K. H. Beck
VITA OF KENNETH H. BECK, Professor, Department of Behavioral and Community Health,
University of Maryland School of Public Health, College Park, Maryland 20742.
Address:10517 Martellini Drive, Laurel, Maryland 20723
Telephone:Home: (301) 490-2728
Work: (301) 405-2527
FAX:(301) 314-9167
Date of Birth:December 18, 1950
Place of Birth:Philadelphia, PA
Ph.D.Social Psychology, 1977; Syracuse University
Syracuse, New York
M.A.Social Psychology, 1975; Syracuse University
Syracuse, New York
B.S.Psychology, 1972; Pennsylvania State University
University Park, Pennsylvania
Additional Formal Training:
NIH Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, University of Connecticut Health Center, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Community Health, 1977-1979.
Honors and Citations:
2011Beck-Feldman Research Award, created to honor outstanding
department undergraduate researchers in recognition of the
research careers of Drs. Beck and Feldman.
2009AAHB Conference Outstanding Research Poster
2005Maryland Highway Safety Office, Impaired Driving Award
2003Who’s Who in Health Science Education
2000Elected Fellow, the American Academy of Health Behavior
1999 – 2009University of Maryland “Rainmaker Award” – awarded to top
faculty members with most external funding support
1995Elected Member, the International Council on Alcohol,
Drugs and Traffic Safety
1994Doris Sands Outstanding Teacher Award, College of Health
and Performance, University of Maryland
1986Who's Who Among Human Service Professionals
1985Golden Key National Honor Society, Chartering Honorary Member
1984Who's Who in Frontier Science and Technology
1980Men of Achievement
1980Who's Who in the East
1999 - 2000Sabbatical Research, National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development,
Prevention Research Branch, Rockville, Maryland
1996 - 1999Director of Graduate Studies,
Department of Health Education
University of Maryland
1996 - 1999Adjunct Professor of Preventive
Department of Preventive Medicine/ Biometrics
F. Edward He’bert School of Medicine
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
1995 - presentProfessor,
Department of Behavioral and Community Health
(Formerly Department of Health Education)
University of Maryland
1984 - 1995Associate Professor,
Department of Health Education
University of Maryland
1980 - 1995 Director of Research,
Safety Education Center
University of Maryland
1979 - 1984Assistant Professor,
Department of Health Education
University of Maryland
1977 - 1979Postdoctoral Research in Health
Behavior, Department of Behavioral
Sciences and Community Health,
University of Connecticut Health Center
1975 - 1977Instructor,
Department of Psychology
Syracuse University
1975 - 1976Research Assistant,
Department of Psychology,
Syracuse University
1972 - 1975Teaching Assistant,
Department of Psychology,
Syracuse University
Chapters in Edited Books:
Beck, K.H. (1991). Horrendous death, health and well-being. In D. Leviton (Ed.), Human response to threat. (pp. 31 – 47). New York: Hemisphere Publishing Corporation.
Beck, K.H. (1989). A survey of fire protective behaviors and beliefs in a college population. In R.H.L. Feldman and J.H. Humphrey (Eds.), Advances in health education: Current research (pp. 137 – 144). New York: AMS Press, Inc.
Journal Articles:
Beck, K.H. & Watters, S. (submitted). Characteristics of college students who text while driving: Do perceptions of a significant other influence their decisions? Accident Analysis & Prevention.
Aluko, O, Beck, K.H. & Howard D. (submitted). Medical students’ beliefs about screening for intimate partner violence: A qualitative study. Health Promotion Practice.
Matsuo, G., Horowitz, A., Beck K.H. Kleinman, DV. (submitted) What Maryland dentists know and do about preventing dental caries. American Journal of Public Health.
Kanamori M., Beck K,H.Carter-Pokras O. (in press). Understanding how social network and mass media factors can influence cigarette smoking among asthmatic adolescents. Journal of School Health.
Beck, K.H., Kelley-Baker, T. & Voas, R.B. (in press). DUI offenders’ experience with an ignition interlock program: Comparing those who have and have not converted from their primary drinking location. Traffic Injury Prevention.
