Welcome to the Parish Church of St Laurence Frodsham

“To know God and to make God known”

Newsletter 1st October2017

Sunday1st October HARVEST Thanksgiving
Readings at the Eucharists: Deuteronomy 28.1-14; 2 Corinthians 9.6-15; Luke 17.11-19(Not in Missal)
8.00am Holy Eucharist
Lessons read by Rosemary Healey
10.00am Parish Eucharist and Junior Church
Lessons read by Heather Powling and Julia Garfitt
Intercessions: Gill Newcombe
Hymns: 101,138, 137 (52 during communion) 534
After the service we serve refreshments – time for a chat- please do stay
3.00pm Frodsham Players are in church
6.30pm Evensong
Readings:Deuteronomy 8.7-18; Luke 12.16-30
Lessons read byCatherine Tweedy
Hymns:101,302, 21, 534
Monday 9.00am Prayers to start the day
Tuesday 9.00am Prayers to start the day
9.30am Mums and Tots in the Parish Hall
2.00pm A.C.F.meeting in the Parish Hall - 'Hotter Shoes'. All welcome
7.00pm Holy Eucharist
Wednesday 8.50am Tea and Toast served in church
10.00am Holy Eucharist
10.45am Shake, Rattle and Pray - in church. A song, story and fun for pre-school children
3.30pm Messy Church in church -
5.00pm Prayers to end the day
6.00pm Café Church in Costa
7.30pm World War One - group are showing the film 'Passcendale' in church.
Certificate 15 .There is no charge for this event. All welcome
Doors open at 6.45pm film at 7.30pm refreshments
This award winning films – runs 110 minutes
9.15am Frodsham CE School Welcome Service for their Reception Class
Help requested in serving refreshments after this service
10.00am St. Laurence Church coffee morning in the Parish Hall
11.00am Holy Eucharistin the Parish Hall
(11.30am Holy Communion at Ashley Court – postponed until next week
6.30pm Wedding rehearsal in church
7.30pm Choir practice
Friday 9.00am Prayers to start the day
1.00 - 3.00pm Food Bank in the Fire Station
2.30pm Wedding of Tony McNally and Patricia Bennett
7.45 - 9.00pm Bell Ringers practice - all welcome
Saturday 9.30am Prayers to start the day
10.00am-3.00pm 'Getting ready for confirmation'meeting in church.
You will need to bring a picnic lunch as we explore what it means to be confirmed.
Sunday 8th October TRINITY 17
Readings at the Eucharists: Isaiah 5:1-7, Philippians 4:6-9, Matthew21:33-43 (page 462)
8.00am Holy Eucharist
10.00am Parish Eucharist with Junior Church and prayers for healing
6.30pm Evensong
Readings: Proverbs 2:1-11, 1 John 2:1-17
7.45pm Philosophy in Pubs - 'What is Consciousness' meeting in the Ring O'Bells. All welcome
Please pray for:
Sick: Martin Bann, Margaret Bett, Linda Blease, Irene Bons Nathaniel Oultram, Joan Pearsall, Alwyn Pye,
Sylvia Ruscoe, Lorraine Upton, David Wright
Departed: Pat Griffiths, Stephen Nickson, Geoff Bean
Anniversaries: Carolyn Lesley Harris, Sarah Jane Turner, Victoria Jane Furlong, Gordon William Youd,
Carol Wade, Irene Wright

Harvest Gifts will be divided between Halton Haven and Save the Family.

We have changed the code to open the churchplease contact a warden or Fr Michael if you need this.

Messy Church on Wednesday 4th October in church at 3.30pm. All children and families welcome. For more information or to offer help please contact Chris Wilding (01928 733680).

Great Frodsham Bake Off Competition! - On Saturday 14th October in the Parish Hall. Categories are: Victoria Sponge, Fruit Cake, Tray Bake, Cupcake and Youth Bake. Enter the competition or come along to try and buy!Open for judging at 10am and for sale from 10.30am.Café serving refreshments and CAKE - lots of cake!! All monies raised will go to St Laurence Church General Funds.Entry forms available from Dandelions, Celebrations, Cheshire Dog Grooming Studio, the table at the back of Church or by email or attached to this

Faith and Modernity -Tuesday, 24th October at 8.00 pm. at 10 Eversley Close. Further discussion of Elaine Graham's latest book "Apologetics without Apology" - Chapter 5 "Learning to 'speak Christian'".

Mothers'Unionmeeting in the Parish Hall on Wednesday 11th October at 2.00pm. Speaker Audrey

Sharman: 'There's more to it than cards'.

Have you ever thought of coming to The Holy Land? Now is your chance. Come next April to discover it for yourself, to find out more 'phone Daniel or Mavis 01928 732745.

Confirmation. Anyone else for confirmation? Bishop Libby is coming on 22nd October and we are holding“getting ready for confirmation day” – on Saturday 7th October from 10am – 3pm Please contact Fr Michael if this is something that you would like to do.

Gates We recently received an anonymous donation stating that it be was to used specifically to have the porch gates and the gate from the car park painted. We are very grateful to the donor for this generous gift, thank you. The gates look better and it will also help preserve them for years to come.

Save the Family Need Volunteers Join a dedicated team of friendly and helpful staff and volunteers and contribute massively to our work. From working in the office to the outdoors there are a range of positions and skill levels available. It’s a perfect way to spend a few hours, refresh a CV, meet new people and use your skills while helping others in need.For more information and to discuss further, contact Jocelyn Horton, on 01244 333 829 or

Annual Vouchers from the Town Council – application forms and a “post” box are at the back of church.

Access from the car park - through the gate leading to the back of the church will be blocked on

Monday morning 2nd October between 8.00-9.00am. This is to enable the tree roots to be cleared from the drain near the turret door (down the steps to the right)

Harvest Decoration thank you to the folk who came and decorated the church for our harvest. And to the those who have produced the weaved baskets which are around the font.

From the service last week

Items for the newsletter to Pam - or by Saturday noon to

Fr. Michael 733378/

Tuesday Mums and Tots is thriving with lots of “customers” but we are a little short of adult helpers.

Making drinks/ helping in the kitchen/ talking to folk Might that be something you could do occasionally on a Tuesday morning in the Parish hall? Please contact Jane Ruscoe 733163 for more details.

Church Choir Choir practice, in church Thursdays at 7.30 - Anyone with an interest in singing is welcome. Being able to sight-read is a bonus, but not necessary! Those interested either speak to Tom Cameron, David Fayle, or a member of the choir or contact Tom by email

Bell Ringers Ringing practice Fridays 7.45pm-9.00pm. Lower vestry unlocked until 8.00pm All Welcome.

We believe in inclusive Church - church which does not discriminate, on any level, on grounds of

economic power, gender, mental health, physical ability, race or sexuality. We believe in Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ; which is scripturally faithful; which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation; and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all

people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ." The PCC agreed a

few weeks ago that we would like to begin the process of joining - Fr Michael would love to hear your opinions.