Wakefield High School PTSA

Board Meeting Minutes

September 18, 2013

Attendees: Cheryl Buchanan, Karen Brown, Jean Duffy, Deana Byrd, Jessica Martz, Melissa Warlick, Michael Eley, Tripp Crayton, DeBora King, Cheryl Leshnock, Becky Pyrch, Sylvia Mazuera, Nicole Lawson, Nicole Luna, and Lynn Stuchel.

Call to Order: 6:30pmDeBora King

Welcome & IntroductionsDeBora King

Approval of MinutesLynn Stuchel

A motion was made to approve the Minutes as written from the 5/13/13 WHS PTSA Board Meeting. First: Cheryl Leshnock, Second: Jean Duffy. All approved. Motion passed.

A motion was made to approve the Minutes as written from the 8/13/13 WHS PTSA Kick-Off Board Meeting. First: Karen Brown, Second: Jean Duffy. All approved. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s ReportDeana Byrd

  • $11,515 in Mistletoe Market income to date.
  • The No Shave donation to Autism and the School Benevolent Fund line items will be separated.

Principal’s ReportTripp Crayton

  • 2496 students is our current enrollment. There are 667 9th graders, 699 10th graders, 587 11th graders, and 543 12th graders.
  • By race, WHS has 5.4% Asian, 30.2% Black, 13.3% Hispanic, 47.1% White, and 4% Other students enrolled.
  • 20 new faculty and staff were hired this year for a total of 197 faculty and staff members at WHS. There was a resignation of a math teacher on the same day teachers started and a great new teacher is coming on board; however, he has to be released from his current school so in the meantime the math teachers have done an outstanding job working with all of the classes and giving up their planning period to ensure students are getting consistent instruction.
  • Early Release Day next Friday, 9/27/13. Teachers will be continuing to focus on the use of technology in the classroom. “Try Something New” is the big push for this year.
  • 85.3% of our students graduated last year as part of the 4-year cohort (started 9th grade in 2009). The Leadership Team and Student Services are working hard to determine even more interventions to put in place to assist struggling students.
  • There is an $800+ million Bond to be voted on for a Proposed School Building Progam. See the wcpss.net website for more details as well as attached sheet.

Upcoming Events: Sept. 27th- WHS Career Fair on Main Campus

Oct. 5th- Heart of Carolina Marching Band Competition

Week of Oct. 7th- Homecoming Events

Oct. 16th- PSAT

8 + Club ReportJessica Martz

Ms. Martz advised that there are 45 students who are 4th year seniors who need more that 8 classes to graduate this year. This club partners with Business Alliance members, Dr. Inscoe, and professional volunteers to work with these students in goal setting, time-management, overcoming obstacles, and job seeking skills. They are provided with food donations to keep them on campus during lunch and these students are encouraged to take online courses and complete summer school to get the classes needed to graduate.

Student Body Representative ReportMichael Eley

Michael reported that students seem to be more connected this year than in the past and that there is an overall good feeling about WHS. DeBora asked Michael to determine what the climate is like around the school clubs and update us at the next meeting. She also asked Michael to assist the PTSA in finding a second student representative.

President’s ReportDeBora King

  • Sylvia Mazuera, nominee for the Advocacy Chair Board position was introduced. Motion for Sylvia for this position Lynn Stuchel. Second: Karen Brown. All approved. Motion passed.
  • Mr. Raj (cafeteria manager) has asked if the PTSA can sponsor his annual membership to School Nutrition Association in the amount of $47.50. Following a discussion Lynn Stuchel made a motion that we not agree to pay these dues because it will set precedence with other staff members who may want to join a professional organization. Second: Karen Brown. All approved. Motion passed.
  • DeBora introduced a new folder which will remain in the PTSA mailbox for Executive Board and Membership Chairs to access. This is in an effort to not have checks for Membership, Mistletoe Market, etc. loose in the mailbox. They will instead each have their own slot in the folder.
  • DeBora is in the process of revising volunteer position descriptions. Thank you to Donna Blakely for providing names and contact information for those interested in volunteering.

