Ann Read- Chair

  • Dr Lennard-Jones
  • Tracey Rowles
  • Linda Clifton
  • Gwen Wright
  • Monica
  • Trevor Lower
  • Margaret Jones
  • Helen Mockford
  • Angela Jervis
  • Judith Lavender
  • Jennifer Levy-Halford
  • Chris Manning
  • Steve Garratt
  • Ann Roughan

1.APOLOGIES:Carole Baldwin, Roger Miles, Rob Knight, Joy Bell

2.VISITOR – PARKINSON’S UK:Becky Redbond, Regional Fundraiser for East Anglia was presented with a cheque for £589.58, this was a share of the money collected on Flu Day.

3. MINUTES AND MATTERS ARISING: The Pharmacies giving patients Flu vaccinations had a fairly big impact on the surgery; there are no final figures available yet. AR explained that with government funding for pharmacies set to change, we would be expected to work together and not have the ‘them and us’ situation. Managed repeats were stopped on 1st August 2016; there is already a significant reduction in cost to the CCG drug budget.

4. SURGERY UPDATE:Dr Lennard-Jones was now senior partner since the retirement of Dr St Joseph on 30th September 2016. There were currently 5 GP Registrars. Dr Ayub will be leaving at the end of February, Dr Hussain, Dr Sarwar, Dr Amamasi and Dr Qayam at the end of July. Sheena our GP Pharmacist is available to help patients with medication issues. The Super Practice was still being discussed;there will be a press release if or when it is official. The aim is to link together back office functions, with enhancements, including extra clinics and services. The PPG’s for all the participating surgeries will be invited to get involved in future decisions.

5. CONSULTATION ON URGENT CARE:The CCG are looking for local people to have their say on the future of the Minor Injuries Units at Clacton and Harwich and the Walk in Centre in Colchester. NHS111 will also possibly be changing from November to a clinical hub. There are a number of ways to give your views on the proposals, if you cannot attend one of the public meetings there is an online survey or a paper copy survey available from the CCG. Please see below attached ‘Press Release’ for details.

6. TEA PARTY UPDATE:The Coffee Morning had been very successful, so was followed up in December with a Christmas Party. AR gave a big Thank You to Chris Manning and the other members who helped to make both events a huge success, the feedback had been excellent. The surgery will put up some posters to show people what we have done and that we are looking for more volunteers to help run future events, which may include younger, vulnerable people. Social Services have been working alongside us at these events with the aim of a more integrated future. The PPG will look into becoming a registered charity.

7. ANY OTHER BUSINESS: AR asked the group if they would be happy to receive blood test results by text message, all present would like this service. The number of Did Not Attend (DNA’s) for December was 87. The appointment availability was discussed; Monday seemed to be popular with no pre-bookable appointments but a high number available on the day. Dr ALJ mentioned that we have seen a rise in patients phoning at 11am that need to be seen, this was a shame as a number of appointments had been wasted in the morning. The NHS are looking for a more integrated service for the future, this will be better for patients, GP’s and the hospital, we would welcome any suggestions you may have. Health Checks and screening appointments are available to patients over 40 years old without any chronic diseases.

8. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 8thMay 2017 at 2.45pm.