Board Member Application Packet


Dear Candidate:

Thank you so much for considering playing a larger role in your organization. We appreciate your dedication!

The GBEA executive board has decided to use a unified application. Descriptions of all board positions, along with requirements, are at the end of this packet. Please take some time to read these to be sure you understand all that is asked of anyone in those positions.

Position Openings for 2018-2019

  1. President-Elect
  2. Vice President
  3. Professional Development

The deadline to apply for positions is March 1. Elections will be held at our business meeting during the summer GACTE conference.

If you have any questions, please contact Susan Little, GBEA Past-President at .


GBEA Board Members


Personal Information
Home Address:
Phone Number:
E-mail Address:
School Information
School Address:
School Phone Number:
School E-mail Address:
How long have you taught Business & Computer Science?
Professional Organization Memberships: List years of membership and membership number
Other (please list)
Please confirm the following by checking the boxes: / ☐ I will be able to travel to all necessary GBEA meetings, conferences, and related events.
☐ I have the support of my school, district, and CTAE administration in pursuing this role.
What has been your involvement in GBEA, thus far? Please list any awards, recognitions, conferences attended, etc. that you feel applicable.
Why do you want to serve on the GBEA Board?
Position Applying For:
☐ President
☐ Vice President
☐ Secretary
☐ Treasurer
☐ Membership Director
☐ Awards Chair
☐ Public Relations Chair
☐ Professional Development Chair
☐ Legislative Advocacy Chair
Please check:
☐ I have read the attached manual and understand the duties and responsibilities of the position I am applying for.
sign & date
Principal’s Signature:
sign & date
CTAE Director’s Signature:
sign & date

Once again, thank you for your consideration and interest in the GBEA Board. All applications should be submitted to the GBEA Past-President, Morgan Jarvis (). Please do not hesitate to contact him with any questions you may have regarding serving.



One year (three year commitment—one year as President-Elect and one year as Past President)

Bylaws Excerpt

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board; shall maintain regular communication with executive board and organizations membership shall represent GBEA at all regional affiliate conferences and across the state as appropriate; shall be an ex-officio member of all Association committees with the exception of the nominating committee; shall complete additional duties as outlined in the GBEA Association Board Member Position Descriptions Manual.

The President shall appoint, with the approval of the Executive Board, the SBEA Membership Director, Webmaster and all other committee chair positions as deemed necessary by the Executive board. The President shall have the power to appoint alternates for any duty that the elected or appointed individual may not be able to perform.


  • Three years of experience on GBEA Executive Board
  • Fully Unified member for at least one year prior to president-elect nomination.
  • Maintain unified membership for the duration of term
  • Attend NBEA, SBEA, ACTE and GACTE as GBEA representative
  • Represent GBEA at Field of Dreams, FBLA State Conference, and DOE Drive-Ins as needed

Additional Duties

  • Communicate with executive board each month
  • Write president's letter for the GBEA state report and journal
  • Coordinate GBEA business meeting, board meeting and opening session guest speaker at various conferences throughout the year
  • Attend and preside over 3 executive board meetings and 2 business meetings per year
  • Provide president's letters for GBEA Newsletter
  • Attend NBEA Regional and State Association Presidents breakfast/luncheon
  • Appoint members to positions following resignations and unplanned vacancies
  • Maintain official copy of bylaws, strategic plan, and position manual to make changes as needed



One year (three year commitment—one year as President and one year as Past President)

Bylaws Excerpt

In the absence or inability of the president, the president-elect shall assume the duties of the president; shall shadow President on all major projects; shall complete additional duties as outlined in the GBEA Board Member Position Descriptions Manual.


  • Three years of experience on GBEA Executive Board
  • Fully Unified member for at least one year prior to president-elect nomination
  • Maintain unified membership for the duration of term
  • Attend NBEA, SBEA, ACTE and GACTE as GBEA representative if needed
  • Represent GBEA at Field of Dreams, FBLA State Conference, and DOE Drive-Ins as needed

Additional Duties

  • Assist Membership Director at GBEA Promotion/Membership tables
  • Complete the Annual Business Report to be submitted to the SBEA
  • Communicate with executive board and members in a timely manner

Vice-President and GACTE Representative


3 Years (as set forth by GACTE)

Bylaws Excerpt

Vice-President shall serve as the business division representative on the GACTE Board of

Directors and shall meet the requirements as set forth by the GACTE Constitution; shall serve as the chairperson of the program committee for the GACTE Summer Conference; shall complete additional duties as outlined in the GBEA Board Member Position Descriptions Manual.


