VCM Testing of MUSE Control Software
ESO Garching, 2010-04-16
Overall it seems the consortia is on the right track. I found a number of (potential) issues during the testing, which is normal in this phase of the project. These issues are reported in the table below; I kindly ask the consortia to investigate and resolve the issues, if appropriate.
Notable, it seems that the integration module, “muins”, is now compliant. Needs to be checked more thoroughly though before final acceptance. Apart from one minor issue, the “pkginBuild” building and installation went through without issues.
Note, due to time constraints, I could not carry out a very thorough VCM integration/verification test at this point. I.e., I have not tested all features, e.g. all templates. I will therefore carry out another VCM test during May, this also to ensure that the consortia will be ready for the code review, scheduled for July this year. Also in May, I expect that the NGC SuperDCS (providing merging of the FITS files) is ready and can be tested as well.
The following observations were made during the test. The consortia is kindly requested to fill in the feedback from consortia for each item after investigating the issue.
# / Description / Answer/feedback1 / Problem starting LCU “lmutccd”, LCC not running after installation and reboot.
# MODROOT: /diska/modroot
in the bootScript and rebuilding the environment, fixed the problem. Is MODROOT really needed for MUSE? / Support Ticket VLTSW20100087 opened
2 / “MS/mumcfg/config/mumcfgSTART.cfg”missing entries to control access to all sub-systems. / Done. The file mumcfg/config/mumcfgSTART.cfg has been modified.
3 / Error message compiling muipan (minor issue):
checking: /home/musemgr/MUSE/ICS/muipan/src/muipanPam_uifClass.tcl
system error: No such file or directory
system error: No such file or directory
system error: No such file or directory
make: [man1] Error 1 (ignored)
cp: cannot stat `../man/man8/*.8': No such file or directory
make[1]: [install_man] Error 1 (ignored) / Still to be fixed.
4 / Error message compiling muclipm (minor issue):
sh: latex: command not found
NGCProblems running latex. Check your installation or look for typos in _formulas.tex and check _formulas.log!
sh: dvips: command not found
Problems running dvips. Check your installation!
Error: user specified HTML style sheet file does not exist!
cp: cannot stat `../man/man3/*.3': No such file or directory
make[1]: [install_man] Error 1 (ignored) / Support Ticket VLTSW20100088 opened
5 / Error message compiling muclipv (minor issue):
make: [man1] Error 1 (ignored) / Fixed
6 / Error message compiling muoseq:
/vlt/VLT2009/CCSLite/include/vltMakefile.all:399: ../object/muoseq.dat: No such file or directory / Support Ticket VLTSW20100089 opened
7 / Error message compiling mumtsf:
/vlt/VLT2009/CCSLite/include/tplMakefile.all:72: ../object/MUSE_optimg_tec_parasitic.dtsf: No such file or directory
/vlt/VLT2009/CCSLite/include/tplMakefile.all:136: ../object/MUSE.dtip: No such file or directory / Support Ticket VLTSW20100089 opened
8 / Minor issue in output from pkginBuild (probably not originating from the MUSE SW):
musemgr_tcssimTrkDut.dat - cannot install! / Support Ticket VLTSW20100090 opened
9 / Error from OS (BOSS) during start-up:
2010-04-16 08:01:04.624643 wmuse boss muoControl bossStateCtrl.C:895 1119 1968 1 S bossERR_GENERAL : State of 'ICS' is STANDBY - expected to be (null)
2010-04-16 08:01:04.624687 wmuse boss muoControl bossStateCtrl.C:895 1119 1968 2 S bossERR_GENERAL : State of 'Science' is STANDBY - expected to be (null)
2010-04-16 08:01:04.624719 wmuse boss muoControl bossStateCtrl.C:895 1119 1968 3 S bossERR_GENERAL : State of 'SgsCCD' is OFF - expected to be (null)
2010-04-16 08:01:04.624417 wmuse boss muoControl bossStateCtrl.C:779 1119 1968 4 S bossERR_GENERAL : Required state 'STANDBY' was not achieved
