Theme 7: Enlightenment and Revolution

Time: 3 weeks (01/03/2017-01/18/2017)

Value: 120points

Theme Due: 01/18/2017

Objective: Students will explore the cultural, social and political developments of the Enlightenment and Revolutionfrom 1700’s to present to continue to assemble the puzzle of history.



The student will examine the intellectual, political, social and economic factors that changed the world view of Europeans.


The student will analyze the age of Revolutions and Rebellions.


The student will analyze globalization in the contemporary world.

DOK’s that you should be able to answer at the end of Theme 7


  1. What does the word Enlightenment mean?
  2. What does the word Revolution mean?
  3. What was the Reign of Terror?
  4. Who was Napoleon?


  1. How did the Renaissance and Reformation contribute to Enlightenment ideology?
  2. How did the Enlightenment contribute to revolution?
  3. Was the Reign of Terror an example of Enlightenment gone wrong or was it an example of Enlightenment?
  4. How did Napoleon use democracy to establish himself as Emperor of France?

Strategic Thinking

  1. The Enlightenment was primarily a movement among the upper or educated classes in European society. How did the Enlightenment directly affect the common man?
  2. How could the Enlightenment be both positive and negative in terms of empowering the masses?
  3. What were the fears of the leadership?
  4. Was the Enlightenment a success or failure? Why or why not?

Extended Thinking

  1. How can you see the direct results of the Enlightenment in the United States? In France?
  2. How are the results alike?Similar?
  3. Does Enlightenment lead to dissatisfaction with current government structures? Why or why not?
  4. What is considered Enlightenment by today’s standards?
  5. Is there a possibility a modern era Reign of Terror?
  6. How can Enlightenment be both a blessing and a curse?
  7. Why are people willing to give up personal freedoms / liberties in exchange for order / stability? Be specific. Your answer may reflect the Napoleonic Era or the Modern Era.

EVERYONE MUST DO THE FOLLOWING: All work below is due by 01/18/2017

  • Crash Course videos: Value: 10 points
  • #29
  • Get the accompanying worksheet from Ms. Ahonen
  • Quia: Homework—unlimited Value 20 points total
  • Enlightenment and Revolution: (secret word: vocab)
  • Quia: Matching Test—one time: Value 20 points total
  • Enlightenment and Revolution (secret word: vocab)
  • Quia 5 Standards Test Three times; best score taken Value: 100 points
  • secret word: revolution
  • Class Activity: Enlightenment
  • Value: 100 points
  • Time: 3 days
  • We will be working to complete a graphic organizer based on readings on Enlightenment philosophers.
  • Major Test over Theme 5: 100 points
  • Testing will cover theDOK’s, notes as well as the class activities.

Organization/ Requirements/ Student Accountability

  • Being given the opportunity to Pick Your Path is a wonderful way to control and monitor learning. However, with such freedom also comes great responsibility. Regardless of the Path that is selected, students must remember the following:
  • Time management is essential for success
  • Class time must be used appropriately
  • All Paths must be completed by the deadline given by the teacher
  • Testing will cover all of the information from the unit regardless of the path you select.
  • The goal of personalized / differentiated instruction is for students to be allowed to monitor their own success. By providing options, students should see an improvement or maintenance of higher averages. However, as with all learning, the success of the instruction is dependent on self-motivation and a desire to achieve.

Pick Your Path of Study Options: Select one of the following

  1. Traditional Lecture / Discussion --Classwork value: 0 points
  2. This option will be assessment based only. This option is good for students who enjoy teacher directed instruction, class discussion and traditionally perform well on test but do not like homework. It should be noted that there must be some time dedicated at home for study so that high scores on assessments can be achieved.
  3. Reading the text and / or selected articles and completing assignments on the readings-- Classwork value: 200 points
  4. This option will be both homework and assessment based. Students will work on the readings and the worksheets during class time and, if done correctly, should require little homework. This option is good for students who want to “just do the work” without teacher lead instruction.
  5. Requirements for this theme:
  6. Complete worksheets
  7. Write a well-developed essay that explains how the Enlightenmentcontributed to the rise of Napoleon.
  8. Write a well-developed essay that analyzes the importance the Enlightenment on the formation of the American Independence movement and the writing of the US Constitution.
  9. Create a map that show the major revolutions that occurred worldwide based on Enlightenment philosophy
  10. Choice (tic tac toe) Board-- Classwork value: 200 points
  11. This option will be project and assessment based. Students will be given a choice (tic tac toe) board with 9 possible assignments. Students must select 3 of the 9 in a tic tac toe pattern of across, down or diagonal for completion. This option is good for students who prefer more self-direction with limited teacher intervention. One item on the board may be done with a partner or group of no more than three people. Students will work on the choice board during class time and, if done correctly, should require little homework.
  12. It is strongly suggested that students that select this option have access to their own technology so that research can be completed during class time.
  13. Book study-- Classwork value: 200 points

The Spirit of Laws, first published in 1750, is a detailed treatise on the structures and theory of government by French political philosopher Baron de Montesquieu. Unlike his well-loved Persian Letters, The Spirit of Laws scandalized the French-it was even banned by the Roman Catholic Church. The fact that it is hardly dated to modern readers is a testament to how revolutionary it must have seemed 250 years ago. Among its comparisons of different forms of governments, such as monarchies, despotic regimes, and republics, is the now-famous section on Montesquieu's concept of the separation of powers, dividing the ruling body into legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Also included is the author's thinking on slavery, religion in government, families and censuses, the influence of climate on politics and culture, and the making of laws.

John Locke laid the groundwork of modern liberalism. He argued that political societies exist to defend the lives, liberties and properties of their citizens, and that no government has any authority except by the consent of the people. When rulers became tyrants and act against the common good, then the people have the right of revolution against them. Writing against the backdrop of Charles II's savage purge of the Whig movement, Locke set out to attack fabric of the divine right of rulers. The rights of property– owners, of Native Americans, and of women and children, the need for economic improvement, the separation of commands, and the nature and limits of consent—these are all topics within Locke's compass, and make his book the subject of intense debate.

Student Name ______

Class Period______

Pick Your Path Decision Form

Please ask to see the sheet for Theme 7 and discuss with your student what would be their best option for success. Once the form is returned, the path cannot be changed.

Pick Your Path

You must return the signed copy of the form, see below, to begin your Path. If you fail to return the form by Wednesday. January 05, 2017 you will automatically be enrolled in option #1.

Path selected:

______1 Traditional Lecture / Discussion

______2 Reading the text with essays and / or selected articles and completing worksheets on the readings

______3 Choice (tic tac toe) Board

______4 Book study

______5 Pre-Approved Independent Study

Parent or Guardian Signature ______

Student Signature ______

Date ______