Village of Waddington, Monday March 02, 2015

A regular meeting of the Village Board of Waddington, County of St. Lawrence, State of New York was held on Monday March 02, 2015 at 6:00 pm in the Municipal Building, 48 Maple Street.

Call to order:Mayor Cassada called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 pm

Present were:Mayor Cassada

Trustee Shoen

Trustee Dashnaw

Village Clerk, Cheryl D. Dumas

Absent: Trustee Bogart

Also present were Shirley Robinson, Patti Van Patten, Kim Robertson, Mark Scott, Matt Mayette, Jason Hare, Mike Burke, Tara Putney, Chris Poirer, Betty Parmeter and Bonnie Taylor

Executive Session

A motion was made by Trustee Shoen, seconded by Trustee Greene to move to Executive Session to discuss contract negotiations at 6:02 PM.

No action was taken

Return to regular session. A motion was made by Trustee Shoen, seconded by Trustee Dashnaw to return to regular session at 6:10 PM.

Approval of Minutes Minutes will be read upon request only;a motion was made by Trustee Shoen to accept the minutes, seconded by Trustee Dashnaw. All in favor: Ayes Nays: None

Historian Report None

DPW: Mayor Cassadatold the board that they are working on snow removalwith the Town

Fire Department

Mayor Cassada thanked them for the wonderful Banquet dinner.

Citizens Comments

Shirley Robinson has been working on a policy regarding having all of the political signs, business signs and banners on the four corners, she also told the board that the contract for selling the Linden St. property has expired. A motion was made by Trustee Greene to renew the contract, seconded by Trustee Dashnaw. All in favor: Ayes Nays: None

Tara Putney asked the board if they had received a grant to put turf in at the civic center, and Mayor Cassada told her that no they had not. Bonnie Taylor asked if there would be ice next year for figure skating and was told yes there would be.

Mark Scott hopes to have the next printing of the recorder in April if anyone has something to submit.

Chris Poirer spoke to the Village with a flooding issue on her property due to the new construction and the storage shed that was first put five feet off the property line. The shed was moved to 15 feet off the property line and moved back which then obstructed her view on the river. There was much discussion on the deed restrictions and Village code. The Village will look into any changes made to the latest Village code. We have a new attorney whom will have to review this matter.

Old Business:

Fire Truck Bids were received and the postal workers did not get a package notice in our mailbox. A package was left at the post office and the attorney suggested to reject and rebid.

Resolution #

Trustee Dashnaw offered a resolution to reject and rebid stating to have all bids hand delivered to the Village Office for March 16, 2015 at 11:00 am for a new bid opening and a special meeting to be held March 18, 2015 at 6pm to award the bid, seconded by Trustee Shoen. Ayes all

Bids were read aloud HME – 279,906.00, Shakerly – 288,343.00, Pierce – 289,837.74, Kovatch – 301,066.00

Linden St Ext.

Resolution #

Trustee Dashnaw made a motion have our attorney draft a letter to the McBath’s saying no thank you to the latest letter asking the Village to extend water and sewer out to the farthest end of the property as it would cost the Village thousands of dollars, seconded by Trustee Shoen. Ayes all

New Business

Resolution #

Trustee Dashnaw made a motion to enter into contract to allow Bass committee to use an online ticket sales company for the Bass event bands, seconded by Trustee Greene. Ayes all

Audit of Claims: A motion was made by Trustee Shoen, seconded by Trustee Greene to pay the bills: Vouchers No. $

Adjournment: A motion was made by Trustee Shoen, to adjourn at 6:48P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl D. Dumas

Village Clerk