
Vincent P. Wade

is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science, Trinity College Dublin and Research Director for the Knowledge and Data Engineering Group. Having graduated from University College Dublin with a BSc (Hons) in Computer Science in 1988, he completed his postgraduate studies in Trinity College Dublin before taking the position of Lecturer in the Computer Science Department in 1991. Vincent leads the Knowledge and Data Engineering Research Group which comprises seven academic staff and twenty five research staff (including research fellows, associates and postgraduates). The group focuses on knowledge and data management research and has established an international reputation in three related research areas, namely Telecommunications & Network Management, eLearning and e-Business services and Health Telematics. He was awarded Fellowship of Trinity College for his contribution to research.

Vincent founded and is Director of the Centre for Learning Technology. This Centre is responsible for strategic planning and operation of College’s eLearning strategy. It currently has over 7000 online students enrolled and supports over 200 blended elearning courses. He also represents Trinity College amongst the seven universities of Ireland within the Conference for the Heads of Irish Universities (CHIU).

Research Activities

Vincent’s specific research activities include control and management systems for networks and distributed systems, adaptive systems distributed information systems, systems interoperability and next generation elearning services. Since 1991, Vincent has been Trinity College’s principle investigator for over ten EU research projects under the EU RACE, Telematics, ESPRIT, ACTS, and IST research programmes. These projects included ADVANCE (1988-93), Guideline (1988-1993), Dessert (1993-1996), OpenLabs (1993-1996), PROSPECT (1995-2000), FlowThru (1998-2000), Virtues (1997-2000), Gestalt (1998-2000), FORM (2000-2002),and Easel (2000-2002), From 1991-1993 Vincent led the EU research initiative to design distributed management platforms for future broadband telecommunication systems (Telecommunication Computer Platform Task Force). This resulted in key input into emerging telecommunications fora and standardisation. Vincent is principle investigator for the HEA sponsored M-ZONES project (2002-2006) in which he is researching innovative dynamically adaptive techniques for managing smart space application services and infrastructure. Also Vincent is principle investigator for EU FP6 Integrated Project called iClass which will research intelligent adaptive cognitive-based open learning systems and service framework.

From 1998-2000 Vincent led the European Research initiative to establish guidelines for the development of next generation telecommunications management systems. These guidelines, for which he was editor and principle contributor, were chosen by the EU ACTS research programme as one of the key research results from the programme. These development guidelines were successfully disseminated into several standards and industry fora including ISO and Network Management Forum.

He has also led industry sponsored research into management systems and knowledge engineering. Such collaborations included telecom operators, network vendors as well as management component developers, e.g. Intel, Eircom (formerly Telecom Eireann), Broadcom Research Ltd (in conjunction with Ericsson and Telecom Eireann), Virtual Access Ltd. He is a founding member and member of the steering committee of the TeleManagement Forum’s University Programme which is chartered to develop increased cooperation between top tier Universities active in telecommunications research and the telecommunications industry. On a national level, Vincent is a founding member of CommSoft, the IDA/EI backed academic and industrial forum for collaboration in communications software and management.

Research Publications & Presentations

He is author of over eighty scientific papers in peer reviewed research journals and international conference and has received five ‘best paper’ awards for his publications in IEEE, IFIP and AACE Conferences in the last six years. He has also contributed to two books – ‘’Managing Virtual Web Organisations in the 21st Centuary: Issues and Challenges (IDEA Group Publishing) and ‘The Management of Telecommunications Networks’ (Ellis Horwood). He is guest editor of ‘Network Interoperability Journal’, published by Baltzer scientific publications. He held the position of editor for the Integrated Services and Networks (IS&N) conferences series (Communications section) for the period 1997-1999. He was primary contributor and editor of two European Union Guidelines on the development of Telecommunications Management Systems.

He is a member of the scientific boards of many IEEE International conferences in the area of Telecommunication and Distributed Systems Management including the NOMS and IM conference series as well as IEEE Communications and Networks Journals. He has chaired and organized workshops, panels and round table events at such international conferences series as IEEE IM, IEEE NOMS, ACM OOPSLA, IFIP/IEEE IS&N. Vincent is also a frequent guest speaker at international conferences and symposia. He is a member of the standards development groups in the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF) and TM Forum.

In the area of eLearning, Vincent is on the scientific programme committee for AACE’s EdMedia an ELearn Conference series as well as acting as a reviewer for many of their journals. Vincent is also a member of the programme committee for WWW Conference Service organized by W3C, with particular responsibility for the educational technology track.