Village of Grand Manan
Regular Council Meeting
Grand Manan Community Centre
October 3rd, 2016

Calling to Order
Mayor Dennis Greene called this meeting to Order at 7:30 pm.

Mayor Dennis Greene, Councillors Bonnie Morse, Tammy Worthen, Wayne Sturgeon, Jayne Turner, Roger Fitzsimmons, CAO Rob MacPherson, Clerk/Asst. Treasurer Ami Brownlee, Treasurer/Asst. Clerk Alyssa Calder, Recreation Director Chris Rayner, RCMP Corporal Harold Prime, Pastor Ruth Fair-Parker, 7 Members of the Public and 3 GMTV Workers.
Absent: Deputy Mayor Robert Moses, Councillors Mitchell Brown, Mark Ingersoll and Kirk Cheney.

Prayer was offered by Pastor Ruth Fair-Parker.

Opening Remarks
- We were fortunate to have a perfect summer this year weather wise. Rain is welcomed as there are a lot of wells that are dry as a result of the nice weather.
- It is good to see fishermen preparing their traps and boats for the start of lobster season, which falls on Tuesday, November 8th this year.
- Radar lights in the school zone should be on only during school hours as posted. The 30 kilometer per hour speed limit is only in effect during those posted times.
- The ice is now ready in the rink. Hockey started today and there have been a lot of children and adults anticipating the rink opening. It is great to see the facility in use.
- Thanksgiving is coming up this weekend. Council would like to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the weekend with your family.

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest
There were no disclosures of Conflict of Interest.

Adoption of the Minutes
Moved by Councillor Wayne Sturgeon, seconded by Councillor Roger Fitzsimmons to adopt the Minutes of September 12th, 2016.

Motion Unanimously Carried 16-128

Additions to the Agenda
Moved by Councillor Bonnie Morse, seconded by Councillor Jayne Turner to add the following invoice to be paid from the General Operating Fund:
Scheduled Care Paperless Filing $ 1,725.00”

Motion Unanimously Carried 16-129

RCMP Report
Corporal Harold Prime read the RCMP Report.

Old Business
Local Video Streaming
Moved by Councillor Wayne Sturgeon, seconded by Councillor Bonnie Morse to table for another month to allow for discussion and make a decision at that time.

Motion Unanimously Carried 16-130

Ten Minute Open Session
No one spoke at this time.

New Business
Ditch Cleaning
CAO Rob MacPherson spoke on behalf of Deputy Mayor Robert Moses. The Village is aware of the situation and confirmed cleaning of the ditches is a budgeted item, however, manual labour is often difficult to find. Alternate options to have the ditches cleaned are being considered. He reminded the public that there is a provincial fine issuable by the RCMP if a person is caught littering.

Recreation Committee
- Review of need for present day Recreation Committee:
It was decided to reduce the frequency of Recreation Meetings as well as keep the Committee intact for one year and re-assess at that time.
- Arena Concerns:
Council agrees that the Arena should become the responsibility of the Recreation Director during the months when the ice is not in to be able to plan and coordinate community events. The Arena Board must first meet and the Memorandum of Understanding between the Arena and Village will need to be re-vamped at that time if the Arena Board chooses to proceed.
- Supervision of Community Complex on weekends:
Discussion only; a meeting with the Arena Board will be required.

Arena Grant
Councillor Roger Fitzsimmons formally requested the Arena’s annual $10,000.00 grant be transferred on behalf of the Arena Board.

Harvest House
Moved by Councillor Jayne Turner, seconded by Councillor Bonnie Morse to donate $200.00 to Harvest House for a heating system.

Motion Unanimously Carried 16-131

Restorative Justice
Moved by Councillor Jayne Turner, seconded by Councillor Roger Fitzsimmons to donate $200 to the Restorative Justice program to help fund a training course.

Motion Unanimously Carried 16-132

Library Board
Moved by Councillor Roger Fitzsimmons, seconded by Councillor Wayne Sturgeon to accept Pete Sesplankis and Heather Bass as Trustees for the Library Board.

Motion Unanimously Carried 16-133

CCRTA Report
Councillor Wayne Sturgeon reported on the Charlotte County Region Tourism Association Meeting he attended as a Village Representative.

Banners Honoring Veterans
Discussion concerning the possibility of mounting banners for Remembrance Day 2017; this item will be on the Agenda at a later date.

UMNB 2016 Conference Report
Councillors Wayne Sturgeon and Tammy Worthen reported their experiences from the annual conference.

Committee Reports
Recreation Directors Report
Recreation Director Chris Rayner gave his report.

Approval to Pay
General Operating Fund
Moved by Councillor Bonnie Morse, seconded by Councillor Jayne Turner to pay the following invoices from the General Operating Fund:
Brunswick Engineering Airport Extension Project $24,276.55
Silk Stevens Limited Pool Project $ 4,380.64
Schedule Care Paperless Filing $ 1,725.00

Motion Unanimously Carried 16-134

General Capital Fund
Silk Stevens Limited Airport Lighting $ 4,080.86

Motion Unanimously Carried 16-135

Moved by Councillor Wayne Sturgeon, seconded by Councillor Bonnie Morse to move into Closed Session.

Motion Unanimously Carried 16-136

This meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 8:50 pm.

This meeting was called back to Order at 9:06 pm

Closed Session
Property- North Head Hall
Discussion only – The North Head Hall will remain as is until the Court Closure is definite.

Personnel- Fire Department
Moved by Councillor Bonnie Morse, seconded by Councillor Roger Fitzsimmons to accept the recommendation from the Fire Department for Dave Burgess to be appointed Second Deputy Chief.

Motion Unanimously Carried 16-137

Legal – Windfarm Agreement
More information is still required. When Council feels they have received adequate information they will bring it forward to the Public.

Next Meeting
Regular Council Meeting
Grand Manan Community Centre
Monday, November 7th 2016 – 7:30 pm

Moved by Councillor Bonnie Morse, seconded by Councillor Wayne Sturgeon to adjourn.

Motion Unanimously Carried 16-138

This meeting was adjourned at 9:08 pm.


