General Situation: You are the platoon commander for 1st platoon, Bravo Company 1st Battalion, 4th Marines. You are currently located IVO 794727 (MOUT Facility). Over the past few weeks the Company has been conducting continuous combat operations against the CRF and MRA forces in the country of Centralia. During recent diplomatic negotiations, the country of Montanya has agreed to cease providing military support to the CRF and close its borders and stop providing refuge for withdrawing Centralian Forces. With this loss of support, the Centralians have decided to withdraw and commit the remainder of their conventional forces into key urban areas, in an attempt to gain popular support and maintain their control and influence in the region. The CRF initially began infiltrating buddy pair and team sized elements into the cities of Mouttown and Combattown, and as they continue to gain the support of the local populace, their total force strength continues to increase. More recent intelligence indicates the CRF are infiltrating the capital city of Hogan,in buddy pair or fire team size elements in order to disrupt the nation’s political stability. During Phase I of Operation MOUT FEX, we destroyed many of these smaller elements in their safe houses through the use of widely distributed squad size attacks, however with the support of the local populace, the total strength of the CRF insurgency has continued to grow in the city center of Mouttown. During Phase II, we destroyed a CRF platoon-sized force conducting a deliberate defense in Mouttown. Recent intelligence suggests an increase of insurgent activity IVO of Combattown. Acting on this intelligence, our company seized Mouttown in order to enable the company to transition into a defense in preparation for continued offensive operations against CRF forces in Combattown. An aggressive, mounted security patrolling effort in the area surrounding Mouttown will be a main component of our preparation for continued offensive operations as this will allow us to maintain pressure and gather intelligence on remaining CRF elements operating in the area.
Our TAOR is bounded by 646 to the north, 619 to the east, MCB 1 and MCB 6 to the south, and 611 and 612 to the west. The TAOR includes multiple north-south running MSRs. From east to west these include 618, Hangman Tree Road, 609, 645, Tokyo Road and MCB-5. Additionally, MCB-8 is an east-west running MSR to the north of TAOR. These are the only MSRs open to motorized traffic in the area. The TAOR is interspersed with populated areas IVO Mouttown (GC 793 726), Combattown (GC 863 753), and the IOCVillage (GC 832 756). The surrounding areas are Quantico-like highlands. Visibility is reduced to 50 meters in the low lying areas and up to 200 meters on high ground. Foot and larger tank trails traverse the TAOR generally running East-West between the MSRs and are generally only trafficable on foot.
Enemy: The CRF are now attempting to regroup after our successful offensive operations. We know now that at least one CRF squad survived our offensive and fled northeast toward Combattown. Satellite imagery suggests renewed activity by small groups of CRF (4-6 enemy personnel) in the northwest corner of Combattown. These groups are wearing a mixture of desert fatigues/civilian clothing and carry small caliber weapons, if any at all. Their automatic weapons capabilities are limited to 7.62; indirect fire to 60mm mortars; however the CRF have an abundance of rocket-propelled grenades. Further inspection of the satellite images show these teams may be moving arms and equipment.
EMPCOA: It appears the enemy is using Building 9 to re-arm and re-organize his scattered forces. Prior to contact, I believe the enemy will continue to consolidate his remaining weapons and re-organize his forces. On contact, I believe he will delay and attempt to withdraw to the town of Hogan with as many weapons as possible.
O/O, 1/4 (+) conducts stability and security operations IVO of Mouttown, Combattown, IOCVillage, and along identified MSRs IOT deny the enemy the ability to regroup and influence our operations in the TAOR.
Alpha Company conducts stability and security operations south/southeast of Mouttown IOT deny the enemy the ability to regroup and conduct offensive operations.
Charlie Company conducts stability and security operations north of MCB-8 IOT interdict enemy units attempting to cross over the border from Montanya.
Weapons Company conducts stability and security operations along MCB-
8 IOT interdict CRF attempting to cross the border from Montanya.
81mm mortar platoon located IVO LZ Quail (GC 834 735) in GS of the
battalion. DOF is 5000 mils. POF is B, C, W, and then A Company.
Tentatively plan for having (2) CAAT vehicles, (2) Highback HMMWVs, (1) 7-ton, and (1) MRC-145 attached. You will also have (1) interpreter and (4) indigenous security forces attached effective immediately.
On order Company Bconducts security operations east/northeast of Mouttown IOT deny the CRF the ability to regroup or conduct offensive operations. BPT to conduct mounted security patrols and, cordon and search operations north-northeast of Mouttown IVO of IOCVillage, CombatTown, and along MSRs throughout our TAOR IOT maintain pressure and gather intelligence on remaining CRF elements. BPT to conduct vehicle checkpoint operations IVO of Mouttown IOT block CRF units from returning to the city.
