Period 7 Key terms: 1890-1945

1.  Imperialism—with regards to time period and US role

2.  Interventionist-- with regards to time period and US role

3.  Isolationist-- with regards to time period and US role

4.  Progressive Era and reformers

5.  Liberalism-- with regards to time period and US role

6.  Equal Rights Amendment

7.  Harlem Renaissance

8.  Sacco Vanzetti case

9.  Birth of a Nation and the rise of the Second Klan

10.  Scopes trial

11.  1921 and 1924 Immigration Act

12.  Muckrakers

13.  Great Migration

14.  Turner’s frontier thesis

15.  Phillipine “insurrection”

16.  Roosevelt Corallary to Monroe Doctrine—aka Big Stick diplomacy

17.  Moral diplomacy

18.  Treaty of Versailles

19.  American Expeditionary Force

20.  League of Nations

21.  Eugene V. Debs

22.  Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

23.  Margaret Sanger

24.  Robert M. LaFollette

25.  Muller v Oregon

26.  John Muir

27.  Federal Trade Commission

28.  19th amendment

29.  Central Powers-WWI