  • Two years of experience on GBEA Executive Board
  • Fully Unified member for at least two years prior to nomination
  • Maintain unified membership for the duration of term
  • Attend ACTE National Policy Seminar, GACTE, and GBEA Annual Conferences
  • Attend other business related professional development conferences to represent GBEA as needed

Additional Duties

  • Attend 3 executive board meetings per year and participate in conference calls
  • Stay up-to-date and involved in GBEA activities, happenings and events
  • Serve as representative for GACTE Business Division Vice President
  • Must meet the requirements set forth by the GACTE Bylaws
  • Attend all GACTE Board Meetings and be an active member of the GACTE Board
  • Complete quarterly reports as required by GACTE
  • Communicate quarterly reports and GACTE Business related to GBEA with executive board
  • Assist with the planning of the GBEA portion of summer conference
  • Communicate with executive board and members in a timely manner
  • Write updates for GBEA newsletters and website



One Year (three year commitment—one year as President and one year as President-Elect)

Bylaws Excerpt

The Past-President shall advise the Executive Board, assist the President upon request and serve as the chairperson of the Nominating Committee; shall complete additional duties as outlined in the GBEA Board Member Position Descriptions Manual.


  • One year of experience on GBEA Executive Board
  • Fully Unified member for at least one year prior to nomination
  • Maintain unified membership for the duration of term
  • Attend GACTE and GBEA Annual Conferences
  • Attend other business related professional development conferences to represent GBEA as needed

Additional Duties

  • Preside over new officer installation at the GACTE Business Division luncheon
  • Update nomination applications to be posted on the GBEA website 60 days prior to election
  • Prepare a ballot of nominees to be used at the elections at the GACTE business meeting
  • Coordinate the distribution, collection and counting of the ballots.
  • Prepare and present committee report at each board meeting
  • Communicate with executive board and members in a timely manner



Three years

Bylaws Excerpt

Secretary shall attend to all correspondence of the Association and keep a correct permanent record of the minutes of the meetings (Association and Executive Board); shall provide the executive board with a copy of the minutes within 30 days of the conclusion of each meeting; shall complete additional duties as outlined in the GBEA Association Board Member Position Descriptions Manual.


  • Fully Unified member for at least one year prior to nomination
  • Maintain unified membership for the duration of term
  • Attend GACTE and GBEA Annual Conference
  • Attend other business related professional development conferences to represent GBEA as needed
  • Attend board meetings and participate in conference calls for GBEA business meetings

Additional Duties

  • Keep minutes of all meetings and file minutes with President for each meeting in a timely fashion
  • Ensure new board members have bylaws, minutes, agendas, strategic plan, etc.
  • Maintain reports, publish meeting agendas, and complete other details as needed by executive board
  • Communicate with executive board and members in a timely manner
  • Attend 3 executive board meetings per year
  • Write updates for GBEA newsletters and website
  • Report contact information, minutes, agendas to the webmaster to be posted on the GBEA website
  • Present meeting minutes for approval at each board and business meeting



Three years

Bylaws Excerpt

The Treasurer shall maintain a complete record of the Association's financial records; shall have custody of all money belonging to the Association, pay all Association bills approved by the Executive Board, keep a record of all expenses and income, and present special reports as requested by the President and/or Executive Board; shall complete additional duties as outlined in the GBEA Board Member Position Descriptions Manual.


  • One year of experience on GBEA Executive Board
  • Fully Unified member for at least one year prior to nomination
  • Maintain unified membership for the duration of term
  • Attend GBEA and GACTE Annual Conferences

Additional Duties

  • Write updates for GBEA newsletter and website
  • Reconcile accounts with bank statements
  • Prepare and present a treasurer's report at each board and business meeting
  • Communicate with executive board and members in a timely manner
  • Responsible for GBEA Annual Conference Registration

Awards Chair


3 years

Bylaws Excerpt

The Awards Chair shall solicit nominations for annual awards program; shall create a committee to review nominations and select winners in each category; shall coordinate distribution of special tokens of appreciation for guest speakers and Association members; shall complete additional duties as outlined in the GBEA Board Member Position Descriptions Manual.