2010-04-16 08:01:04.624624 wmuse boss muoControl bossEXPOSTATE_HANDLE.C:677 1031 1968 5 W bossERR_UNKNOWN_STATE : Unknown state identifier '1825536'
2010-04-16 08:01:04.624676 wmuse boss muoControl bossEXPOSTATE_HANDLE.C:677 1031 1968 6 W bossERR_UNKNOWN_STATE : Unknown state identifier '1825536'
2010-04-16 08:01:04.624708 wmuse boss muoControl bossEXPOSTATE_HANDLE.C:677 1031 1968 7 W bossERR_UNKNOWN_STATE : Unknown state identifier '1825536'
2010-04-16 08:01:04.624732 wmuse boss muoControl bossStateCtrl.C:833 1119 1968 8 S bossERR_GENERAL : Reply from subsystems have arrived,but required state for cmd 'STANDBY' is not achived (see logs) / Support Ticket VLTSW20100091 opened
10 / Error logs from NGC at start-up:
According to the NGC responsible it seems that old versions of the DIDs are being used:
2010-04-16 07:51:44.721831 wmuse misc ngcoitc_ngc4 miscHash.c 100 4999 1 W miscERR_HASH_KEY_NOT_FOUND : The key "DET.CHIP5.CRPIX2" was not found in the Hash Table
2010-04-16 07:51:44.721634 wmuse misc ngcoitc_ngc4 miscHash.c 100 4999 2 W miscERR_HASH_KEY_NOT_FOUND : The key "DET.CHIP5.CRPIX1" was not found in the Hash Table
2010-04-16 07:51:44.721444 wmuse misc ngcoitc_ngc4 miscHash.c 100 4999 3 W miscERR_HASH_KEY_NOT_FOUND : The key "DET.CHIP4.CRVAL2" was not found in the Hash Table
2010-04-16 07:51:44.721252 wmuse misc ngcoitc_ngc4 miscHash.c 100 4999 4 W miscERR_HASH_KEY_NOT_FOUND : The key "DET.CHIP4.CRVAL1" was not found in the Hash Table
2010-04-16 07:51:44.721062 wmuse misc ngcoitc_ngc4 miscHash.c 100 4999 5 W miscERR_HASH_KEY_NOT_FOUND : The key "DET.CHIP4.YGAP" was not found in the Hash Table
2010-04-16 07:51:44.720872 wmuse misc ngcoitc_ngc4 miscHash.c 100 4999 6 W miscERR_HASH_KEY_NOT_FOUND : The key "DET.CHIP4.CRPIX2" was not found in the Hash Table
2010-04-16 07:51:44.720661 wmuse misc ngcoitc_ngc4 miscHash.c 100 4999 7 W miscERR_HASH_KEY_NOT_FOUND : The key "DET.CHIP4.CRPIX1" was not found in the Hash Table
2010-04-16 07:51:44.720466 wmuse misc ngcoitc_ngc4 miscHash.c 100 4999 8 W miscERR_HASH_KEY_NOT_FOUND : The key "DET.CHIP3.CRVAL2" was not found in the Hash Table
2010-04-16 07:51:44.720273 wmuse misc ngcoitc_ngc4 miscHash.c 100 4999 9 W miscERR_HASH_KEY_NOT_FOUND : The key "DET.CHIP3.CRVAL1" was not found in the Hash Table
2010-04-16 07:51:44.717325 wmuse muditc ngcoitc_ngc4 muditcACTION_MYDATA_IN.C:188 1 4999 10 S muditcERR_GENERAL : ERROR: reading keyword: DET.CHIPi.YGAP
2010-04-16 07:51:44.720360 wmuse muditc ngcoitc_ngc4 muditcACTION_MYDATA_IN.C:196 1 4999 11 S muditcERR_GENERAL : ERROR: reading keyword: DET.CHIPi.CRVAL1
2010-04-16 07:51:44.720552 wmuse muditc ngcoitc_ngc4 muditcACTION_MYDATA_IN.C:204 1 4999 12 S muditcERR_GENERAL : ERROR: reading keyword: DET.CHIPi.CRVAL2
2010-04-16 07:51:44.720767 wmuse muditc ngcoitc_ngc4 muditcACTION_MYDATA_IN.C:172 1 4999 13 S muditcERR_GENERAL : ERROR: reading keyword: DET.CHIPi.CRPIX1
2010-04-16 07:51:44.720957 wmuse muditc ngcoitc_ngc4 muditcACTION_MYDATA_IN.C:180 1 4999 14 S muditcERR_GENERAL : ERROR: reading keyword: DET.CHIPi.CRPIX2
2010-04-16 07:51:44.721147 wmuse muditc ngcoitc_ngc4 muditcACTION_MYDATA_IN.C:188 1 4999 15 S muditcERR_GENERAL : ERROR: reading keyword: DET.CHIPi.YGAP
2010-04-16 07:51:44.721337 wmuse muditc ngcoitc_ngc4 muditcACTION_MYDATA_IN.C:196 1 4999 16 S muditcERR_GENERAL : ERROR: reading keyword: DET.CHIPi.CRVAL1
2010-04-16 07:51:44.721529 wmuse muditc ngcoitc_ngc4 muditcACTION_MYDATA_IN.C:204 1 4999 17 S muditcERR_GENERAL : ERROR: reading keyword: DET.CHIPi.CRVAL2
2010-04-16 07:51:44.721726 wmuse muditc ngcoitc_ngc4 muditcACTION_MYDATA_IN.C:172 1 4999 18 S muditcERR_GENERAL : ERROR: reading keyword: DET.CHIPi.CRPIX1
2010-04-16 07:51:44.727467 wmuse err ngcoitc_ngc4 (errPutInStack) Error Stack 4999 is FULL / This is related to the keywords we asked you to put in the NGC dictionary and to be added to mudcfg[A/B/C/D]CAMERA.cfg files to be able to create the reconstructed image (See SPR VLT20100085).
