Strategic Planning Guide

Thisfour-partguidewill serve as the Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Prevention Planning deliverable. It outlines the sections and content of the planning process that must be completed and entered/uploaded into MOSAIX IMPACT no later thanMarch 30, 2017. The purpose of this guide is toprovide instructions on how to:

  • Part 1: Identify the problem statement (behavior), needs assessment, and goals and objectives; and enter them intoMOSAIX IMPACT.
  • Part 2: Completea strategic plan that addresses the first three Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) steps (assessment, capacity, planning), health disparities, cultural competence, and sustainability; and upload to MOSAIX IMPACT.
  • Part 3: Completea logic model that states the problem and identifies goals, risk factors, contributing local factors / underlying conditions, and activities/strategies;and upload to MOSAIX IMPACT.
  • Part 4: Submit Request(s) for Funding Proposal(s) for prevention planning tasks.

Recommended Method for Completion: First, complete the Strategic Plan and Logic Model using Word, Excel, etc. Then, use instructions to enter Part 1 information in MOSAIX IMPACT. Next, use instructions to upload the Strategic Plan and the Logic Model in MOSAIX IMPACT.

If you have any questions about the deliverable, please contact your assigned Regional Capacity Coach, Michelle Nienhius, or Crystal Gordon.

DAODAS / Michelle Nienhius / 803-896-1184

DAODAS / Crystal Gordon / 803-896-7228

REGION 1 / Lou Anne Johnson, Regional Capacity Coach (RCC) / O: 864- 467-3778, C: 864-360-4822
/ Interim RCC for: Aiken, Berkeley, Dorchestercounties
REGION 2 / Ashley Bodiford, Regional Capacity Coach (RCC) / O: 803-726-9443,C: 803-201-9092
/ Interim RCC for: Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Calhoun, Colleton, Orangeburg counties
REGION 3 / Dawn Blackmon, Regional Capacity Coach (RCC) / O: 843-664-3963, C: 843-229-3911
/ Interim RCC for: Allendale, Charleston, Hampton, Jasper counties
REGION 4 / TBD / TBD / Please contact your Interim Regional Capacity Coachuntil further notice is provided.

Part 1: Needs Assessment and Planning

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the following information for the priority substancethat was identified through your needs assessment and addressed in your Capacity Plan. Enter the information into MOSAIX IMPACT by March 30, 2017.

