Name: ______Period: ______Date: ______

Narrative Writing

Directions: Read the two narrative writing prompts below. Choose ONE prompt and follow the directions.

Walk in Boo Radley’s Shoes

Chapter 1

Because the narrative is from Scout’s perspective, we don’t know how the other characters feel. A lot of time is spent in Chapter 1 on the “cult” of Boo Radley, but we never actually meet him.

Directions: Pick any of the situations described in Chapter 1 (his teen years, the night of the arrests, a day in the life of him inside the house, the night of the scissors, etc.) and write a two page narrative about a day in the life from Boo Radley’s perspective OR a short story about Boo Radley. You should include dialogue that will help us get a better sense of who you think this character is based on what we know so far. This is your opportunity to be creative!

Your account should:

  • Be two pages, double-spaced, 12 size font, TYPED.
  • Use specific examples from the text.
  • Show an understanding of Boo’s character through your use of description and dialogue.
  • Provide a vivid, realistic depiction of a conversation between Boo and another character (his mom, his dad, his friends, etc.).
  • Conclude in a sensible, realistic way.
  • Use spelling and grammar appropriate to the context of the story.

Walk in Miss Caroline’s Shoes

Chapter 2

Because the narrative is from Scout’s perspective, we don’t know how the other characters feel.

Directions:Write a two page narrative about Miss Caroline’s perspective OR a short story about her first day that describes Miss Caroline’s thoughts and emotions throughout her first day of school. You should include dialogue that will help us get a better sense of who you think this character is based on what we know so far. This is your opportunity to be creative!

Guidelines to keep in mind as you write:

  • Be two pages, double-spaced, 12 size font, TYPED.
  • Use specific examples from the text.
  • Show an understanding of Miss. Caroline’s character through your use of description and dialogue.
  • Provide a vivid, realistic depiction of a conversation between Miss. Caroline and another character.
  • Conclude in a sensible, realistic way.
  • Use spelling and grammar appropriate to the context of the story.