ABN39 7601 586 997 14 West Tamar Road

P.O. Box 631

Launceston 7250

Phone: 03 6334 2141 (Club Rooms)



For Season 2017 - 2018

Name: ____________

Address: ______

______Post Code: ______

Phone: ______(Mobile): ______

E-mail: ______

Signature: ______Date: ____/____/_____ TOTAL Fee $ 25.00

Social Member: (Non voting)- $25

  1. Members are included in social activities, newsletters and use of amenities area.
  2. Social members are not entitled to use any club equipment, nor vote at meetings under the Tamar Rowing Club Constitution.

IMPORTANT: By signing this form, the member agrees to:

  1. Abide by the rules and policies (both verbal and written) of the Tamar Rowing Club Inc.
  2. Abide by directives as determined by the Committee and officials of the Club from time to time.
  3. Behave in a manner so as not to discredit the Club in any way.
  4. Pay all applicable fees as and when they become due.
  5. Accept the failure to abide by any of the above could result in exclusion from use of the Club facilities
  6. Any new social member must complete a Rowing Tasmania Inc. registration form as a volunteer (There will be no charge), in order to be covered by insurance


I understand that it is a condition of admission to membership of the Tamar Rowing Club Inc. and/or use of the facilities at the clubrooms, that the Tamar Rowing Club inc., its office bearers, members, instructors, servants or agents are absolved from all liability how ever arising, from injury or damage, how ever caused, whether fatal or otherwise arising out of membership of the Club, or participating in training or use of the Club facilities and equipment, or in any way whatsoever due to any negligent act, breach of duty, default and/or omission on the part of the Tamar Rowing Club Inc., its office bearers, members, instructors and servants or agents.

Please email the completed form to or post to the address above.

Payment can be made when the form is submitted, or an invoice will be sent with payment details.