Done in mumtoul/config file mumtoulCAMERA_NO_HW_ngc[1/2/3/4].cfg
11 / Starting "ICS Control Panel", following error message is generated in pop-up "Cannot read .status". / Fixed
12 / ICS Control Panel: Left pane, what is the purpose of the "..." tab? / Panel not yet fully coded
13 / ICS Control Panel: Right pane, remove (or use) three empty tabs. / Panel not yet fully coded
14 / Trying to start the NGC/OPT GUI from the "MUSE OS Eng." panel, the GUI briefly appears and then disappears. / With the ngc version we had at that time (and was not final ) running the GUI mungcopt (SuperDcs) gives error messages (see below). To be tested with last version of the NGC software.
muse muse:~/tmp 1014 > export CCDNAME=mungcopt
muse muse:~/tmp 1015 > export CCDLENV=wmuse
muse muse:~/tmp 1016 > ngcouiPanel&
[1] 32159
muse muse:~/tmp 1017 > Error in startup script: can't read "gvar(modesIndex)": no such element in array
while executing
"$ configure -itemList $gvar(modes) -itemValue $gvar(modesIndex)"
(procedure "parseFileModes" line 25)
invoked from within
(procedure "ngcouiPanelInit" line 9)
invoked from within
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval ${root}Init "
(procedure "panMainStart" line 122)
invoked from within
"panMainStart ngcouiPanel $argc $argv"
(file "/diska/introot/bin/ngcouiPanel" line 257)
15 / TCCD starts up in state OFF. Can be started from the "Startup" button in the "CCD - Control Panel". / Support Ticket VLTSW20100092 opened
16 / No "GUI" button for OS in the "MUSE OS Eng.". / We may add a button to the Muse OS.
17 / "MUSE OS Eng." panel: Issuing STANDBY + ONLINE to TCS Sim, produces an error message (possibly a ticket towards the TCS):
trkwsCON_MAIN_TASK.C:3123 ccsERR_FILE W Cannot access File (/vltdata/config/muse_tcssimTrkDut.dat) / Support Ticket VLTSW20100093 opened
18 / "MUSE OS Eng." panel: ICS running in "No Simul.". / Default install (no TARGET) shall be Paranal install. In that case muins and mumcdgStart are not simulating the hardware.
19 / "MUSE OS Eng." panel: Simulation->No Simulation, produces stack trace. / Not tested yet
20 / MUSE Status: Not yet ready, fine, but maybe provide one for the next VCM testing, if possible. Needs to be ready for July 2010 for formal code review. / Support Ticket VLTSW20100094 opened
21 / In order to exercise Trying to execute the template MUSE_gen_tec_sgstest no image output is started. An error is written on the console:
wi0x2 muse:~ 1030 > USER DEBUG> DB READ FAIL for @wmuse<relative>conf.scale
Reason : cannot read "@wmuse<relative>conf.scale"
USER DEBUG> DB EVENT ATTACH FAIL for @wmuse<relative>
Reason : cannot attach event to "@wmuse<relative>"
Invalid DB attribute or filter : VECTORS and TABLES use 'w' filter only
USER DEBUG> DB EVENT ATTACH FAIL for @wmuse<relative>conf.attached
Reason : cannot attach event to "@wmuse<relative>conf.attached"
Invalid DB attribute or filter : VECTORS and TABLES use 'w' filter only
USER DEBUG> DB READ FAIL for @wmuse<relative>conf.scale
Reason : cannot read "@wmuse<relative>conf.scale"
USER DEBUG> DB EVENT ATTACH FAIL for @wmuse<relative>
Reason : cannot attach event to "@wmuse<relative>"
Invalid DB attribute or filter : VECTORS and TABLES use 'w' filter only
USER DEBUG> DB EVENT ATTACH FAIL for @wmuse<relative>conf.attached
Reason : cannot attach event to "@wmuse<relative>conf.attached"
Invalid DB attribute or filter : VECTORS and TABLES use 'w' filter only
Maybe this template is not valid, but I would suggest to provide a basic template (or some templates) to test/exercise the SGS/Fast Image Reconstruction be exercised. / Will be fixed in the next release
MUSE Control SW VCM Testing – ESO Garching – 2010-04-16 – J.Knudstrup – Page 5