  1. Problem Statement (Go tothe “Assess” Tab, click on “Identify Problem Behavior”): If needed, new problem statements can be added by clicking on “+ NEW” on the “Problem Behavior” page. Identify the problem (i.e.,youth alcohol use) and explain why it is an issue in your county. The problem statement / problem behavior should identify, at a minimum, the risk factors that contribute to the problem. An asterisk (*) is placed by each response that is required in MOSAIX IMPACT.
  • Organization*: Your agency’s name
  • Problem Behavior Title*: Based on your understanding of the data associated with the identified substance, what are the local risk factors impacting the problem issue? What are the local conditions or causesfor the risk factor(s) to exist in your county? These reasons are the key links to identifying appropriate strategies.
  • Click on “SAVE” to ensure that all information is recorded in MOSAIX IMPACT. Failure to save may result in the need to re-enter information.
  1. Needs Assessment (Go to the “Assess” Tab, click on “My Needs Assessment”): Enter a needs assessment page in its entirety for each assessment that was conducted (e.g., focus group(s) community survey, CTC survey, key informant interviews). If needed, new needs assessment pages can be added by clicking on “+ NEW” on the “My Needs Assessment” page. List information in the needs assessment sections below; anexplanation of each section is provided. An asterisk (*) is placed by each response that is required in MOSAIX IMPACT.
  • Organization*: Your agency’s name
  • Assessment Title*: Name of county, data collection tool, and the year implemented (e.g.,Marshall County: CTC survey – 2016, Marshall County: Adult focus group – 2016)
  • Assessment Period*: Indicate the “Start Date” (when the assessment began) and the “End Date” (when the assessment ended).
  • Date Collected*: Date you received or analyzedthe data
  • Problem Behaviors(s)*: Select the appropriate problem statement from the drop-down menu.
  • Target Substances*: From the findings of the needs assessment being addressed, what is the problem substance? Choose from the drop-down menu.
  • Additional Substance Addressed: Based on the information collected through this needs assessment, what other substances were identified as problems?
  • Geographic Setting(s) Served*: Using the drop-down menu, choose the appropriate area from which the information was collected.
  • Community Setting(s) Served: Using the drop-down menu, choose the appropriate setting from which the information was collected.
  • Target Race*: Did the data from this needs assessment indicate that a particular race is more affected by the substance problem? Choose the appropriate response from the drop-down menu. (NOTE: The answer to this question can potentially indicate a health disparity.)
  • Target Age Group(s)*: Did the data from this needs assessment indicate that a particular age group is more affected by the substance problem? Choose the appropriate response from the drop-down menu. (NOTE: The answer to this question can potentially indicate a health disparity.)
  • Grade Level(s) Served: If the needs assessment conducted utilized certain school grades, indicate the grade level(s) of the students who participated.
  • Targeted Subpopulation: Did the data from this needs assessment indicate that a particular subgroup of the population is more affected by the substance problem? Choose the appropriate response from the drop-down menu. (NOTE: The answer to this question can potentially indicate a health disparity.)
  • Targeted ZIP Codes: Did the data from this needs assessment indicate a particular geographic area was more affected by the substanceproblem? If “yes,” click on the “Target Zip Code” plus sign(+) to identify that area through its ZIP Code(s). (NOTE: The answer to this question can potentially indicate a health disparity.) If no targeted area was identified, please do not click on the plus sign (+);you will be required to enter information if you click on this button.
  • Needs, Resources and Gaps*: Gap analysis is conducted to help us see where we are now (current state) and where we want to be (future state). What data, resources, or elements of community readiness are missing that hinder your ability to assess the problem or to address the problem to the highest degree?
  • Findings of EPI Data*: Summarize your findings to include:
  • a brief description on the process used to collect data;
  • data to support why the risk factors were chosen; and
  • data to explain why the risk factors are problems in your community
  • Target Risk Factors*: Using the drop-down menu, choose the risk factors identified through this assessment. (Data to support the risk factor should be evident in the EDP summary.)
  • Target Protective Factors*: Using the drop-down menu, choose the protective factors identified through this assessment. (Data to support the protective factor should be evident in the information provided through the EPI Data and/or the Needs, Resources and Gaps summaries.)
  • Click on “SAVE” to ensure all information is recorded in MOSAIX IMPACT; failure to save may result in the need to re-enter information.
