Central Control pass down log.

* Change battery and log in Battery log

  • Announce "Standing Headcount" over Jail P.A. system.
  • All movement in Facility ceases.

0700 - 0730* Announce "Clear Count" upon advisement from Booking. Movement may resume in Facility.

0700 - 1500* Monitor all cameras inside and outside of secure perimeter by rotating cameras through pre-programmed sequences.

* Operate all interior and exterior doors. Doors are only to be opened for authorized personnel, at their request.

0800* Turn on all telephones in Housing areas

0900 - 1100* Monitor indoor / outdoor recreation.

1100 - 1145* Monitor all lunch tray movement to and from all housing areas, opening doors for authorized Officers.

1200 - 1415* Monitor indoor / outdoor recreation.

* Sort and check all inmate mail for contraband

1415- 1445* All movement stops in Facility, announce "Standing Headcount" over Jail P.A. system.

1445 - 1500* Announce "Clear Count" upon advisement from Booking. Movement may resume in Facility.

Third Shift - 1500 to 2300

1500 * Shift change on post / Pass down

* Check keys; verify key control.

* Test Central Control board

* Read Central Control post log.

* Change battery and log in Battery log

* Announce "Standing Headcount" over Jail P.A. system. All movement in Facility ceases.

1500 - 1520* Announce "Clear Count" P.A. system upon advisement from Booking. Movement may resume in Facility.

1500 - 2300* Monitor all cameras inside and outside of secure perimeter by rotating cameras through pre-programmed sequences.

*Operate all interior and exterior doors.

* Doors are only to be opened for authorized personnel, at their request.

* Allow entrance of work release prisoner returning from work, logging them in jail log, and coordinating entrance into Facility with Rover Officers.

1700 - 1745* Monitor all lunch tray movement to and from all housing areas, opening doors for authorized Officers.

1800 - 2200* Monitor indoor / outdoor recreation / exercise.

2100* Turn off all telephones in Jail Facility

2215- 2245* Announce over P.A. System for "Final Headcount". All movement in Facility ceases.

2245 - 2300* Announce over P.A. system "Clear Count" upon advisement from Booking. All movement may resume in Facility.


1.Carefully control all entrance and exit of the building via secure sally port through the security perimeter.

2.Maintain visual surveillance of all staff and trusties moving in the Jail corridors.

3.Maintain audio (via portable radio and intercom) and visual (via CCTV) contact with the Booking Officer, Housing Officers, Rover/Movement Officers, and any other staff working directly with inmates.

4.Control movement within the facility via electronically controlled security doors.

5.Control public access to non-contact and contact visiting booths.

6.Control attorney/professional visit or access to attorney/professional visiting booths.

7.Allow exit/entrance of Work Release going to or returning from work.

8.Monitor all facility emergency alarm systems and respond as necessary.

9.Summon emergency assistance (ambulance, fire department, law enforcement) when needed.

10.Coordinate and direct (as a Command Post) all emergency services in the event of riot, disorder, natural disaster, hostage situations, and similar emergencies as directed by the Sheriff or his designee.

11.Maintain strict key control by carefully issuing security keys to authorized personnel, and by carefully inventorying facility keys in accordance with key control policies.

12.Monitor all CCTV monitors.

13.Serve as the central receiving point for all communications conducted within the Jail.

14.Respond to incoming phone calls.

15.Handle public coming to the facility after hours via CCTV monitoring of the public lobby and intercom to the public lobby foyer.

16. Maintain an accurate shift activity log.




Day Shift7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Sunday

Afternoon Shift3:00 p.m. - 15:00 p.m. through

Midnight Shift15:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m. Saturday


1.Rover Officer must be in complete uniform.

2.Read and follow Rover post orders.

3.Complete logs and reports before going off-duty.

4.Closely monitor assigned housing units, including trusty unit, work release unit, classification unit, female unit, kitchen, laundry and multi-purpose room.

5.Provide "backup" to staff.

6.Know emergency evacuation procedures for trusty unit, work release unit, male and female unit, classification unit and booking/holding area.

7.Officers may deviate from general orders under emergency conditions and/or at the direction of the Shift Supervisor or other supervisory staff.


First Shift - 2300 to 0700