Open Committee Positions: Lamp of Knowledge, iContact, Bulletin Boards, Just Think First Liaison, Business Alliance Liaison, School Improvement Plan Representative, Grocery/Retail/Scips Program, Student Body Representative.

Proposed New Committee Positions: Freshman Center Liaison, Volunteer Coordinator, Communications Chairperson

Committee Reports

Communications ReportDeBora King

  • DeBora is meeting with a senior student on Friday to discuss her assisting the PTSA with media communications on Facebook and Twitter. This student has been asked, but is not interested in being our second Student Body Representative.

Lamp of Knowledge/Honor Roll ReportDeBora King

  • Monica Sawyer, Teacher of the Year, will speak at the Lamp of Knowledge Breakfast on 9/20/13. 225
  • Sophomores, 174 Juniors,and 154 Seniors are receiving this award for maintaining a 3.75 weighted GPA for the prior academic year.

AIM/PRIDE Report Cheryl Buchanan

  • Teachers are to turn in names to Ms. Thomas by Wednesday, Oct. 18th for AIM recipients with distribution of awards on Thursday, Oct. 24th.
  • Assistant Principal, Mr. Robinson, is working with the Positive Behavior Intervention and Support team to discuss PRIDE plans for the year.

Hospitality ReportNicole Luna

  • Nicole reported that she is working on getting volunteers to donate food and do set up/take down for the Lamp of Knowledge breakfast on 9/20/13. Many donations still needed to serve the 553 students. Sign up is through Sign up Genius.

Newsletter ReportMelissa Warlick

  • 9/30/13 is the deadline for Newsletter articles for the October newsletter

Membership ReportDeBora King

  • DeBora reported for Donna that 162 parents, 105 students, and 14 faculty have joined PTSA. Donna is requesting suggestions for increasing membership. A discussion took place regarding doing raffles for faculty and students.

Cultural Arts/Celebrate My Drive ReportLynn Stuchel

  • Lynn reported that after attending the Cultural Arts Vendor Fair, she does not recommend spending Cultural Arts funds on a United Arts sponsored vendor due to restraints in what they offer that can reach all of our WHS students (limited to Smart Lunch). A discussion ensued as to where this $1200 could be better spent to benefit all of the students. Ms. Martz reported that the Multi-Cultural Fest, hosted and sponsored by the National Achiever’s Club is going to move to an every other year basis. Motion by Lynn Stuchel to move the $1200 in Cultural Arts to the Teacher Appreciation line item for this year to support the school staff and thus the students. Second: Cheryl Buchanan. All approved. Motion passed.
  • Celebrate My Drive will take place October 18-26, 2013. Anyone 14 years of age or older can go online every day and pledge to be a safe driver. Ten $100,000 grants and ninety $25,000 grants will be awarded to schools who receive the most votes. 90% of the grant money can be used as the school determines and 10% goes to a driver education program (such as Just Think First). State Farm will provide shirts, banners, balloons, backpacks & videos at football games to encourage involvement. The two winning schools will be able to attend a free Kelly Clarkson concert. Voting progress can be checked on Facebook & Twitter. There will be a big push to get students, faculty, parents, etc. to vote. Computers will be set up in the entry way each day during lunch so students who do not have a smart phone can vote during lunch time. Dr. Wells is going around to all the classes to promote the program. Lynn Stuchel to coordinate PTSA volunteers to man the computer stations.

Mistletoe Market ReportKaren Brown

  • Advisors have been emailed to get club members registered as volunteers for the Nov. 16th event.
  • Adult volunteers are also needed.
  • A set up/take down chair is needed and will be trained.
  • Advertising is in place with 919 magazine, the Howler, and flyers to be distributed to businesses and neighborhoods.
  • Karen requested Dept. Head information so she can contact them regarding the basket raffle donations.
  • We will continue with the Food Drive at the event, with $1 off admission with a canned good.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:10 pm.DeBora King

Minutes Respectfully Submitted,

Lynn Stuchel, Secretary