  1. Goal(Go to the “Plan” Tab, click on “Identify Goals”): Goals are the observable andmeasurable endresultsthat you want to achieve. If needed, you can create new goals by clicking on “+ NEW” on the “Goal List” page. List information in the goals sections below; an explanation of each section is provided. An asterisk (*) is placed by each response that is required in MOSAIX IMPACT.
  • Organization*: Your agency’s name.
  • Link to Strategic Plan: Leave this section blank.
  • Problem Behavior*: Select the appropriate problem statement from the drop-down menu.
  • Goal Title*: Should clearly identify theproblemto address (i.e.,underage alcohol use) and the desired change you hope to achieve (i.e., a decrease in consumption or its related-consequences).
  • Goal Start Date*: Month, day, and year that the strategic planaddressing theproblem is identified and put into action.
  • Goal Targeted Achieve By Date*: Month, day, and year by which you hope to achieve the goal. For our purposes, we are using a five (5)-year measure.
  • Goal Outcome Description*: Indicatethetype of change needed(i.e., decrease or increase), overall measure / level of change anticipated, measures used to gauge whether the goal is met over a specific time period, and the data source that will be used to measure the change (e.g., “Reduce underage alcohol use by __ percentage points, from __% in 2016 to __% in 2021[Youth Community Survey]”).
  • Progress Indicators*: These are predetermined benchmarks used as “check-in” points to monitor incremental progress toward reaching the goal. Progress indicators are written using the same format as the Goal Outcome Description, but use a one (1)- or two (2)-year measure (e.g., “Reduce past youth 30-day alcohol use by__ percentage points, from __% in 2016 to __% in 2018 [Youth Community Survey]”). If needed, click on “+” to add progress indicators.
  • Click on “SAVE” to ensure all information is recorded in MOSAIX IMPACT; failure to save may result in the need to re-enter information.
  1. Objectives (Go to the “Plan” Tab, click on “Identify Objectives”): Objectives are also observable and measurable. If needed, you can create new objectives by clicking on “+ NEW” on the “Objective List” page. List information in the objectives sections below; an explanation of each section is provided. An asterisk (*) is placed by each response that is required in MOSAIX IMPACT.
  • Organization*: Your agency’s name
  • Goal Title*: Select the appropriate goal title from the drop-down menu.
  • Objective Title*: The desired change you wish to see in the Contributing Local Factor (CLF) or Risk Factor (i.e., Youth Access to Alcohol). Each CLF / Risk Factor identifiedin the needs assessment constitutes a new objective.
  • Objective Description / Outcome*: The desired level of change in the CLF / Risk Factor over a three (3)-year period (e.g., “To Decrease Easy Access of Alcohol to Minors by __ percentage points from __% in 2016 to __% in 2019, as measured by Youth Community Survey”).
  • Objective Start Date*: Month, day, and year that the strategic plan addressing the problem is identified and put into action.
  • Objective Target Achieve By Date*: Month, day, and year by which you hope to achieve the objective. For our purposes, we are using a three (3)-year measure.
  • Objective Outcomes*: These are the benchmarks used to measure progress. Enter theprocess objectives that you hope to achieve by the end of the fiscal year, and enter your six (6)-month benchmarks. At a minimum, annual benchmarks are to be set. If needed, click on “+” to add objective outcomes.
  • Click on “SAVE” to ensure all information is recorded in MOSAIX IMPACT; failure to save may result in the need to re-enter information.
  1. Program (Go to the “Plan” Tab, click on “Identify Programs”): Enter a program page for each program that you plan to use to address the problem. If needed, you can create a new program by clicking on “+ NEW” on the “Identify Program” page. List information in the program sections below; an explanation of each section is provided. An asterisk (*) is placed by each response that is required in MOSAIX IMPACT.
  • Organization*: Your agency’s name
  • Program Type*: Select the appropriate program type from the drop-down menu.
  • Program Title*: Name of program. Include county name in the program title. If the program is not funded by the Block Grant, also include the name of the project that funds the program.
  • Program Description: Brief description/overview of program
  • Start Date*: Month, day, and year that the program is expected to start.
  • Target Completion Date*: Month, day, and yearby which you anticipate the objectives will be met. We are using a three (3)-year measure.
  • Program Objectives*: Indicate the type or area of capacity that you plan to build and/or the type of impact you plan to make on CLF / Risk Factors (e.g., “increase perception of risk”).
  • Program IOM Category*: Select the appropriate IOM category from the drop-down menu.
  • Primary Strategy*: Select the most appropriate CSAP strategy type from the drop-down menu.
  • Service Codes*: Select all service codes that will be used to enter the program’s direct and indirect service time (including time spent planning).
  • Program Outcomes*: Select the annual date for yearly outcomes based on a three (3)-year process.
  • Program Status*: Select the appropriate program status from the drop-down menu.
  • Click on “SAVE” to ensure all information is recorded in MOSAIX IMPACT; failure to save may result in the need to re-enter information.

NOTE: 1) It will be easier to complete Part 1 (needs assessment and planning) if you complete Part 2 (strategic plan) first. The strategic plan can be used to complete much of the information required under the “Assess” and “Plan” tabs in MOSAIX IMPACT; and 2) At this time, you are not required to enter “Activities” into MOSAIX IMPACT for programs you identified in your strategic plan.

Part 2: Strategic plan

INSTRUCTIONS: Use Word, Excel, etc., to provide information for each section of your strategic plan. An explanation of key information to include in each section (Introduction through Sustainability Statement) is provided. Note that most of this information was previously collected through your needs assessment and addressed in your Capacity Plan. After you complete the plan, upload it to MOSAIX IMPACT, by March 30, 2017.

  1. Please provide information foreachsection of your strategic plan, as described below. An explanation of key information to include in each section (Introduction through Sustainability Statement) is provided. Note that most of this information was previously collected through your needs assessment and addressed in your Capacity Plan.


  • A brief description of your community (including any demographic information, or other information related to cultural or environmental factors, that is relevant to the issue)
  • You may want to include a vision statement regarding the substance being addressed.
  • An overview of your coalition, community partners, and others who have been involved in working with you on each step of the SPF process

A Statement of Problem / Needs & Resources Assessment: Using the information collected through your needs assessment process, describe the basic problems related to the identified substance, target age group, target areas of community, target populations, and/or subpopulations, etc. Include the following information in your summary:

  • Key data sources you have accessed to determine community need (i.e.,archival, program, and/or survey data sources)
  • Concerns or issues regarding the quality or availability of these data sources
  • Data that most stood out for your coalition/ collaboration council as you worked through the assessment step
  • Principle findings from the Needs Resources Assessment that have influenced the direction and choice of the identified substance and the prevention programs and/or strategies being used to address the issues
  • Identified risk factorfor the priority area and the data to support it
  • Identified underlying conditions for each risk factor and the data to support each one. Example: If easy access to alcohol is the risk factor, then failure of merchants to check IDs may be the underlying condition.
  • Description of any identified data gaps in the county and the plans to address them

Health Disparities Statement: From your assessment, were any groups identified that have systematically experienced greater obstacles to health based on their race or ethnicity; religion; socioeconomic status; gender; age; mental health; cognitive, sensory, or physical disability; sexual orientation or gender identity; or geographic location? Are thereother characteristics historically linked to discrimination or exclusion that have disproportionate effects on substance abuse for populations in your community? If so, please list these populations and provide the data/evidence used to determine this.

Note: An examination of health disparitiesis a priority for the SAMHSA/CSAP Prevention Block Grant. In your assessment analysis, consider differences regarding the consumption patterns and/or consequences of use byethnicity, religion, gender, age, geography, and socioeconomic status; language and literacy; sexual identity; and disability.

Capacity: Please list:

  • The key sectors (e.g., municipal government, education, prevention, treatment, health care, law enforcement, social service) that are actively engaged with prevention efforts
  • Key stakeholders and other individuals from sectors not yet representedthat will be engaged
  • Plans to enhance capacity and readiness related to each strategy
  • Identify specific partners, sectors, and stakeholders whose readiness needsto be raised.
  • Consider the need for information-sharing, training, experience, and commitment from local agencies and coalitions.
  • Identify who is responsible for carrying out those activities, including work that outside partners will provide.

Planning: There should be a logical link between the community needs assessment, the proposed strategies, and ultimately the proposed outcomes. Please provide:

  • The rationale for each selected activity (conceptual fit, practical fit, link to research, how intervening variables were considered in the planning and identification of strategies)
  • If the evidence-based programs will be modified to apply to your community, describe how these modifications will be made and how fidelity to the model will be ensured.
  • If the evidence-based programs will be supplemented with other best practices, describe the proposed changes.
  • Describe how the selected strategies will produce sustained outcomes.
  • How do the proposed programs/strategies relate to the Institute of Medicine (IOM)’s service categories?
  • Are the chosen interventions Universal, Selective, or Indicated?
  • Identify the stakeholders or organizations that will assist in the implementation of strategies and explain how their help will ensure cultural competency.

Cultural Competence Statement: