Theatre 471-801: Acting Technique 4 Spring 2016

Jim Tasse 414.534.2950

Office: T-25

M-W-F (w/exceptions) 2-5 pm Mit 385

4Credits Time expectation:175 hours

Classroom instruction:100 hoursReading and research:25hours

Outside of class rehearsal:30hoursBook Response:20 hours

Catalogue Description: Fundamentals of acting in classical texts. We will concentrate on the work of William Shakespeare.

Course Goals

Using the tools and talents you already have, our work will be to:

  • begin an extensive exploration of the language of these pieces.
  • discover, through the language, a robust personal process of rehearsal and performance.
  • find a way of using the form of the language as a path to freedom ofexpression in the playing.
  • develop a larger understanding of the worlds from which these pieces emerged.

Student Outcomes/Objectives:

The student will research, rehearse and perform a sonnet, two monologues and a scene to high standards in pursuit of the course goals.


-This is a course in advanced acting techniques and, as such, requires a high level of your commitment. Attendance is crucial.

-The expectation for this class is for prepared and engaged participation. There will be a high degree of physicality, dress accordingly, bring water, breathe, pray.

-Missing a scheduled in class presentation will drop your grade for that presentationand make me surly.

Required texts: Royal Shakespeare Company: Complete Works ISBN#978-0679642954

Recommended texts:Schmidt, Alexander, Shakespeare Lexicon and Quotation Dictionary, Volumes 1 (ISBN 0-486-22726-X) and 2 (0-486-22727-8) , Dover Edition,

Onions, C.T., A Shakespeare Glossary, ISBN0-19-812521-6, Oxford University Press

University Policies

Attendance and Class Policies:

Much of our work will be accomplished in class. It’s difficult or impossible to make it up. Attendance is worth 30% of your grade) Generally speaking, there are no excused absences. However, do let me know what’s going on. In addition, more than three absences willresult in the lowering of your final grade one full letter.

Lateness: Class begins on time. I’ll take role at the top of class. Missing role=one late, three lates (that’s not lattes) = one absence for grading purposes. Keep me informed. Come to class. It’s a lot more fun than this syllabus.

-late assignments will be rewarded with a deduction based on the Prime Rate.

This syllabus is subject to change.


This is an advanced level course in performance and the expectation of discipline, preparedness, process development, and results are high. In order to achieve a superior grade, superior work and results are required.

You will receive written assignments with rubric for all graded work.


Your work will be evaluated from:

-The quality of your in-class presentations, including the process, rehearsal and development of the work. Sonnet (10 points), 1st Monologue (10 points), Scene (10 points), 2nd Monologue (10 points)

-A 3-4 page paper (10 points) TBD

-The quality of your engagement with the day-to-day work. Attendance (30), Class work (10), Self evaluation (5), Instructor Overall Assessment (5)

Grade Scale

A 95-100

A- 90-94

B+ 85-89

B 80-84

B- 75-79

C+ 70-74

C 65-69

C- 60-64

D+ 55-59

D 50-54

D- 45-59

F 44-0

Assignments Due/Other Dates

Sonnet Presentation: February 10

1st Monologue: March 11

Spring Break: March 14-20

Scene Presentation: April 15

Monologue presentation: April 30

Class Showings: May 4

Assessments: Thursday, May 12, 3-5

Let the good work continue!