Commander’s Intent:
The enemy’s center of gravity is his ability to easily blend in with an intimidated
local populace. The enemy’s critical vulnerability is the general distrust and animosity shared amongst the local populace as a result of the hundreds of innocent deaths caused by the CRF’srepeated IED attacks and assassination campaign. I intend to exploit thisvulnerability by using an aggressive patrolling plan to maintain contact with thelocal populace, showing our desire to bring stability and security to the regionwhile simultaneously gaining intelligence and taking decisive action againstconfirmed enemy locations and meeting sites. My final result desired is to earn thetrust and respect of the local populace in order to render the enemy incapable ofinfluencing and interfering with our efforts to bring a legitimate democraticgovernment to the nation of Centralia.
Concept of Operations:
Scheme of Maneuver:
The company’s ME platoon will establish BP Iwo Jima inside of Mouttown,
concentrating on occupying key terrain IOT prevent the enemy from being able to
influence the local populace. One platoon, acting as SE 1, will establish constantly
manned, rotating vehicle checkpoint locations along the main avenues of approach
leading into Mouttown IOT block the CRF from entering the city. Another platoon,
acting as SE 2, will execute a mounted patrol to Combattown and conduct a cordon and search of building.
Fire Support Plan:
The purpose of my FSP is to suppress the enemy IOT deny key avenues of approach
into Mouttown as well as to prevent the enemy from being able to launch ambushes
against our mounted security patrols. I have two pre-planned targets to support the
company’s scheme of maneuver:
AB 1005 GC 792 726 northwest/southeast stream (Likely ene AOA)HE/VT
AB 1006 GC 790 734 Trail/MCB 5 Intersection (Likely ene ambush pos)HE/VT
Additionally, platoon commanders will submit Lists of Targets to the Weapons
Platoon Commander.
1st Platoon, SE 2, O/O conduct a cordon and search of building 9 in Combattown IOT disrupt enemy efforts to regroup and rearm. You have (4) CAAT vehicles, (1) Highback HMMWVs, (1) 7-ton, (1) MRC-145 attached, and (1) MG squad attached.
2nd Platoon, ME, O/O establish BP Iwo Jima inside of Mouttown IOT prevent the
enemy from being able to influence the local populace. You have one machine gun
squad and one assault squad attached effective immediately.
3rd Platoon, SE 1, O/O establish vehicle checkpointlocations along the main avenues of approach leading into Mouttown IOT block theCRF from entering the city. You have one machine gun squad and two assaultsquads attached effective immediately.
Weapons Platoon, O/Oestablish a 60mm mortar firing position inside of BP Iwo
Jima and suppress the CRF IOT prevent the enemy from using high speed
avenues of approach into Mouttown. DOF is 6400 mils. POF is to 3rd Platoon, 2nd
Platoon, 1stPlatoon. Detach one machine gun squad to each rifle platoon effective
immediately.Detach one assault squad to 2nd platoon and two assault squads to 3rd
platooneffective immediately.
Coordinating Instructions:
Time X = Commence Cordon and Search Lane
X + 30min: Op Order Complete
+30min to + 74min: Coordination/Rehearsals Complete
+ 75min: Cross LD
+ 76min to + 150min: Execute
+150min to + 179min: Re-enter Friendly Lines/De-brief
+ 180min: Rotate
Administration and Logistics
CASEVAC Plan: The Company CCP will be at BP Iwo Jima. CASEVAC LZ will be LZ Kiwi (Student Platoon Commander must develop CASEVAC LZs and CCPs for each assigned mission). CASEVAC LZs will be marked with smoke.
EPW Plan: Platoon commanders establish EPW collection point behind respective positions. Contact Company First Sergeant with number, location, and route to coordinate pick up. Company EPW Collection Point at BP Iwo Jima. Utilize 5 S’s and a T. (Student Platoon Commander must develop platoon EPW Plan.)
Maintain one DOS of chow, water, and ammunition at all times. Vehicles must be topped off before going on patrol. Re-supply requests go to Company GySgt at 1600 daily. Submit all special gear requests to the Company GySgt.
Command and Signal:
Primary is radio. Alternate is messenger.
Call signs, freqs, challenge and password as per the CEOI. (Ensure information in CEOI is passed on to platoon)
No Comm Plan: TBD by Plt Cmdr.
Signal Plan: TBD by Plt Cmdr. (Make use of available pyro for Primary, Secondary, Tertiary signals)
Location of Key Leaders:
Company Commander, XO, Weapons Platoon Commander, Company 1stSgt, Company GySgt will be located at BP Iwo Jima.
Succession of Command:
XO, Weapons Platoon Commander, 2nd Platoon Commander, 3rd Platoon Commander, 1st Platoon Commander, Co 1stSgt, Co GySgt.