
Randall Rhodes

Chapter 5

Police and the Law

1. When police make an arrest, what are they allowed to search without a warrant?

a) the building in which the person was arrested

b) any persons accompanying the offender

c) the suspect and immediate area he/she occupies

d) the suspect’s house, even if the arrest occurs at a different location

Answer: c

Page: 125

2. What is the rationale for the search and seizure rule of one arm’s length?

a) avoid delay of obtaining warrant

b) prohibit destruction of evidence

c) provide officers a chance to plant evidence

d) all of the above

Answer: b

Page: 126

3. What standard of proof of criminal activity must an officer have in order to stop and frisk a suspect?

a) reasonable suspicion

b) probable cause

c) proof beyond reasonable doubt

d) preponderance of the evidence

Answer: a

Page: 126–127

4. What is allowed by the plain view doctrine?

a) Police can seize evidence in plain view of a legal vantage point.

b) Police can move items until evidence is in plain view.

c) Police must keep a suspect in plain view at all times during stakeouts.

d) Offenders must always keep officers in plain view.

5. Which of the following places/items can be searched without a warrant?

a) rental storage unit

b) apartment

c) trash cans in public places

d) all of the above

6. At what point are police supposed to give the Miranda warning?

a) field interview

b) interrogation

c) frisk search

d) parole hearing

7. The Supreme Court ruled in Terry v. Ohio that police can stop and frisk anyone on a public street at any time for any reason.

Answer: False

Page: 126

8. Even when the police lack reasonable suspicion, they may engage a citizen in conversation and ask questions, as long as the citizen feels free to leave.

Answer: True

Page: 127

9. Police may conduct a warrantless search of a vehicle as long as officers have established probable cause to believe it is involved in illegal activity.

Answer: True

Page: 128

10. Police are allowed to move objects in order to get a better view of evidence that may be hidden.

Answer: False

Page: 128

11. Once a suspect asks for an attorney, police may no longer question him/her until he/she has had an opportunity to consult with counsel.

Answer: True

Page: 135

12. Describe three elements of a search warrant.

Answer: grants permission for search and seizure, outlines specific location of property or person, requires officer to account for results of search to the judicial officer

Page: 124

13. The Supreme Court extended the exclusionary rule to state officers and state trials in which case?

Answer: Mapp v. Ohio

Page: 124

14. When police make an arrest, they are permitted to search the suspect and the immediate area without a warrant. What is the approximate size of the immediate area?

Answer: one arm’s length

Page: 125

15. Explain reasonable suspicion.

Answer: Reasonable suspicion is evaluated using the criteria of what a reasonable person would be doing or how a reasonable officer would respond to what he or she observed.

Page: 123

16. Which doctrine allows police to seize evidence when they inadvertently discover it in a place where they have a legal right to be?

Answer: plain view

Page: 128

17. List and explain four major Constitutional amendments that relate to the treatment of criminal suspects.