MINA Queensland
Executive Committee Election
for 2013- 2014
Full Members are entitled to nominate someone (yourself or someone else), for the Queensland Committee for the coming year. You can submit a nomination for some, or all, of the positions.
Please return your nomination prior to the workshop & AGM on 24thAugust, so results can be collated and nominees can be contacted to confirm their interest.
At the AGM on 24ththe 2012-13Committee will officially step down, and the newly elected Committee will be instated.
NomineesMUST have a working email address.
Ballot return options are as follows:
- By mail, to The Secretary, MINA Qld, PO Box 159, RBWH, Herston Q4029
- By email, to
- In person at the AGM on 24thAugust(not the preferred option).
The ballot form is overleaf.
Committee / Responsibilities / Current Office Bearer / NominationPresident / The president shall be the principle executive officer and have general supervision over all business affairs of the Association / Leah Smith
Vice President / The Vice President offers support to the President, and acts in the place of the President in their absence. / vacant
Secretary / The Secretary shall keep a correct record of the minutes of the meetings and be responsible for conducting the business of the Association. / Helen McMahon
(not standing again)
Treasurer / The Treasurer shall keep an audited record of all monies and produce a financial statement at the Annual General Meeting. / Julia Ritson
(not standing again)
Education sub-committee / The Education sub-committee shall comprise 1-3 members to be responsible for ensuring that the activities of MINA Queensland meet the educational needs of its Members. / vacant
Webmaster / The Webmaster is responsible for performing or facilitating updates and upgrades to the website, and actioning any technological maintenance. / Steve Sinclair
Executive Committee members / Assist the Executive positions in the planning & organisation of the Association’s activities.
A minimum of six members are required (including at least one country member). / Siobhan Costello
Helen-Louise Morris
Sue Steward
Nileshni Krishnan
Caroline Rosenthal
Kate Robinson
Jo Franklin
Kristy Punch
MINA National Reference Group Representatives (MNRG) / Two or three Full Members shall represent the State Branch on the National Committee, to progress the development of MINA at a national level. (Meetings are currently twice yearly, either face to face or via teleconference, as decided by MNRG Members.) / Steve Sinclair
Helen McMahon
(not standing again)