Town of Orono
Community Development-FinanceCommittee Meeting
Wednesday, November 14, 2012 at 5:30 p.m.
Council Chamber – Municipal Building
- Roll Call
Present: Cindy Mehnert (Community Development), Tom Perry (Finance), Tom Spitz, Council Chairman Geoffrey Gordon,Judy Sullivan, Lianne Harris, Town Manager Sophie Wilson, Assistant Town Manager Belle Ryder, Finance Director Matt Currier and Public Works Director Rob Yerxa.
Community Development
- Request from abutter for .04 Acre Parcel of Town Owned Property adjacent to
165 AA Landing Road
Ms. Wilson stated that she received a request from Robert E. Garnett, Jr., who recently purchased land located at 165 AA Landing Road in Orono. The land he purchased is made up of three parcels which surrounds the .04-acre parcel of land owned by the Town. Mr. Garnett is interested in acquiring the .04-acre parcel.
Research by staff indicates that the Town acquired ownership of this parcel in the 1970’s by virtue of a foreclosed tax lien. Staff indicates that there are no current or forecasted operational reasons for maintaining ownership.
Chapter 2, Article 5(3) of the Town of Orono Ordinances regulates the disposal of Town owned property. The Ordinance requires that the Council determine whether or not it is in the best interest of the Town to dispose of the property and select the method by which the disposal shall be undertaken. Once the administrative process has been completed, the Town Manager would then provide the Council with a report of the offer(s) and a recommendation for disposal. Prior to Council’s final action to dispose of the property, it must hold a public hearing to solicit feedback from the public regarding the decision to dispose of the property. Ms. Wilson stated her recommendation is that Council consider disposing of this property through the Sale to Abutter process.
The Committee agreed to hold the public hearing before talking with the abutter. The Committee had questions about the nature of the easements near the property. Ms. Wilson stated that she would look into it.
The Committee agreed to move this item forward to the December 10, 2012 Council meeting to schedule a public hearing on whether or not to dispose of the property and to move forward with the process.
- Town Owned Property in Sailor Development
Ms. Wilson stated that the Town owns two very narrow strips of land on the outer boundaries of the Sailor Development. Based upon the tax maps, it appears that these strips of land are approximately 8 feet wide by 1480 feet long on the Gilbert Street side of the development and 8 feet wide by 1930 feet wide on the Mainewood Avenue side. She noted these strips of land are causing concern for the Public Works Director because the trees which grow on these strips of land are the Town’s responsibility to maintain, but we do not have room to complete the work necessary to manage the Town’s liabilities.
Public Works Director Rob Yerxa reported on two trees that had to be removed, one costing $1200 due to the lack of access to the parcel.
Ms. Wilson stated that these parcels are not needed for drainage or sanitary sewer lines.
Ms. Wilson stated that the two options are to be aware that the liability exists and take no action at this time or pursue giving each parcel to the abutting landowners. She noted that the second option would involve surveying, legal research and recording the deeds. The property would be offered to the abutting property owners on Mainewood Avenue and Gilbert Street.
Tom Perry commented that it is too complicated to turn the parcels over to the property owners and suggested the Town take care of issues as they arise. Geoff Gordon agreed.
Ms. Mehnert asked whether any of the abutter’s deeds reference the 8-foot strip. Ms. Wilson stated that she would take this item back and do some more research.
Lisa Colburn suggested offering the property to the property owners that are interested. Mr. Spitz commented that it should be an all or nothing situation to prevent a jagged property line.
- Appointment to Trails Committee
Ms. Wilson stated that an application for membership on the Town’s Trail Committee was received from Jeffrey Boal. Both Dave Thompson, Chair of the Trails Committee, and Parks and Recreation Director Norm Poirier indicate that Mr. Boal would be a great addition to the committee. They noted he is very enthusiastic and wants to give back to the community.
The Committee recommended moving this item forward to the December 10, 2012 Council agenda to appoint Jeffrey Boal to the Orono Trails Committee.
Ms. Wilson also noted that Kenny Fergusson has completed his MMA Training and can be elevated to the regular seat on the Planning Board to fill the vacancy. The Committee agreed to move his appointment forward to the Council agenda.
- October Financials
Finance Director Matt Currier provided a general overview of the October financials. The Committee asked various questions regarding the Town’s revenue and expense budgets.
The major topics of discussion were General Assistance and State Revenue Sharing. Ms. Wilson stated that she will be bringing a list of properties to the Finance Committee to consider waiving foreclosure.
Ms. Wilson asked the Committee members to look over the financial reports and offer any suggestions for changes. The Committee agreed to make the reports available on the Town’s website.
Ms. Wilson noted that she will be making adjustments to the HazMat budget due to a higher level of training and planning. She noted that a reserve is needed for unforeseen/unreimbursed situations.
- Discussion of FY2014 Budget Process
Ms. Wilson stated that the deadline for submitting the Proposed Capital Plan to Council is February 2, 2013 and the Proposed FY2014 Budget is May 2, 2013.
The Committee discussed the budget process. They agreed to read through the budget information and ask questions of the Department Heads versus the Department Heads giving a presentation of the material.
Ms. Wilson stated that she would come up with a proposal for the budget process. The Committee agreed that they did not want the Department Heads to give a presentation of their budgets.
- Adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes are not verbatim. A tape-recorded version is available in the Town Office.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy W. Ward
Administrative Assistant
November 14, 2012 - Community Development-Finance Committee Page 1