Sharma, E. & Beck, K.H. (2014). Comparing water pipe users with poly tobacco users. Health Behavior and Policy Review, 1, 413-419.
Yan, A.F., Voorhees, C.C., Beck, K.H. & Wang, M.Q. (2014). A Social Ecological Assessment of Physical Activity among Urban Adolescents. American Journal of Health Behavior, 38 (3), 379-391.
Beck, K.H., Ali, B. & Daughters, S.B. (2014). Distress tolerance as a predictor of risky and aggressive driving.Traffic Injury Prevention, 15, 349-354.
Yao, J., Johnson, M.B. & Beck, K.H. (2014). Predicting DUI decisions in different legal environments: Investigating deterrence with a conjoint experiment.Traffic Injury Prevention, 15, 213-221.
Ali, B., Ryan, J.S., Beck, K.H., & Daughters, S.B. (2013). Trait aggression and problematic alcohol use: The moderating effect of distress tolerance.Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 37(12), 2138-2144.
Bozzolo, C., Beck, KH, Wang, MQ. (2013). Exploratory study of the burden of nonurgent visits to theemergency department of a hospital in Washington, DC. American Journal of Health Studies, 28, 50 – 60.
Sharma, E., Beck, KH., & Clark, P.I. (2013). Social context of smoking hookah among college students: Scale development and validation.The Journal of American College Health, 61, 204-211.
Beck, K.H., Daughters, S.B, & Ali, B.(2013). Hurried driving:Relationship to distress tolerance, driver anger, aggressive and risky driving in college students.Accident Analysis & Prevention. 51, 51-55.
Beck, K.H., Ahmed, A.U. & Farkas, Z.A. (2013) Characteristics of DUI offenders with a high versus low perceived risk of arrest. Traffic Injury Prevention, 14, 1-6.
Beck, K.H., Caldeira, K.M, Vincent, K.B. & Arria, A.M. (2013). Social contexts of drinking and subsequent alcohol use disorder among college students. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 39 (1), 38-43.
Rath, J.M., Sharma, E., & Beck, K.H. (2013). Establishing reliability and validity of the Glover-Nilsson Smoking Behavioral Questionnaire. American Journal of Health Behavior, 37 (3), 310-317.
Beck, K.H, Gianni, T.J. (2012). Training the future leaders in DUI enforcement: the University of Maryland’s DUI Institute. The Police Chief, May, 68 – 69.
Beck, K.H., Wang, M.Q., & Yan, A.F. (2012). Hurried driver dispositions: Their relationship to risky traffic behaviors. American Journal of Health Behavior, 36 (1), 86-95.
Yan, F., Voorhees, C.C., Zhang, G., Beck, K.H., Huang, S. & Wei, H. (2011). A
Multilevel Investigation on the socio-demographic and urban neighborhoodeffects on out of
school physical activity among inner city minorityadolescents. American Journal of Health Studies, 26 (3), 121-130.
Debnam, K, & Beck, K.H. (2011). Driving while Black: A comparison of the beliefs, concerns and behaviors of White and Black Maryland drivers. Traffic Injury Prevention, 12 (6), 599-603.
Beck, K.H., Ahmed, A., & Farkas, Z.A. (2011). A descriptive analysis of the social context of drinking among first-time DUI offenders. Traffic Injury Prevention, 12 (4), 306-311.
Beck, K.H., Kapersky, S., Caldeira, K., Vincent, K., O’Grady, K.E., Wish, E.D., & Arria, A. (2010). Trends in alcohol-related traffic risk behaviors among college students.Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 34 (8), 1472 -1478.
Yan, A.F., Howard, D.E., Beck, K.H., Shattuck, T.D., & Hallmark-Kerr, M. (2010). Psychosocial correlates of physical dating violence victimization among Latino early adolescents. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 25 (5), 808-831.
Beck, K.H., Yan, A.F., & Wang, M.Q. (2009). A comparison of web-based and telephone surveys for assessing traffic safety concerns, beliefs and behaviors. Journal of Safety Research, 40 (5), 377 – 381.
