Cleveland Diocese/Search Retreat Year: 2014-2015

FIAT Leadership Application

Applicant’s Name:

Mailing Address/City/Zip:

Cell phone number:Texting: Y N

Email Address:

School: Grade: 11 12

School and/or Job involvement including time commitments (summer and school year):

See 2014-2015 Timeline – conflicts that I am aware of at this time are:

Your Parish Name and City:

Is there a parish youth group? Yes No Don’t know Let’s start one

Youth Minister’s Name: Email

Please indicate your involvement at your parish:

Name of Parent(s) or Guardian(s) and Emails:




Please list the name and contact information of your pastor and another adult (ex. parish youth minister, teacher, coach) whom we can contact as a reference regarding your application. It is appropriate to let your pastor know that they will be contacted and you should ask the adult for permission to use them as a reference.

1. Pastor’s Name:Phone/Cell

Email Address:

2. Adult Name/Position:Phone/Cell

Email Address:


Persistent God,

Your voice beckons like some secret yet to be revealed

I am drawn to your invitation yet scared by the possibilities it might hold for my life

You ask to be loved with a whole heart, a whole soul, and a whole mind

And I tremble at the thought of what that will demand of me and of my life

Lead me to a place where I can hear the wisdom of your words

Speak to me so that I can understand your plan for me

Call me to a life that serves you

Strengthen me so that my “YES” is louder than the world’s “NO”

Gift me with the faith to answer your call and the trust to follow in your footsteps all the days of my life


National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, Inc., Info @, 202.636.3825


DEADLINE for FIAT application is: SUNDAY – JULY 20, 2014

Interviews are being scheduled. Application and reflection questions must be received prior to your interview. Be sure to indicate your day & time preference (see timeline for interview date options). You will receive an email, call or text verifying your interview time. For additional information or questions, call Jackie at office: 330.379.3636 x15 or cell 330.416.2712

Interview Date/Time: I prefer to meet with Jackie (Diocesan Search Program Director) on:

(date) at (time) or on (date) at (time).

Reflection Questions: Please reflect on the following questions and in a few words, state your thoughts.

  1. Why are you interested in serving on the FIAT team?
  1. Describe some of the gifts and talents that you could bring to the Search program and other Diocesan Youth Ministry activities as a FIAT member.
  1. What do you see as the greatest need of young people your own age?
  1. Describe your relationship with God.
  1. Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of an individual or group toward accomplishing goals in a given situation. Leadership is service to the needs or goals of an individual or group. Leadership isn’t something done “at” people, it is something done by, with, and for people. How do you think FIAT can demonstrate this type of leadership?