WasatchHigh School
Physical Education and Weights
Instructor: Coach Hull, CSCS
Voice Mail: 654-0640 ext. 3753
The curriculum includes learning various weight lifting and fitness activities. Physical fitness testing will be implemented to enable students to see improvement and strive towards goals they have set. In order to reach these goals and get an A in class the student must dress and participate each time they attend class. Student participation is the majority of the grade, so attendance is very important. Students are required to keep up a lift chart marking their daily progress. Students will also do max lifts and other fitness tests throughout the semester. All of these factors will determine the students grade.
Lifts that are required to be performed in class are: Bench press, squat, and core training. Other Olympic lifts such as deadlift and power cleans can also be performed based on student goals of the class. Auxillary lifts will be determined by the student and their personal goals and needs. The weight room is composed of free weights and dumb bells as a majority of the lifts. Proper form and lift techniques will be taught to the students to ensure safety in lifting.
It is my hope and intention to have every student gain knowledge, self-esteem and lifetime fitness skills. Students will be able to perform lifts properly and develop confidence of being around weights and lifting. I am hopeful that students will learn to love working out and make it a priority in their life. I believe each student has different needs and goals as part of their weight training. Students can adjust their lifting program to meet their specific goals and needs. I will be available to help the students make adjustments to their lifting program. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at school during Monday consultation hour, by phone, or by e-mail.
1. Students are to provide themselves with basic items of clothing for class. These clothes are to be kept clean and neat. Each student shall have the following: a) athletic shorts b) t-shirt c) athletic socks, d) tennis shoes. (Sweats are optional)
2. T-Shirts will not be allowed that contain any offensive language or that advertise alcohol, drugs or tobacco. The shirts must be in line with the school dress code. They should not be tight but be comfortable enough for weights or p.e. Tank tops and spaghetti strap shirts will not be permitted in class.
3. The shorts should also be athletic shorts. No boxer shorts or jean shorts will be allowed. Shorts need to follow the school dress code. Shorts need to be at least the length of soccer shorts which is approximately 6 inches in length.
4. No student will be allowed to participate in P.E or Body conditioning if they do not have the proper shoes.
5. The teacher reserves the right to ask any student to change their clothing if their clothes are too tight, offensive, or in any way may cause a disruption to the class. Student may be asked to go to the office as a dress clothes violation.
6. Students are responsible for their clothes and the care and cleaning. Students will not be allowed to participate if they do not have the correct items of clothing.
7. If for any reason the student chooses not dress out they will receive a zero for that day and will do a written assignment in O.S.I. (Opportunities for Student Improvement). Students will only be allowed to make-up one no dress instance by staying after school on Monday during intervention to regain their points. Student must also turn in the completed written assignment they were assigned in O.S.I. before their participation points are regained.
1. Participation is the most important part of the P.E. and Body Conditioning programs. A student cannot expect to do well in the class if they do not participate in all of the class activities.
2. The only exception to active participation in class is the instance of an injury or illness.
a. Should a student have a legitimate illness or injury that requires a student to sit out more than a week of class the student will need to provide a Doctor's note or the parent will need to contact the teacher by phone or e-mail. The student may be assigned a written assignment or may be able to stay in class and dress out with limited participation. The choice will be up to teacher in the students’ best interest. Some instances may require the student to change classes and take the class at a different time if the injury requires inactivity for an extended period of time. Each circumstance will be worked out on an individual basis.
b. If a student is feeling sick then they can notify the teacher to sit out. They can only have one excused sick day a semester in which the student can come in during a Monday intervention to make up the day. If a student is sick and unable to participate they should stay home for the day and get better. Students’ may be given a written assignment to do in OSI if they sit out more than one day. Students’ will also be required to make up participation points for that day.
- P.E. students will be required to participate in fitness testing that is mandated by
the state to complete the course. Students will also participate in a circuit weights and fitness training program. Students will participate in tests required by the fitness facility. Weights classes will have a testing procedure the will also have to meet.
1. The school will provide a locker for each student in the P.E. or Body Conditioning class. Students then become responsible for their locker until the class ends or they transfer from the class. The lockers should be kept clean and free of any destruction, and should only have the students Weight training clothes in them. School books should be left in the students’ book locker. The lock students receive is a rental. If the lock is lost the student will be required to pay a $5 fee.
2. Valuables are discouraged in the locker room. Money should never be left in the lockers. If it is absolutely necessary to have money or valuables they should be left locked up in school hall lockers or left with the teacher. Jewelry such as rings, watches, or big earrings are not allowed in class if they pose a danger in class.
3. Items left out or unlocked are generally lost or stolen for good. THE SCHOOL ISNOTRESPONSIBLE FOR LOST OR STOLEN ITEMS. Please leave valuables at home.
1. Students are asked to help care for the facility and all equipment used. PROPER SHOES ARE REQUIRED.
2. No gum or food is allowed in the gym, weight room, or the football field. Water is the only beverage allowed in the gym.
Equipment is to be handled and used with care. Any disregard or carelessness resulting in loss or breakage will be charged to the student.
The students are expected to show respect to the teachers, fellow students, and the facility. If at any time, there appears to be a problem with any of this, appropriate steps will be taken to correct the problem. Students know that their grade will be affected if they have problems with attitude. Students should never take or tamper with anything that is not theirs.
