City of Murphysboro

Bid Specifications

Concrete Sidewalk Improvements

Town Center Park

The City of Murphysboro is accepting bids from qualified individuals or companies for concrete sidewalk installation in the Town Center Park located in the 1800 block of Walnut Street, Murphysboro, Illinois.


The contractor shall be responsible for removal of approximately 5600 sq. ft. of existing rock and installation of new concrete sidewalks.

·  Existing rock may be stock piled for the City to haul off. Should the contractor elect to keep said rock, it shall be hauled off at their expense

·  Stone edging will remain with new concrete sidewalk to abut each side

·  Concrete should be 5-bag mix or 3000 psi with fiber mesh

·  Concrete should be poured at a minimum of four inches (4”) deep

·  Expansion joints should be placed every 50’

·  Control joints should be placed at least every 5’

·  Concrete walk should have a broom finish

·  All work to be completed in a workman like manner according to standard practices


The contractor shall maintain, in full force, a City of Murphysboro Contractors License as well as liability and workers compensation insurance to the standard city limitations for construction contracts not less than $1,000,000. A Certificate of Liability Insurance shall be attached hereto and become part of the contract.


The City retains the right to refuse any and all bids in which the City deems as unqualified.


The City will conduct one (1) pre-bid meeting for the purpose of answering any questions regarding the bid specifications or installation of the proposed sidewalks. The meeting will be held on Thursday, June 26th, 2014 at 4:30 p.m. at Town Center Park.


Bids and other required documents should be sealed in an envelope and submitted to the City of Murphysboro, Daum Administration Building located at 1101 Walnut Street, Murphysboro, IL 62966 no later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday, July 7th, 2014. Envelopes should be clearly marked “Town Center Park - Sidewalks” on the outside.


I, ______, the bidding contractor do hereby agree to all said terms and conditions as stated above in the Bid Specifications. Therefore, I respectfully submit the following:

Sidewalk Installation at Town Center Park $______


Bidder’s Signature Date

Company Name: ______

Address: ______

City, State, Zip: ______

Phone: ______