Beck, K.H., Fell, J.C., & Yan, A.F. (2009). A comparison of drivers with high versus low perceived risk of being caught and arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. Traffic Injury Prevention, 10 (4), 312 – 319.
Beck K.H., Caldeira, K.M., Vincent, K.B., O’Grady K.E., Wish E.D., Arria A.M. (2009). The social context of cannabis use: Relationship tocannabis use disorders and depressive symptoms among collegestudents. Addictive Behaviors, 34, 764 – 768.
Beck, K.H. (2009). Lessons learned from evaluating Maryland’s anti-drunk driving campaign: Assessing the evidence for cognitive, behavioral and public health impact. Health Promotion Practice, 10 (3). 370 – 377.
Beck, K.H., Yan, A.F., Wang, M.Q., Kerns, T. J., & Burch, C.A. (2009). The relationship between impaired driving crashes and beliefs about impaired driving: Doresidents in high crash rate counties have greater concerns aboutimpaired driving? Traffic Injury Prevention. 10 (2), 127-133.
Beck, K.H., Arria, A.M., Caldeira, K.M., O’Grady, K.E., & Wish, E.D. (2008). Social context of drinking and alcohol problems among college students. American Journal of Health Behavior., 32 (4), 420 – 430.
Yan, F., Beck, K.H, Howard, D., Shattuck, T.D., & Kerr, M.H. (2008). A structural model of alcohol use pathways among Latino youth. American Journal of Health Behavior, 32 (2), 209-219.
Beck, K.H., Yan, F. & Wang, M.Q. (2007.). Cell phone users, reported crash risk, unsafe behaviors and dispositions: A survey of motorists in Maryland. Journal of Safety Research. 38, 683-688.
Beck, K.H., Hartos, J.L, Simons-Morton, B.G. (2006). Relation of parent-teen agreement on restrictions to teen risky driving over 9-months. American Journal of Health Behavior,
30 (5), 533-543.
Beck, K.H., Wang, M.Q., Mitchell, M.M. (2006). Concerns, dispositions and behaviors of aggressive drivers: What do self-identified aggressive drivers believe about traffic safety? Journal of Safety Research, 37 (2), 159-165.
Beck, K.H., & Moser, M.L. (2006). Does the type of exposure to a roadside sobriety checkpoint influence driver perceptions regarding drunk driving? American Journal of Health Behavior, 30 (3), 268-277.
Beck, K.H., Hartos, J.L., Simons-Morton, B.G. (2005). Parent-teen disagreement of parent-imposed restrictions on teen driving after one month of licensure: Is discordance related to risky teen driving? Prevention Science, 6(3), 177-185.
AAHB Work Group on Doctoral Research Training (Baldwin, J., Beck K.H., Black, D.R., et al.). (2005). A vision for doctoral research training in health behavior: A position paper from the American Academy of Health Behavior. American Journal of Health Behavior, 29 (6), 542-556.
Howard, D.L., Beck, K.H., Kerr, M.H., & Shattuck, T. (2005). Psychosocial correlates of dating violence victimization among Latino youth. Adolescence, 40 (158), 319-331.
Hartos, J.L., Simons-Morton, B.G., Beck, K.H., & Leaf, W.A. (2005). Parent-Imposed Limits on High-Risk Adolescent Driving:Are they stricter with graduated driver licensing? Accident Analysis & Prevention, 37 (3), 557-562.
Hartos, J.L., Shattuck, T., Simons-Morton, B, & Beck, KH. (2004). An in-depth look at parent-imposed driving rules: Their strengths and weaknesses. Journal of Safety Research, 35 (5), 547-555.
Thombs, D.L., Baldwin, J., Beck, K.H., Colwell, B., Olds, R.S., Simons-Morton, B., Murdock, P.O., Sciacca, J.P., & Werch, C.E. (2004). The AAHB initiative to establish doctoral-level research competencies: A first step to building greater capacity. American Journal of Health Behavior, 28 (6), 483-486.