  • Fully Unified member for at least one year prior to nomination
  • Maintain unified membership for the duration of term
  • Attend GACTE and GBEA Annual Conferences

Additional Duties

  • Serve as GACTE Awards Committee Representative
  • Write updates for GBEA newsletter and website
  • Submit updated award forms to webmaster
  • Solicit members to serve on the awards committee to read and select annual winners
  • Prepare business division members to move forward to GACTE and SBEA awards process
  • Prepare and present committee report at each board meeting
  • Coordinate the purchase and presentation of recognition awards/gifts/cards for members (retiring, award winners, promotions, sympathy, get-well, etc.)
  • Communicate with executive board and members in a timely manner

Legislative Advocacy Chair


3 years

Bylaws Excerpt

The Legislative Advocacy Chair shall work with the GACTE executive director to disseminate important policy and legislative information to members; shall prepare and present committee reports at each board meeting; shall complete additional duties as outlined in the GBEA Board Member Position Descriptions Manual.


  • Fully Unified member for at least one year prior to nomination
  • Maintain unified membership for the duration of term
  • Attend ACTE National Policy Seminar, GACTE and GBEA Annual Conferences

Additional Duties

  • Work with the GACTE executive director to disseminate important policy and legislative information to members
  • Serve on the GACTE Legislative Committee Representative
  • Will prepare and present committee reports at each board meeting
  • Attend 3 executive board meetings per year
  • Write updates for GBEA newsletters and website
  • Communicate with executive board and members in a timely manner

Membership Director


3 years

Bylaws Excerpt

The Membership Director shall serve on the Executive Board for a three-year term in accordance with SBEA Bylaws; shall be responsible for recruiting and maintaining members in GBEA and SBEA; shall be responsible for maintaining communication with SBEA and attending membership director meetings as scheduled; shall complete additional duties as outlined in the GBEA Board Member Position Descriptions Manual.


  • One year of experience on GBEA Executive Board
  • Fully Unified member for at least one year prior to nomination
  • Maintain unified membership for the duration of term
  • Attend SBEA, NBEA, GBEA, and GACTE Annual Conferences
  • Represent GBEA at Field of Dreams, FBLA State Conference, and DOE Drive-Ins as assigned

Additional Duties

  • Host GBEA Promotion/Membership tables at various events and conferences
  • Field of Dreams
  • FBLA State Conferences (as allowed)
  • DOE Drive-Ins
  • GBEA Annual Conference
  • Write updates for GBEA newsletter and website
  • Prepare and present committee report at each board meeting
  • Send emails to remind members of upcoming membership renewal and email members who have expired memberships

Professional Development Chair


3 years

Bylaws Excerpt

The Professional Development Chair shall assist the DOE Program Specialist in planning professional development activities for business teachers by soliciting speakers/presenters and survey members for workshop offerings; shall complete additional duties as outlined in the GBEA Board Member Position Descriptions Manual.


  • Fully Unified member for at least one year prior to nomination
  • Maintain unified membership for the duration of term
  • Attend Field of Dreams, GBEA and GACTE Annual Conferences
  • Attend other business related professional development conferences to represent GBEA as needed

Additional Duties

  • Write updates for newsletters and website
  • Work with GACTE Vice-President and DOE Program Specialist to solicit speakers, presenters and volunteers for professional development needs of Business & Computer Science teachers
  • Solicit GBEA member feedback on preferred workshop topics and suggestions for conference speakers
  • Prepare and present committee report for each board meeting
  • Communicate with executive board and members in a timely manner

Public Relations Chair


3 years

Bylaws Excerpt

The Public Relations Chair shall be responsible for creating the GBEA newsletter and other public relations activities (including website); shall take and share conference and meeting pictures with the webmaster and members, as needed; shall complete additional duties as outlined in the GBEA Board Member Position Descriptions Manual.


  • Fully Unified member for at least one year prior to nomination
  • Maintain unified membership for the duration of term
  • Attend GBEA and GACTE Annual Conferences

Additional Duties

  • Serve as GACTE Public Relations Committee Representative
  • Create Newsletters and submit newsletters to SBEA and GACTE
  • Serve as the official historian for the organization by taking pictures at each event GBEA is represented
  • Coordinate another member to be responsible for pictures in the PR chair's absence
  • Responsible for the development and maintenance of relevant and current information on the association’s website
  • Maintain active website
  • Ensure links to contact information, reports, pictures, etc. are accurate and live at all times
  • Post information submitted from board members within 3 days of submission
  • Communicate with executive board and members in a timely manner