Sixteen Thematic GOF Video Presentations

[Rental Fees in Brackets]

To complement GOF, sixteen (16) thematic video presentations have evolved. The process entails electronically splicing segments of GOF features into productions following specific themes: "Roots and Practice of Northwestern Geography", GOF Interview Years 1971-1972 (1972): 29 min [$25.00]; "William Morris Davis, Robert P. Beckinsale" (1975)Edited Banquet Address, Co-author, The Life and Work of William Morris Davis, The History of the Study of Landforms, vol. 2, 1973. New Haven CT, Oct 10 (1975): 32 min [$25.00]; “Interviews of Berkeley Students” 1932-1950 (1979): 123 min [$30.00]; "Unity in Diversity, Marvin W. Mikesell" 1979, Archival Footage of Opening Session: The AAG at 75: History and Prospect, Philadelphia, April 22 (1979): 22 min [$20.00]; "Early 20th Century Harvard Geographers" (1980): 21 min [$20.00]; "Wallace W. Atwood: Clark Monadnock of the 1920s" (1980): 10 min [$15.00]; "Harvard in the 40s: Recollections of the Demise" (1988): 38 min [$35.00]; "Mr. Sauer: Mentor and Disciples" (1988): 60 min [$35.00]; "The QR: Reflections about the Quantitative Revolution in American Geography" (1988): 59 min [$35.00]; "Women Geographers on Film I - A Retrospective: Survival in the Male-dominated Academe" (1990): 29 min [$35.00]; "Women Geographers on Film II" (1991): 58 min [$40.00]; "The Silver Sampler: 25 years of Geographers on Film" (1994): 36 min [$35.00]; “Interviews of Berkeley Faculty” 1950-1996 (1996): 122 min [$30.00]; "Diffusion of Geographic Education, K-PhD I" (1996): 38 min [$35.00]; "Diffusion of Geographic Education, K-PhD II" (1998): 86 min [$40.00]; and Anticipating the Centennial, Geographers on Film Archival Presentations: Political and Urban Geography; Richard Hartshorne, The Nature of Geography; J. E. Spencer; Gilbert White, the TVA; Beyond the Glass Ceiling; and Women in the Field, 1971-1996 (2003), 97 min [$35.00]. (4/4/04)

Roots and Practice of Northwestern Geography (1972)

(GOF Interview Years 1971-1972) Tape


Interviewee Interviewer Year Location (min/sec)

1. G. Donald Hudson John Fraser Hart 1971 Boston 0:10

(1897-1984) (1924- ) (8:15)

2. Clarence F. Jones Preston E. James 1972 Kansas City 8:24

(1893-1991) (1899-1986) (6:25)

3. Edward B. Espenshade Preston E. James 1972 Kansas City 14:46

(1910- ) (1899-1986) (2:10)

4. Clyde F. Kohn John Fraser Hart 1971 Boston 21:01

(1911-1989) (1924- ) (2:10)

5. William L. Garrison M. W. Dow 1972 Kansas City 23:13

(1924- ) (1929- ) (2:15)

6. John Fraser Hart M. W. Dow 1972 Kansas City 25:27

(1924- ) (1929- ) (3:50)

ending 29:16

G. DONALD HUDSON (1897-1984) April 1971 — introduction (1924) to geography at Chicago; Barrows as advisor – midwife to the quantitative revolution at Washington; relationship

with Garrison — WWI, TVA, and applied geography – status of applied geography within

academia prior to the 1960s — suggestions for department chairpersons - interviewer:

John Fraser Hart. 8m 15s

CLARENCE F. JONES (1893-1991) April 1972 — pre/post WWI Chicago background – graduate field courses at Clark and Northwestern — influence of Wellington Jones and the fractional code method on land use studies — Rural Land Classification Program in Puerto Rico (1949-55) — relationships with graduate students -

interviewer: Preston E. James. 6m 15s

EDWARD B. ESPENSHADE, JR. (b. 1910) April 1972 — Chicago background, influence of Wellington Jones in switching from geology to geography – position at Northwestern after WWII; evolves as Chair following Hudson and Jones – introduced department's philosophy of sharp focus on research with systematic emphases and elimination of most regional courses - interviewer: Preston E. James. 6m 15s

