Preliminary Programme

The 4th Norwegian Conference of History of Science

Sunday, November 20th to Tuesday, November 22nd 2011

University of Oslo

Conference Organizer: Vidar Enebakk

Conference coordinator: Magnus Lysberg

Programme Committee: Kristin Asdal

Brita Brenna

Vidar Enebakk

Christoph Gradman

Sunday 20thNovember

Norwegian Museum for Science, Technology and Medicine.

18.00Registration and Reception

19.00Conference Opening: Vidar Enebakk

19.15Key Note Lecture 1:Lissa Roberts (Twente)

20.00Museum Exhibition: “Mind the Gap”

Monday 21stNovember

University of Oslo, Blindern Campus, Georg Sverdrups Hus.

09.30Registration and Coffee

10.00–10.45Key Note Lecture 2:Otto Sibum (Uppsala)

Session 1


Anne Helness (Oslo) Early modern travel writing

Thomas Østerhaug (Oslo), ”The curious way to observe weight in Water”: Francisd Bacon, Thomas Harriot and specific gravity

Anders Rydberg (Uppsala),Christian Wolff and the ambvivalence of experience

Alexander C. Iosad (Reading), 1738-1740: A decade of popular science in Russia


Peder Anker (New York), The sustainable society: A history of science as a vacation

Jenny Beckman (Uppsala), Making lists, making borders: Threatened speices and Nordic relations.

Robert Kirk (Manchester) and Tone Druglitrø (Oslo), Communicating with care: Scientific standards and moral values in the transnational development of laboratory animal science, c. 1956-1988

Roland Wittje (Regensburg), Geographies of sound: Accoustics in the interwar period


Session 2

14.00–15.302a)Life sciences

Anne Kveim Lie (Oslo),Naming and mapping diseases in the 18th century.

Francis Lee (Linköping) and Jenny Beckman (Uppsala), Mapping life, representing science.

Edgeir Benum (Oslo),Geography and the DNA-story.

14.00–15.30 2b) History of chemistry

Anders Lundgren (Uppsala),Smell and taste in the history ofchemistry: Textbooks and laboratories in the end of the 19th century.

Anette Lykknes (Trondheim), Ida and Walter Noddack through better and worse: An Arbeitsgemeinschaft in chemistry.

Katarina Larsen(Stockholm) andMaja Fjaestad (Stockholm), Science laboratries and geographies of technology. A study of measurement techniques and international citation of Nobel laureates.

15.30Short break / Coffee

Session 3


Gunnar Ellingsen (Bergen),The place – and depth – of new scientific methods. Measuring ocean current before 1960.

Staffan Bergwik (Uppsala),Home and away, mimicry and travelling: Hans Petterson and the transferring of oceanography.

Peder Roberts (Strasbourg),An opportunity, but also a curse? Hans Petterson and the geopolitics of oceanography, 1945-1960.

Janet Martin-Nielsen (Aarhus),At war with nature: Scientific knowledge, military strategy and Arctic geography.

16.00-18.003b) POLAR HISTORY

Einar Arne Drivenes (Tromsø),Inventing polar nations. Politics and science in the Arctic.

Kari Aga Myklebost (Tromsø),Norwegian-Russian cross border scientific networks in arctic research.

Terje Brundtland (Tromsø),About men and instruments: The Norwegian Auroral Expedition to the Arctic, 1902-3.

Aant Elzinga (Gothenburg),Roald Amundsen: Explorer, reflective practioner and facilitator of science.

19.00-23.00Conference Dinner

Fram Museum


Tuesday 22. November

The National Library


10.00-10.45Key Note Lecture 3: Anne Hardy(London)

Session 4

11.00-13.004a) HISTORY OF MEDICINE

Svein Alte Skålevåg (Bergen), “Prostitutionology”.

Kerstin Bornholdt (Oslo),The geographies of female medical knowledge production: Medical Women’s International Association.

Magnus Vollset (Bergen),Circulating leprosy.

Øyvind Thomassen (Trondheim), Goodbye to biology.

11.00-13.004b) HISTORY OF MEDICINE

Dagmar Zadrazilova (Cambridge),The geography of early medical studies: Travelling knowledges, images and practices between Italy and England

Teodora Daniela Sechel (Budapest), Medical Topographies on the Eastern Fringes of the Habsburg Monarchy

Stephan Curtis (Canada), The dissemination of continental European medicine into nineteenth-century Sweden

Mónica García(Columbia), Between the local and the universal: medical geography and bacteriology in nineteenth-century Colombia.


Session 5

14.00-16.00 5) Plenary Symposium: Large scale programmes in the history of science:

Some Swedish considerations
Sven Widmalm (Uppsala), Lessons from the VTI-project (1996-2006), an early example of big bistory of science in Sweden.

Christer Norlund (Umeå), The fuel of the future? A research programme on the science, technology and selling of biofuels in Sweden.

Johan Kärnfelt (Gothenburg), Science and modernization in Sweden: An institutional approach to historicizing the knowledge society.

Thomas Kaiserfeld (Lund), Legitimizing ESS: Big Science as collaboration across boundaries.

16.00-16.30Short break / Coffee

Session 6

6a) Mountains and Aestethics

Ernst H. Bjerke (Oslo), A Wanderer Above the Mist: B.M. Keilhau and the Romantic movement.

Torild Gjesvik (Oslo), A Norwegian Sublime?

Marie-Theres Fojuth (Berlin), Mapping the Mountains: Railway Politics and Geographical Knowledge in the Norwegian Parliament 1875-1898.

Jon R. Kyllingstad (Oslo), Geophysics and biology in a fishing nation.

16.30-18.306b) Mathematics and Magnetism

Vidar Enebakk (Oslo),Christopher Hansteen and the Mapping of Terrestrial Magnetism.

Andreas Christiansen (Stord/Haugesund), A controversy about geometry textbooks in Norway 1835-6.

Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze (Kristiansand), 75 years after Oslo 1936: The first International Congress of Mathematicians in Scandinavia.

18.30-19.30Reception at the Observatory