World History

Mr. Arnebeck / Mr. Odland

2006 – 2007


We feel one goal for the 10th grade year is to develop personal responsibility. With this objective in mind, all assignments will have specific due dates. All due dates will be provided as assignments are distributed. Homework that is not turned in when it is asked for is considered late. Late work will be worth half credit for the next two days and worth zero thereafter. Students will be given an adequate amount of class time to complete assignments, however, there will be periods of time where time spent on homework outside of class will be required. Due dates can be adjusted with advance notice or when unusual circumstances arise.


A variety of methods will be used to assess student performance; multiple choice tests, short answers, essay questions, individual projects and group projects. Prior to every test, students will be given a study guide and a review activity to help them prepare. Students will be exposed to all of the necessary test information as well as the date of the test far enough in advance to plan ahead and adequately prepare. If a student is absent on the day of the test he or she has one-week from the day the test was given to make it up. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements for this outside of class time.


Grades will be posted on a regular schedule. They will be posted by student identification numbers to ensure their privacy. Grades will be determined based on the following percentages:

A = 94-100%

A- = 90-93%

B+ = 87-89%

B = 84-86%

B- = 80-83%

C+ = 77-79%

C = 74-76%

C- + 70-73%

D+ = 67-69%

D = 64-66%

D- = 60-63%

F = Below 60%

***Mid-quarter reports are sent for every student by the high school, to help you have knowledge of your student’s academic progress in this course.

Extra Credit Options:

v  There will be an opportunity to do extra credit to raise one’s grade. As the name implies, extra credit equals extra work. Students should have a good idea of their grades in this course at all times, and they will have the opportunity to do small extra credit work continuously. The cap on extra credit points for each quarter is set at 35.

v  Every Friday, students may turn in one completed worksheet on current events somewhere in the world, but it cannot focus on the United States. The current event worksheet must be completed in detail, and it must be turned in with a copy of the source (i.e. a copy of the article from a newspaper, magazine, or Internet news source.) Each worksheet can earn a designated amount of points (up to 5). No points will be given for incomplete extra credit worksheets or for those that do not fulfill the expectations stated in the directions.

v  There may be other miscellaneous extra credit options given at the teacher’s discretion. It cannot be guaranteed there will be one every quarter.

v  PLEASE NOTE!!! Extra credit can raise a grade, but one cannot pass the class by utilizing extra credit –they must do the work! A student must be passing the course (60% or higher) to utilize extra credit points.

Tardy / Excessive Absences / Truancy Policy:

v  Student must be in class when assignments are collected or tests given. If their absence or tardy is not excused, the work being collected will be worth ½ credit. Any unexcused absences on days of tests and / or quizzes will result in a 0.

Teacher Contact:

v  If you have concerns about your student’s performance in this class, here are the ways to contact us:

1.  Email –

2.  Phone – Brian Odland 271-0399

Jason Arnebeck 271-0398

The fastest way to reach us will be via email. If you call, you will receive our voice mail between the hours of 7:30am-3:00pm. While we will try to return your call as soon as is possible, please realize that we may not be able to get back to you immediately with classes and coaching obligations.

------Please return this Portion------

Printed Student Name______

Student Signature:______Parent Signature:______

Please return this form by Friday, 9/8/06 for 10 points. Your signatures imply that you have read and understood the classroom policies. If your student requires any special accommodations or considerations please write them out and send them with this form or e-mail the above address. Let’s have a great year! Thank you.

Brian Odland and Jason Arnebeck