CLYDE F. KOHN (1911-1989) April 1971 — career in geographic education – faculty member at Northwestern (1948-58) - selection of Schaefer's article (1953) for publication and editorial reactions to it - interviewer: John Fraser Hart. 2m 10s

WILLIAM L. GARRISON (b. 1924) April 1972 — influence of J. Russell Whitaker at

Peabody — graduate days (urban studies) at Northwestern (1947-50); Proudfoot as

advisor - Hudson, Ullman and Garrison at Washington - interviewer: M. W. Dow. 2m 15s

JOHN FRASER HART (b. 1924) April l972 — WWII affects path into geography - influence

of Merle Prunty at Georgia and Malcolm Proudfoot (plus fellow graduate students) at

Northwestern in late 1940s - interviewer: M. W. Dow. 3m 50s

William Morris Davis: Robert P. Beckinsale (1975)

Edited Banquet Address, Co-author, The Life and Work of William Morris Davis, The History of the Study of Landforms, vol. 2, 1973. New Haven CT, Oct 10, 1975. (32.5 minutes).

Berkeley Students: 1932-1950 (1979)


Interviewee Interviewer Date PhD Yr Running Time


1. Jan O. M. Broek Preston E. James 1970 c.1932:Visitor 00.16

(1904-1974) (1899-1986)

2. Hallock F. Raup John Fraser Hart 1973 1935 09.36

(1901-1985) (1924- )

3. Joseph E. Spencer M. W. Dow 1970 1936 19.19

(1907-1984) (1929- )

4. Karl J. Pelzer Preston E. James 1976 1935-36:TA 39.21

(1909-1980) (1899-1986)

5. Leslie Hewes Preston E. James 1973 1940 50.34

(1906-1999) (1899-1986)

6. Webster McBryde M. W. Dow 1979 1940 60.31

(1908-1995) (1929- )

7. George F. Carter Preston E. James 1970 1942 74.32

(1912-2004) (1899-1986)

8. Andrew H. Clark John Fraser Hart 1971 1944 83.17

(1911-1975) (1924- )

9. Robert C. West H. J. Walker 1973 1946 94.17

(1913-2001) (1921- )

10. James J. Parsons Preston E. James 1973 1948 (f) 102.17

(1915-1997) (1899-1986)

11. Edward T. Price Preston E. James 1973 1950 112.01

(1915- ) (1899-1986) ending....122.40

(f) = faculty, also


CAVEAT: During the early days of Geographers on Film (GOF) the interviews were

produced in 16mm film. Though most were of reasonably good quality in some cases

they were not up to professional standards in the non-studio environment of

annual meetings. Such conditions explain the variations in audio and video

characteristics of the earlier interviews. Over the last thirty years there has

been a continual effort to improve quality as GOF evolved through five different


CONVERSION TO VHS: When early videos began to deteriorate, GOF was faced with the

difficult task of transferring them to another medium before they became non-functional.

At best, proper VHS transfer and editing is difficult as unstable signals yield products

of varying visual and audio quality. Finally, transformation from one medium to other

mediums diminishes audio and visual performance - referred to in the television industry

as generational loss. These Berkeley videos represent four generational losses.

IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR VIEWING: When viewing monochrome videos

back off on color to see them in the original production medium.


See CONVERSION TO VHS comments above for explanation of substandard.

Spencer (1970), Hewes (1973), = B, McBryde (1979) = J, Raup (1973) = W

Key: B = blurred, fuzzy picture, J = jiggling frame,

W = wobbly, flopping frame

Unity in Diversity: Marvin W. Mikesell (1979)

Archival Footage of Opening Session: The AAG at 75: History and Prospect,

Philadelphia PA, April 22, 1979. Brief introductions by Brian J. L. Berry,

and Preston E. James. (22 minutes).

Early 20th Century Harvard Geographers (1981)

Memories of Preston E. James (1981), Commentary: Geoffrey J. Martin.