2. Some of the areas covered in a students’ attitude are the following:
a) No profanity
b) No writing on the walls or lockers
c) No gum or food in class
d) No jewelry that could harm can worn in class
e) No leaving early or tardiness
f) No dishonesty
These problems will be handled as they occur. Students may be given a warning and possibly sent to O.S.I. Students who are in constant violation will receive a “U" in conduct as well as suffer loss of daily points for each problem. If necessary, school administration may be called on, should the problem become disciplinary in nature.
3.Students are never to leave class without permission. They must always check with the teacher before going anywhere. Leaving class without permission for any amount of time will be considered a sluff.
Making Up Absences
Students are only allowed 5 total absence make-ups in the semester. The only exceptions are in the case of activity excused absences or when a parent has communicated with a teacher about an injury or illness that will need more time. This is a participation class where good attendance is required.
Students are required to make-up their absences during Monday consultation hour. They may also make up partial points of their absence during intervention time with the teacher. If a student has not made up their absence during the Monday consultation hour within 2 weeks of their absence they will be required to stay in during class intervention time to make up points. Intervention time will usually account for 3pts, therefore it will take 3 intervention periods to fulfill one full day of participation points. Students can also make up points lost for being tardy for class in the same manner.
Students will be allowed to make-up all school activity absences with verified work outside the classroom. School activities absences must be made up within 2 weeks of the student’s absence. If a student is participating in a high school sport they can have their Coach sign a note to verify they missed for a high school sports activity.
If the event of a special circumstance, parents may contact me and/or provide a physician/therapist note to excuse the student from activity. Parents or students must notify the teacher in advance if the student cannot perform activity during that time. All students are required to participate in fitness and circuit room tests and exercises. If a student is unable to participate in State required fitness testing it is recommended that they provide a note from their physician stating that they cannot perform the test. Some tests can be adapted to the student’s restriction.
Students are responsible to see the teacher to find out if any additional work was missed during their absence as there will be days when we may have had a written assignment.
Students will not be penalized for excessive absences in the case of a school activity. However students will be responsible to make up any missing work for the absence. It is very important for the student to attend class. This class requires daily participation by the student!
- Physical Education and Body Conditioning grades are primarily based on participation. Students must attend class and fully participate to receive a passing grade. Failure to participate will result in a zero given for the day.
a) Absences –Need to be made up a within a week of a students’ return to class.
b)School Activity Absences- Must be made-up as stated above. Student is responsible to make up any work that may have been required that day above normal participation during school intervention time or Monday consultation hour.
c) Suspensions - Students who miss class due to school discipline will be given zeros until work is made up.
d) Tardy - Students must be in class on time. When the bell rings students have 5 minutes to dress and be in their roll lines. If they are not then the students will be given a tardy. The schools policy on tardies will be strictly enforced. Students will also automatically receive a reduction of their daily points. Students that are tardy will be required to stay during intervention and make up the points that they lost by coming in late.
School Attendance Standard
If a student exceeds a combination of 3 absences and/or tardies in any one class within a term, a student will receive a citizenship mark of Unsatisfactory Attendance (UA) for that class unless the student makes up the excess tardies or absences before the end of the term. For athletic, school activity and extracurricular eligibility purposes, a student will not have an UA or a U on their transcript and be eligible to participate, play, tryout, or perform.
Students are subject to the teacher’s daily attendance records. If there is a recorded absence or tardy which is in question, the student may, by checking their SIS daily, contact the teacher within one week of the mismark and bring it to their attention. If there are questions concerning absences, please contact the teacher, then the school attendance office or the school administrator who is in charge of attendance.
If a student receives an UA on their report card, the student is required to make‐up the citizenship.
H = Honor (Exemplarily Citizenship)
S = Satisfactory Citizenship
N = Needs Improvement
U = Unsatisfactory (No credit earned)
UA = Unsatisfactory Attendance (No Credit Earned)
It is very important for the student to attend class and participate. Students are expected to respect their teachers and peers. Students may lose daily points for any of the following:
Participation: fully participating in each day’s activity: stretching, cardiovascular activities, abdominal exercises, games, and drills.
Disrespect: students are required to be quiet and attentive when the teacher or another student is talking. If problem persists other actions may be taken.
Sportsmanship: arguing with team or opposition, cheating, using inappropriate language, or being unnecessarily rough during play. If problem persists other actions may be taken.
Proper attire: having all the clothes necessary to participate safely in class fulfilling the dress code. If student does not have clothes to be fully dressed out, the student will not be allowed to participate.
All P.E. classes will participate in the fitness and circuit room testing program. Weights classes will also participate in a fitness testing program. Grades are accessible 24/7 on the Internet. Efforts are made to mark daily participation points within 24hours of participation; with the exception of the absence of the teacher.
1.Class begins five minutes after the tardy bell to allow students to dress. There is a shower bell with 8 minutes left in class.
2. Students are not allowed to leave before the bell. Attendance is taken randomly before students are dismissed to get dressed. Any students not present during a random roll call will be marked absent and will lose all their daily points. Students will not be allowed to make up points for an unexcused absence.
3.Due to the potential of theft, students will not be allowed in the locker room during class, except for emergencies.
1. Injuries - All injuries should be reported to the teacher as soon as they occur. The gym is equipped with equipment for first aid treatment.
2. Past Health Problems - The teacher should be made aware of any problem that might affect a student in P.E. or weights.
3. Students are to remain in the gym until the bell rings. Students are not allowed to go outside the gym to wait for the bell.
4. Students are asked to keep the teacher informed of anything that might cause them a problem in class. Communicating can often alleviate problems.