Victoria Primary School

PTA Meeting 7th May 2013

Present: Jackie Anderson, Lorna Davisdon, Mel Clark, Lesley Dell, Susan Edwards, Julie Jackson, Bob Kirkpatrick, Heather Milligan, Hazel Morrison, Lara Reid, Annette Sheppard, Laura Sutherland, Laura Thomson, Sue Williamson, Maggie Young
Apologies: Tanya Bolton, Heather Milligan, Bruce Murray, Karen Reeves, Paul Render, Neil Steedman

Gala Day - 25th May 3pm - 5pm – Lorna updated on costume progress, should have about 8 sewing, but only 1 completed so far, more fabric to order & will try finish all by beginning of Gala week to give time for fittings. Working out about £15-£20 per head. Have sourced & amended some blouses from charity shops. Leith Rotary have kindly donated £100.

Sue E showed stall plan for the day. Flyers gone out asking for donations, Bob will also send another general help flyer shortly. Maggie will collate responses, hoping for lots of replies. Some good raffle prizes in, including Ocean Apartments penthouse stay, Yuu spray tan, Jessie J tickets, Telford Arms meal, Starbank & Old Chain Pier vouchers. Also Maid of Forth, David Lloyd week pass, taster session at Alien Rock++. Sue suggested to really push on raffle ticket sales on the day at the Pier as such good prizes. Jackie will arrange to get more tickets printed. Water bottles arrived, look good, invoice still to pay. Will put on same stall as T towels & T shirts. Maggie & Annette looking into juices etc, need plenty as can sell at EOT & Halloween discos. Poss also to sell ice poles at harbour/on stalls - weather dependent, Jackie will purchase & freeze.

Sue E’s husband on boat taking pics, Sue W taking individual ones on the day, can sell. Bob showed sample T shirts with kids winning designs on, look great, will also produce some for PTA working on the day. Will do different sample for kids to purchase on the day, can take orders. Still need donation of wine for wine/water stall & spare screw top bottles, raffle & tombola prizes, more texts to go out in due course. Bouncy castle needs paying on the day. Will set up Fri after school & from 12:00 on Saturday. Bob – In process of producing banners, will put up on school and Trinity Crescent road junction shortly.

Mural Project – Mural team updated on progress, several local artists including Michael Dawson & Richard Collins have been approached, all enthusiastic to get involved. Next step to arrange a meeting with all to show the site & see if can co-ordinate with several parties & kids to have good involvement, hopefully in next week or two.

Big Lunch – Doesn’t appear practical to use school grounds on this occasion, Maggie will inform locals.

Requests for Funds – Poss more iPads, so one for each class, also still a visual to show where funds are going. Heather chasing on missing consignment of iPads.

New Posts - to confirm at next meeting for Treasurer, Chair & Secretary.

End of Term Disco 21st June – finalise details at next meeting.

Accounts – Jackie provided summary of accounts showing running balance of £2642.18.

Next Meeting – Scheduled for 4th June @ 19:00.