Principals include: W. M. Davis, E. Huntington, A. H. Brigham, W. Atwood,

R. Ward; vignettes on D. Whittlesey, H. Kemp, A. H. Rice, and I. Bowman.

(21 minutes)

Wallace W. Atwood: Clark Monadnock of the 1920s (1981)

Memories of Preston E. James (1981). Specific reference to

Ellen Churchill Semple, G. S. Hall, and Scott Nearing. (10 minutes)

Harvard in the 40s: Recollections of the Demise (1988)


Interview Position

Interviewee Interviewer Date (min/sec)

1. Peter Nash M. W. Dow 1977 0.00

(1921- ) (1929- )

2. Saul B. Cohen Howard F. Hirt 1977 3.20

(1925- ) (1924-1987)

3. J. Rowland Illick M. W. Dow 1985 5.23

(1919-1997) (1929- )

4. George K. Lewis M. W. Dow 1985 19.12

(1913- ) (1929- )

5. John P. Augelli M. W. Dow 1988 32.05

(1921- ) (1929- )


Mr. Sauer: Mentor and Disciples (1988)


Interview Position

Interviewee Interviewer Date (min/sec)

1. Carl O. Sauer Preston E. James 1970 3.20

(1889-1975) (1899-1986)

2. George B. Carter Preston E. James 1970 11.53

(1912-2004) (1899-1986)

3. John B. Leighly Preston E. James 1970 13.34

(1895-1986) (1899-1986)

4. Henry J. Bruman 1985 15.19

(1913- )

5. Samuel N. Dicken 1978 26.02


6. Andrew H. Clark John Fraser Hart 1971 28.30

(1911-1975) (1924- )

7. Fred B. Kniffen William Haag 1976 32.50


8. James J. Parsons Preston E. James 1973 33.19

(1915-1997) (1899-1986)

9. Leslie Hewes 1973 34.17

(1906- )

10. Joseph E. Spencer M. W. Dow 1970 34.21

(1907-1984) (1929- )

11. Wilbur Zelinsky 1984 35.22

(1921- )

12. Carl O. Sauer Preston E. James 1970 38.55

(1889-1975) (1899-1986)

13. Homer Aschmann 1981 45.31


14. Marvin W. Mikesell 1984 46.45

(1930- )

15. William M. Denevan 1988 55.08(c)

(1931- )

16. Clarissa T. Kimber 1986 55.18(c)

(1929- )

17. Marvin W. Mikesell 1984 56.25

(1930- )

18. Carl O. Sauer Preston E. James 1970 59.26

(1889-1975) (1899-1986)


The QR: Reflections (1971-1988) about the

Quantitative Revolution in American Geography (1988)


Interview Position

Interviewee Interviewer Date (min/sec)

1. Harold H. McCarty M. W. Dow 1971 3.08

(1901-1987 (1929- )

2. Richard Hartshorne M. W. Dow 1986 10.12(c)

(1899-1992) (1929- )

3. Clyde F. Kohn John Fraser Hart 1971 14.23

(1911-1989) (1924- )

4. Richard Hartshorne M. W. Dow 1986 15.39(c)

(1899-1992) (1929- )

5. William W. Bunge Donald G. Janelle 1976 20.52

(1928- ) (1940- )

6. Ross Mackay 1987 22.48(c)

(1915- )

7. Duane F. Marble 1988 23.22(c)

(1931- )

8. G. Donald Hudson John Fraser Hart 1971 23.49

(1897-1989) (1924- )

9. William Garrison M. W. Dow 1972 26.17

(1924- ) (1929- )

10. Edward L. Ullman Preston E. James 1972 28.07

(1912-1976) (1899-1986)

11. Brian J. Berry John Fraser Hart 1971 33.09

(1934- ) (1924- )

12. Richard Morrill John Fraser Hart 1971 40.09

(1934- ) (1924 - )

13. Richard Morrill M. W. Dow 1986 40.37(c)

(1934- ) (1929- )

14. Edward J. Taaffe John Fraser Hart 1971 46.45

(1921-2001) (1924- )

15. Duane F. Marble John N. Rayner 1988 49.17(c)

(1931- ) (1936- )

16. William W. Bunge Donald G. Janelle 1976 53.21

(1928- ) (1940- )

17. Richard Morrill 1986 55.15(c)

(1934- )

18. Richard Hartshorne 1986 56.18(c)


(c) = color video ending.....59.10

Women Geographers on Film I - A Retrospective:

Survival in the Male-dominated Academe (1990)

The following represent parts of six interviews of twenty-two women

Geographers on Film (GOF) productions. Since the first interview was

filmed with Carl Sauer (August 1970) five different mediums have been

utilized. Hence quality of sound and picture vary producing unstable

videos - unsuitable for proper VHS editing. Thus, a major selection

criterion for inclusion within this special GOF feature has been the

availability of a stable video signal - best represented by those

interviews taped with state-of-the-art equipment from 1986-1990.

