November 9, 2005

Honorable Steve Buyer, Chairman

House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs

334 Cannon House Office Building

Washington, DC20515

Dear Chairman Buyer:

I am writing to strongly object to the gross mischaracterization of your press release of November 8 that your proposed rescheduling of testimonies was “received favorably” by those of us in attendance. At no time did I in any manner voice acceptance of the elimination of the traditional joint hearings afforded the national veterans’ service organizations. The same can be said of most of the others in attendance.

While there is merit in hearing testimony early on from the veterans’ community regarding the budget submission that in no way equates to a willingness to forego the presentation of our annual testimony. Traditionally the testimonies given by National Presidents and Commanders address issues far beyond the budget and include the legislative priorities unique to their organization’s membership. Additionally, when the proposal was put forth that the Independent Budget VSOs would be asked to testify prior to or immediately following the release of the President’s budget I objected, pointing out that such scheduling would foreclose the opportunity to address initiatives contained in the President’s budget.

The stated rationale for eliminating the traditional annual joint hearings of the VSOs that by so doing will provide veterans a greater influence in developing the budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs is disingenuous, at best. For the past four years the Independent Budget VSOs have presented testimony regarding the budget to the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs on February 16, 2005, February 4, 2004, February 11, 2003 and February 11, 2002. The timing of these hearings were effectively attuned to the budget process schedule and allowed for input prior to the deadline for the submission of “views and estimates.” The budget/appropriations process does not end with this submission which is only the first step in a long, drawn out procedure that in recent years has not been completed until well after the start of the fiscal year.

Honorable Steve Buyer, Chairman

November 9, 2005

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Finally it must be pointed out that the very format of the meeting in Carlisle was not conducive to meaningful dialogue or thoughtful contemplation of issues. Rather, it was orchestrated in a manner by which in the final ten minutes, just prior to announcing grab your box lunch and get on the bus, you put forth the intent to eliminate the annual joint hearings in the guise of providing veterans a broader forum to express their concerns. This forum has historically existed, as a review of past hearing schedules will reveal. It is patently evident that the intent of this charade is to eliminate criticism of current and anticipated budget and policy initiatives and to marginalize veterans’ voices.


Douglas K. Vollmer

Associate Executive Director

for Government Relations

cc:Honorable Lane Evans, Ranking Minority Member

Mr. James M. Lariviere, Staff Director

Mr. Jim Holley, Minority Staff Director