MINA Queensland

Executive Committee Election

for 2013- 2014

Full Members are entitled to nominate someone (yourself or someone else), for the Queensland Committee for the coming year. You can submit a nomination for some, or all, of the positions.

Please return your nomination prior to the workshop & AGM on 24thAugust, so results can be collated and nominees can be contacted to confirm their interest.

At the AGM on 24ththe 2012-13Committee will officially step down, and the newly elected Committee will be instated.

NomineesMUST have a working email address.

Ballot return options are as follows:

  1. By mail, to The Secretary, MINA Qld, PO Box 159, RBWH, Herston Q4029
  2. By email, to
  3. In person at the AGM on 24thAugust(not the preferred option).

The ballot form is overleaf.



Committee / Responsibilities / Current Office Bearer / Nomination
President / The president shall be the principle executive officer and have general supervision over all business affairs of the Association / Leah Smith
Vice President / The Vice President offers support to the President, and acts in the place of the President in their absence. / vacant
Secretary / The Secretary shall keep a correct record of the minutes of the meetings and be responsible for conducting the business of the Association. / Helen McMahon
(not standing again)
Treasurer / The Treasurer shall keep an audited record of all monies and produce a financial statement at the Annual General Meeting. / Julia Ritson
(not standing again)
Education sub-committee / The Education sub-committee shall comprise 1-3 members to be responsible for ensuring that the activities of MINA Queensland meet the educational needs of its Members. / vacant
Webmaster / The Webmaster is responsible for performing or facilitating updates and upgrades to the website, and actioning any technological maintenance. / Steve Sinclair
Executive Committee members / Assist the Executive positions in the planning & organisation of the Association’s activities.
A minimum of six members are required (including at least one country member). / Siobhan Costello
Helen-Louise Morris
Sue Steward
Nileshni Krishnan
Caroline Rosenthal
Kate Robinson
Jo Franklin
Kristy Punch
MINA National Reference Group Representatives (MNRG) / Two or three Full Members shall represent the State Branch on the National Committee, to progress the development of MINA at a national level. (Meetings are currently twice yearly, either face to face or via teleconference, as decided by MNRG Members.) / Steve Sinclair
Helen McMahon
(not standing again)