WGOF I was first presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of

American Geographers, Miami, Florida, April 16, 1991. WGOF II is a

longer version (57.46 minutes) of WGOF I; WGOF II includes the comments

of six additional women responding to the first showing of WGOF I.

(8/12/02) Tape

Interview Position

Interviewee Interviewer Date (min/sec)

1. Alice T. M. Rechlin M. W. Dow 1988 1.47

(1932-2002) (1929- )

National Geographic Society

2. Clarissa T. Kimber 1986 2.43

(1929- )

Texas A&M University

3. Mildred Berman M. W. Dow 1989 3.13

(1926-2000) (1929- )

Salem State College

4. Clarissa T. Kimber 1986 4.07

(1929- )

Texas A&M University

5. Alice T. M. Rechlin M. W. Dow 1988 4.22

(1932-2002) (1929- )

National Geographic Society

6. Susan Hanson 1990 5.04

(1943- )

Clark University

7. Mildred Berman M. W. Dow 1989 6.30

(1926-2000) (1929- )

Salem State College

8. Barbara Borowiecki Janice J. Monk 1986 7.02

(1926- ) (1937- )

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

9. Mildred Berman M. W. Dow 1989 9.03

(1926-2000) (1929- )

Salem State College

10. Clarissa T. Kimber M. W. Dow 1986 11.21

(1929- ) (1929- )

Texas A&M University

11. Janice J. Monk 1988 13.25

(1937- )

University of Arizona

12. Alice T. M. Rechlin 1988 13.45


National Geographic Society

13. Barbara Borowiecki Janice J. Monk 1986 14.33

(1926- ) (1937- )

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

14. Alice T. M. Rechlin M. W. Dow 1988 18.47

(1932-2002) (1929- )

National Geographic Society

15. Susan Hanson Mildred Berman 1989 21.47

(1943- ) (1926-2000)

Clark University

16. Clarissa T. Kimber 1986 23.54

(1929- )

Texas A&M University

17. Alice T. M. Rechlin 1988 24.26


National Geographic Society

18. Janice J. Monk Alice T. M. Rechlin 1988 24.52

(1937- ) (1932- )

University of Arizona

19. Mildred Berman M. W. Dow 1989 26.07

(1926-2000) (1929- )

Salem State College ending 28.32

Women Geographers on Film II

Retrospective (WGOF I) Plus Commentary (1991)

The following represent parts of six interviews of twenty-two women Geographers

on Film (GOF) productions dating back to 1971. At the conclusion of the edited

video, six additional women responded to the first showing of Women Geographers

on Film I at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers,

Miami, Florida, April 16, 1991. (8/12/02)


Interview Position

Interviewee Interviewer Date (min/sec)

1. Alice T. M. Rechlin M. W. Dow 1988 1.47

(1932-2002) (1929- )

National Geographic Society

2. Clarissa T. Kimber 1986 2.43

(1929- )

Texas A&M University

3. Mildred Berman M. W. Dow 1989 3.13

(1926-2000) (1929- )

Salem State College

4. Clarissa T. Kimber 1986 4.07

(1929- )

Texas A&M University

5. Alice T. M. Rechlin M. W. Dow 1988 4.22

(1932-2002) (1929- )

National Geographic Society

6. Susan Hanson 1990 5.04

(1943- )

Clark University

7. Mildred Berman M. W. Dow 1989 6.30

(1926-2000) (1929- )

Salem State College

8. Barbara Borowiecki Janice J. Monk 1986 7.02

(1926- ) (1937- )

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

9. Mildred Berman M. W. Dow 1989 9.03

(1926-2000) (1929- )

Salem State College

10. Clarissa T. Kimber M. W. Dow 1986 11.21