Hartos, J.L., Beck, K.H., & Simons-Morton, B.G. (2004). Parents’ intended limits on adolescents’ approaching unsupervised driving. Journal of Adolescent Research, 19, (5), 591-606.
Beck, K.H. & Moser, M.L. (2004). Exposure to the Sobriety “Checkpoint Strikeforce” Campaign in Maryland: Impact on Driver Perceptions of Vulnerability and Behavior. Traffic Injury Prevention, 5 (2), 101–106.
Simons-Morton, B.G., Hartos, J.L., & Beck, K.H. (2004). Increased parent limits on teen driving: Positive effects from a brief intervention administered at the Motor Vehicle Administration. Prevention Science, 5,101-111.
Beck, K.H., Boyle, J.R., & Boekeloo, B.O. (2004). Parental monitoring and adolescent drinking: Results of a 12-month follow-up. American Journal of Health Behavior, 28, 272-279.
Beck., K.H., Shattuck, T., Raleigh, R., & Hartos, J. (2003). Does graduated licensing empower parents to place greater restrictions on their newly licensed teens’ driving? Health Education and Behavior, 30, 695-708.
Simons-Morton, B.G., Hartos, J.L., & Beck, K.H. (2003). Persistence of effects of a brief intervention on parental restrictions of teen driving privileges. Injury Prevention, 9, 142-146.
Kerr, M.H., Beck, K., Shattuck, T.D., Kattar, C., & Uriburu, D. (2003). Family involvement, problem and prosocial behavior outcomes of Latino youth. American Journal of Health Behavior,27(Supplement 1), S55-S65.
Beck, K.H., Boyle, J.R., & Boekeloo, B.O. (2003). Parental monitoring and adolescent alcohol risk in a clinic population. American Journal of Health Behavior, 27, 108-115.
Beck, K.H. (2002). Discussant’s comments on “Promoting parental management of teen driving.” Injury Prevention, 8 (Supplement II), ii30-ii31.
Beck, K.H., Hartos, J., & Simons-Morton, B. (2002). Teen driving risk: The promise of parental influence and public policy. Health Education and Behavior, 29, 71-82.
Beck, K.H., Shattuck, T., & Raleigh, R. (2001). A comparison of teen perceptions and parental reports of influence on driving risk. American Journal of Health Behavior, 25, 376-387.
Beck, K.H., Shattuck, T., & Raleigh, R. (2001). Parental predictors of teen driving risk. American Journal of Health Behavior, 25, 10-20.
Beck, K.H. (1999). Commentary on "A survey of search committee chairpersons: Candidate qualifications preferred for entry-level tenure track health education faculty positions". Journal of Health Education, 30, 303-304,327.
Beck, K.H., Rauch, W.J., Baker, E.A., & Williams, A.F. (1999). Effects of ignition interlock license restrictions on drivers with multiple alcohol offences: A randomized trial in Maryland. American Journal of Public Health, 89, 1696-1700.
Haynie, D.L., Beck, K.H., Crump, A.D., Shattuck, T., & Simons-Morton, B. (1999). Parent strategies regarding teen behavior: Parent and teen perceptions. American Journal of Health Behavior, 23, 403-414.
Beck, K.H., Shattuck, T., Haynie, D., Crump, A.D., & Simons-Morton, B. (1999). Associations between parent awareness, monitoring, enforcement and adolescent involvement with alcohol. Health Education Research, 14, 765-775.
Beck, K. H., Ko, M., & Scaffa, M.E. (1997). Parental monitoring, acceptance, and perceptions of teen alcohol misuse. American Journal of Health Behavior, 21, 26-32.
Beck, K.H. & Thombs, D.L. (1996). Preventing adolescent DWI and RWID: Safety education implications for parents. The Health Education Monograph Series, 14, 4-10.
Treiman, K.A., & Beck, K.H. (1996). Adolescent gender differences in alcohol problem behaviors and the social contexts of drinking. Journal of School Health, 66, 299-304.
Beck, K.H., & Treiman, K.A. (1996). The relationship of social context of drinking, perceived social norms and parental influence to various drinking patterns of adolescents. Addictive Behaviors, 21, 633-644.
