TESL Ontario 2009, Toronto, December 10-12
Evaluating Computer Technology for Language Learning
Carol A. Chapelle
Iowa State University
Belz, J. A. (2001). Institutional and individual dimensions of transatlantic group work in network-based language teaching. ReCALL,13(2), 213-231.
Belz, J. A., & Thorne, S. L. (2006). Introduction: Internet-mediated intercultural foreign langaueg education and the intercultural speaker. In J. A. Belz, & S. Thorne (Eds.) Internet-mediated intercultural foreign language education. Boston, MA: Thomson Heinle.
Burston, J. (2003). Proving it works. CALICO Journal, 20(2), 219-26.
Chapelle, C. A. (2001). Computer applications in second langage acquisition. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Chapelle, C. A. (2007). Challenges in evaluation of innovation: Observations from technology research. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 1(1), 30-45.
Chenoweth, N. A., and Murday, K. (2003). Measuring student learning in an online French course. CALICO 20:2, 285-314.
Dornyei, Z. (2007). Research methods in applied linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Doughty, C. J., & Long, M. H. (2003). Optimal psycholinguistic environments for distance foreign language learning. Language Learning & Technology, 7(3), 50-80.
Grgurovic, M. (2007). Database of comparison studies: Computer-assisted vs. classroom second/foreign language instruction. Available at http://tesl.engl.iastate.edu:591/comparison/main.htm
Jamieson, J., & Chapelle, C. A. (2007). Evaluation of CALL materials for English language learning. Unpublished ms.
Jamieson, J., Chapelle, C. A., & Preiss, S. (2005). CALL evaluation by developers, a teacher, and students. CALICO Journal, 23, 93-138.
Lam, W.S E. (2000). L2 literacy and the design of the self: A case study of a teenager writing on the internet. TESOL Quarterly, 34(3), 457-482.
Pederson, K. M. (1987). Research on CALL. In W. F. Smith, (Ed.), Modern media in foreign language education: Theory and implementation, (pp. 99-132). Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company.
Pellettieri, J. (2000). Negotiation in cyberspace: The role of chatting in the development of grammatical competence in the virtual foreign language classroom. In M. Warschauer, & R. Kern, (Eds.). Network-based language teaching: Concepts and practice, (pp. 59-86). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Zhao, Y. (2004). Recent developments in technology and language learning: A literature review and meta-analysis. CALICO Journal, 21(1), 7-27.
Two free online journals:
Apprentissage des langues et systèmes d'information et de communication: http://alsic.u-strasbg.fr/
Language Learning & Technology: http://llt.msu.edu/
Other journals:
ReCALL Journal
CALICO Journal
Computer Assisted Language Learning: An International Journal