
The Village Board of Combined Locks was called to order by President John Neumeier. Trustees in attendance included: Justin Krueger,Ruth Wulgaert, Jim Ponto, Beth Sewall, and Roger Kirch. Rick Strick was absent.

Also in attendance were: Village Administrator Sean Hutchison, Fox Valley Metro Police Chief Erik Misselt, Public Works Foreman Ryan Swick, andJudy Hebbe of the Times Villager.

The first item on the agenda was to review and consider approval of the minutes and bills. B. Sewall made a motion to approve the minutes. J. Ponto seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. B. Sewall made a motion to approve the bills as presented. J. Ponto seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

The next item on the agenda was the Administrator’s report. He reported that time was spent finalizing the Janssen Street – Prospect Street Sewer Project invoicing, meeting with department heads to discuss long-range department needs, working on the 2014-2018 Capital Budget, and working with the storm water engineer to facilitate repairs to the Hideaway Ridges Pond and easement. He also reported that he will be working on the 2015 Operating Budget and meeting with the Little Chute and Kimberly Administrators to discuss logistics related to a consolidated municipal court.

The next item on the agenda was the Police report. He reminded the Board that his two new hires are currently in recruit academy. Their field training will begin in mid to late August. He also reminded the Board of the full-time clerical position that was vacant. The decision was to fill those hours with two part-time hires. The candidates have been chosen and will start soon. The Police Chief explained that the officers and investigators cleared the armed robbery at the grocery store in Little Chute – great work by FVMPD personnel in getting a full confession.

The next item on the agenda was the Public Works Foreman’s report. He reported that the entire Village has now been swept three times, and the portion of the Village that is required to be swepttwice a month per NR 216 storm water requirements has also been completed. A total of 46 tons of debris has been removed from the streets as compared to 41 tons removed last year. The crew also hauled 49 tons of yard waste in June to the county landfill for a season total of 111 tons as compared to a total of 119 tons in 2013. The crew also removed trees in the seating area of Memorial Park, removed woody vegetation surrounding Coonen Park Pond, inspected 50 manholes and also the 31 listed as critical manholes by our SSES report; 5manholes are leaking pretty heavily and should be grouted. The Foreman also reported that sidewalks were replaced in the Wallace Plat, and time was spent working on the 2015 Operating Budget and locating and listening to curb boxes throughout the Village. The July projects will include street sweeping, brush collection, trail system and parks maintenance, spraying and fertilizing green spaces, reviewing bids for infrared patching of water break areas, and developing the 5-year capital improvement plan.

The next item on the agenda was to review and consider approval of a request from American Tower Company to extend the cell tower land lease for an additional 25 years. The latest proposal is for $2272 per month beginning in August 2015 with an annual increase of 4.5% for 25 years with a 10-year rent guarantee. R. Wulgaert made a motion to approve the proposed lease. B. Sewall seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

The next item on the agenda was to discuss the repairs needed for the Hideaway Ridges Storm Water Pond. The Administrator reported that he will be meeting with the property owner whose property abuts the easement and pond to discuss the re-grading of the easement area. The current grading of the easement does not allow for construction vehicles to access the pond for repairs. The matter was discussed.

The next item on the agenda was to discuss and consider approval Village staff using hydrants to fill permanent swimming pools and the proper fees for this service. The Administrator provided information with regard to the amount of time it takes for residents to fill a pool with a regular garden hose. He asked the Board for direction as to begin providing the service or simply gather information. The Public Works Foreman explained that the service would require two employees for a minimum of 1.5 hours (3 labor hours). Some other small equipment would also need to be purchased. The matter was discussed. J. Ponto made a motion to move forward with providing the service for a one-year trial period. J. Krueger seconded the motion, and it passed with five (5) ayes and one (1) nay – J. Neumeier.

The next item on the agenda was to review and consider approval of amending municipal code section 11-2-13(b)(1)(2) regarding possession and discharge of bow and arrow. The Administrator explained that the language amendment is needed to include wording for crossbows. The matter was discussed briefly. J. Ponto made a motion to approve the amendment as presented. J. Krueger seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

The next item on the agenda was to review and consider approval of municipal code section 10-1-29(a)(h)(i) regarding parking limitations. The Administrator reminded the Board of its decision to limit parking on Washington Street near the County N and Kennedy Avenue intersection. The newly created ordinance includes the language to prohibit parking in that area. The matter was discussed briefly. B. Sewall made a motion to approve the ordinance creation as presented. R. Wulgaert seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

In other general business, the Administrator reviewed a letter from the Outagamie County Highway Commissioner regarding the Village’s request to place weight limits on County Highway K. The County Committee denied the request and recommended that the Village increase the local enforcement instead. The Board also discussed revisiting the Wheel Tax for street improvement projects instead of special assessments.

J. Ponto made a motion to adjourn the meeting. J. Krueger seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.

Village Board