Principal: Mrs. Rosalyn Nickerson Ph: (506) 738-6504 Fax: (506) 738-6513

VISION: Growing, Belonging, Preparing for our Future.


February 2nd PINK shirt orders due!

February 9th Popcorn Day

February 12th PSSC meeting, 6:00pm GBP school

February 13th Welcome to Kindergarten Event (pre-k), 2:30pm GBP gym

February 13th DAY 100!! Multi-age activities in the morning

February 14th “Mad Science” after school program begins

February 14th Valentine’s Day

February 14th PALS in the Park field trip – 2 Feicht

February 19th NO SCHOOL – Family Day!

February 21st PALS in the Park – 1 Bastarache

February 23rd Popcorn Day

February 26th Home and School Meeting, 6:30pm (location TBD)

February 28th PINK SHIRT DAY!! Wear PINK in support of the anti-bullying movement

No Child Without

Safeguarding your child’s health! MedicAlert Foundation Canada, with support from the Lions Clubs of Canada and the Government of Canada, offers the “No Child Without” program. MedicAlert medical ID bracelets (free) can alert others about your child’s medical condition if necessary. For more information contact or call 1.877.282.5378 or visit our school office for an information pamphlet.

Please consider this program if your child lives with:

·  A medical condition

·  Allergies and requires the use of an epinephrine injector

·  Asthma or uses and inhaler

·  Autism or ADHD

·  Medication they take regularly

School Website:

Our Grand Bay Primary School website is fully updated and you are invited to check it out!On our site you will find our school newsletters,school handbook, upcoming events/activities,staff list, District and Department info., links and much, much more.

School closures due to inclement weather:

Please read the policy regarding school closures due to inclement weather on our school website. If the weather is questionable, you can gain information on school closuresthrough various methods:

·  the local radio stations prior to 6:30 a.m.

·  the District website (

·  followASD-S on twitter

·  the District Information Phone line – for school closures

(toll free:1-855-535-7669 [SNOW] ).

Parents are encouraged to access the above noted methods early in the morning, particularly on days when the weather is inclement.


Please ensure your child is dressed for the weather as they will be going outside to play on the nice days (hat, mittens & snow pants). Please label outdoor clothing (especially the snow pants). J If you are in need of any warmer clothing please contact our school office (in confidence) at 738-6504.

Literacy Tip:

Encourage your child to make your own Valentine's Day card this month, this is a great way to practice writing together. Don't forget to make it fun by including, stickers, stamps, construction paper and sparkles!

-Terri-Ann Waye

Educational Support Teacher - Literacy

Numeracy Tip:

Make math a game. Math games are fun and inexpensive. They are a wonderful way to get your kids to enjoy working with numbers, as well as improve their number skills. Here are a few suggestions:

§  Many games that we take for granted are excellent math lessons. “Go Fish” teaches counting and grouping in sets. Games that use play money teach how to make change. Board games that use dice teach addition and counting. Backgammon teaches addition, subtraction and strategy.

§  Beans, stones, or marbles can be used to play number games. Let your child develop his or her own games by sorting beans into different sizes or types, setting up the rules for a counting game, or using different types of pasta to make a picture.

-Jennifer Wright

Educational Support Teacher - Numeracy