Beck, K.H., Thombs, D.L., Mahoney, C.A., & Fingar, K.M. (1995). Social context and sensation seeking: Gender differences in college student drinking motivations. The International Journal of the Addictions, 30, 1101-1115.
Beck, K.H., Scaffa, M.E., Swift, R, & Ko, M. (1995). A survey of parent attitudes and practices regarding underage drinking. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 24, 315-334.
Thombs, D.L., Beck, K.H., Mahoney, C.A., Bromley, M.D., & Bezon, K.M. (1994). Social context, sensation seeking and teenage alcohol abuse. Journal of School Health, 64, 73-79.
Thombs, D.L., & Beck, K.H. (1994). The social context of four adolescent drinking patterns. Health Education Research, 9, 13-22.
Lockhart, S.J., Beck, K.H., & Summons, T.G. (1993). Impact of higher alcohol prices on alcohol-related behaviors of youth. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 22, 441-453.
Beck, K.H., Thombs, D.L., & Summons, T.G. (1993). The social context of drinking scales: Construct validation and relationship to indicants of abuse in an adolescent population. Addictive Behaviors, 18, 159-169.
Thombs, D.L., Beck, K.H., & Pleace, D.J. (1993). The relationship of social context and expectancy factors to alcohol use intensity among 18 to 22 year-olds. Addiction Research and Theory, 1, 59-68.
Beck, K.H., & Bargman, C.J. (1993). Investigating hispanic adolescent involvement with alcohol: A focus group interview approach. Health Education Research, 8, 151-158.
Thombs, D.L., Beck, K.H., & Mahoney, C.A. (1993). Effects of social context and gender on drinking patterns of young adults. The Journal of Counseling Psychology, 40, 115-119.
Walker, B.L., Beck, K., Walker, A.L., & Shemanski, S. (1992). The short term effects of a fire safety education program for the elderly. Fire Technology, 28, 134-162.
Beck, K.H., & Zannis, M. (1992). Patterns of alcohol consumption among suburban black adolescent high school students. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 37, 1-13.
Beck, K.H., & Lockhart, S.J. (1992). A model of parental involvement in adolescent drinking and driving. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 21, 35-51.
Beck, K.H. (1991). Editorial - Health Education Research: The first six years. Health Education Research, 6, 399-403.
Beck, K.H., Summons, T.G., & Thombs, D.L. (1991). A factor analytic study of social context of drinking in a high school population. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 5, 66-77.
Beck, K.H., Summons, T.G., & Matthews, M.P. (1991). Monitoring parent concerns about teenage drinking and driving: A focus group interview approach. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 37, 46-57.
Baker, E.A. & Beck, K.H. (1991). Ignition interlocks for DWI offenders - A useful tool? Alcohol, Drugs and Driving, 7, 107-115.
Sawyer, R.G. & Beck, K.H. (1991). Effects of videotapes on perceived susceptibility to HIV/AIDS among university freshmen. Health Values, 15: 31-40.
Brafford, L.J., & Beck, K.H. (1991). Development and validation of a condom self-efficacy scale for college students. Journal of American College Health, 39, 219-225.
Beck, K.H. (1990). Editorial - The health education video as stone soup. Health Education Research, 5, 291-293.
Alexander, L.L. & Beck, K.H. (1990). The smoking behavior of military nurses: The relationship to job stress, job satisfaction and social support. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 15, 843-849.
Beck, K.H. & Summons, T.G. (1990). Sources of information about drugs and alcohol for black and white suburban students. Health Education, 2, 20-24, 49.
Beck, K.H. (1990). Monitoring parent concerns about teenage drinking: A random digit dial telephone survey. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 16, 109-124.
Beck, K.H. (1989). Editorial - Scale development and validation in health education. Health Education Research, 4, 263-265.
Sawyer, R. & Beck, K.H. (1989). Oral contraception: A survey of college women's concerns and experience. Health Education, 20, 17-21.
Beck, K.H. (1989). A canonical correlation of fire protective behaviors and beliefs. Fire Technology, 25, 41-50.
Beck, K.H. (1988). Editorial - Safety education: The lost child of health promotion research. Health Education Research, 3, 229-231.
Schiraldi, G.R. & Beck, K.H. (1988). Personality correlates of the Jenkins Activity Survey. Social Behavior and Personality, 16, 39-45.
Sawyer, R. & Beck, K.H. (1988). Predicting pregnancy and contraception usage among college women. Health Education, 19, 42-47.
Beck, K.H., Summons, T.G., & Hanson-Matthews, M.P. (1987). Monitoring high school drinking patterns and influences: A preliminary focus group interview approach. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 1, 154-162.
Beck, K.H. (1987). Editorial - Substance use and abuse by high school students: A continuing dilemma for health educators. Health Education Research, 2, 173-174.
Beck, K.H. & Summons, T.G. (1987). The social context of drinking among high school drinking drivers. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 13, 179-196.
Beck, K.H. & Summons,T.G. (1987). Adolescent gender differences in alcohol beliefs and behaviors. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 33, 31-44.
Beck, K.H. & Summons, T.G. (1985). A comparison of the social context for alcohol consumption of college students and convicted DWI offenders. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 30, 31-39.
Beck, K.H. & Summons, T.G. (1984). Police officer attitudes toward marijuana: A replication and confirmation. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 10, 519-528.
Feldman, R.H.L. & Beck, K.H. (1984). People who need to know seek colleagues' advice first. Occupational Health and Safety, 53, 61-63.
Beck, K.H. (1984). The effects of risk probability, outcome severity, efficacy of protection, and access to protection on decision making: A further test of protection motivation theory. Social Behavior and Personality, 12, 121-125.
Beck, K.H. & Tomasetti, J.A. (1984). Safety training for the deaf: A problem too long ignored. Professional Safety, 29, 20-23.
Beck, K.H. & Tomasetti, J.A. (1983). A national survey of CPR training services for the deaf. American Annals of the Deaf, 128, 909-912.
Beck, K.H. & Feldman, R.H.L. (1983). Information seeking among safety and health managers. Journal of Psychology, 115, 23-31.
Tomasetti, J.A., Beck, K.H., & Clearwater, H.E. (1983). An analysis of selected instructional methods on CPR retention competency of deaf and non-deaf college students. American Annals of the Deaf,128, 474-478.
Beck, K.H. (1983). Psychosocial patterns of alcohol abuse in a college population. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 28, 64-72.
Beck, K.H., Kavelak, T., & Summons, T. (1982). Police officer attitudes toward marijuana: A descriptive analysis. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 9, 183-193.
Beck, K.H. & Davis, C.M. (1982). The effects of false physiological feedback and subject relevance upon belief acceptance. Social Behavior and Personality, 10, 213-220.
Beck, K.H. (1982). Understanding the motivation of plaque control. Health Education, 13, 38-41.
Beck, K.H. (1981). Driving while under the influence of alcohol: Relationship to attitudes and beliefs in a college population. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 8, 377-388.
Beck, K.H. & Lund, A.K. (1981). The effects of health threat seriousness and personal efficacy upon intentions and behaviors. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 11, 401-415.
Beck, K.H. & Frankel, A. (1981). A conceptualization of threat communications and protective health behavior. Social Psychology Quarterly, 44, 204-217.
Beck, K.H. & Davis, C.M. (1980). Predicting smoking intentions and behaviors from attitudes, normative beliefs, and emotional arousal. Social Behavior and Personality, 8, 185-192.
Beck, K.H. (1980). Development and validation of a dental health locus of control scale. Journal of Preventive Dentistry, 6, 327-332.
Beck, K.H. (1980). A social psychological analysis of traffic safety education. Journal of Traffic Safety Education, 27, 13-16.
Beck, K.H. (1979). The effects of positive and negative arousal upon attitudes, belief acceptance, behavioral intentions, and behavior. Journal of Social Psychology, 107, 239-251.
Beck, K.H. & Davis, C.M. (1978). Effects of fear-arousing communications and topic importance on attitude change. Journal of Social Psychology, 104, 81-95.
Conference Proceedings: