/ / Opp ID
Reg date

Volunteering Opportunity Registration Form

(Please complete this form for each type of volunteer task. If you require more forms you can either photocopy an original or contact the VCs for additional ones.)

  • This form is for organisations wanting to advertise their volunteering opportunities – your

organisation must be registered with us first.

  • The details on this form will be provided to prospective volunteers, who will make their

decision to find out more, based on the information provided.

  • The opportunity title and description will also be available on the web.
  • Please be informative, so that prospective volunteers will understand what the role entails, and whether they might be suitable.
  • There are lots of organisations looking for volunteers, so this is your chance to sell yourself!

Organisation Details: / Contact person for opportunity:
Name: / Name:
Address: / Position:
Postcode: / Email:
Volunteering Opportunity Title:
Ongoing Yes / No If No please indicate:- Start Date: End date:
Days and Times Required () / Details of the hours:
Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu /


/ Sat / Sun
AM /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
PM /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
Eve /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
Volunteer Placement : Full Time  Part Time  Short Term 
Description of Opportunity:
(This is your chance to promote your opportunity to prospective volunteers. It is recommended you are informative, and word the details like an advert) Suggest 50-100 words
Is there a minimum period of time the volunteer is expected to serve in the role?
Desirable skills/qualifications/experience for the opportunity
Location of volunteer placement (if different from above)
Directions/public transport details to the volunteer placement
Recruitment Methods (Please tick)
Application Form /  / References / 
Informal Discussion /  / Trial Period / 
Interviews /  / Criminal Record Declaration / 
CRB Check / 
Do you provide expenses? (Please tick)
Travel /  / Food / 
Childcare /  / Other / 
Phone/postage / 
How accessible is the placement building?
(e.g. wheelchair access, toilet, lift, stairs, floors)
Do volunteers undergo induction, training or accreditation? (Please give details)
Will volunteers be working on their own?
What sort of support is offered to the volunteers?
Are there any age restrictions?
Is there anyone who is not suitable for this role?
How often and when do you recruit and train volunteers?
Could this opportunity be suitable for volunteers with additional support needs?
Approx how many volunteers would you like?
Any other comments?

Would you like your opportunity to be advertised on the volunteering web-site ‘do-it’? Yes  No 

This opportunity may be advertised in our bulletin and other publicity from time to time.

I give permission for the above information to be held on computer for the use of the Volunteer

Centres/ UCAN in the Bradford MDC areaYes No

Name: ………………………………………………………Signature: ………………………………………

(block capitals please)

Position: ……………………………………………………Date: ………………………

Please return your completed form to:

Volunteering Bradford

19-25 Sunbridge Road




Tel: 01274 725434 / 720779Email: