September Curriculum Map for First Grade ELA (Last modified September 21, 2011)
Literacy Foundations / A. RL1.1. Ask and answer questions about key details in text / A. Question and Response / A. Answer questions, orally, about a text that is read
A. Answer questions, through drawing, about key details in text
A. Ask and answer WH questions / A. Check list of students who were able to answer questions
A. Student work sample / A. Johnny Appleseed
Back to School Books / A. Question
B. W1.1. Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic, or name of the books they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure / B. Reader’s Response- Opinion / B. Express, orally and through shared writing, favorite part of the book
B. Give one reason, orally and through shared writing, why favorite part of book was selected / B. Picture of favorite part of book.
B. Dictation of what picture shows
/ B. Student response from picture book read aloud / B. Opinion
B. Title
B. Supporting Reasons
C. L. 1.1 Print all upper and lower case letters / C. Manuscript Letters / C. Print letters correctly, while writing opinion piece / C. Student Writing Sample / C. Zaner Blowser
C. Printing Books
C. Practice Books
C. Sing, Spell, Read, and Write / C. Top line
C. Mid line
C. Base line
C. Upper/Lower Case
C. Capital/Small Letter
D. SL.1.1a With guidance and support, participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about first grade topics and texts with peers and adults in small and large groups-Follow agreed upon rules for discussion / D. Conversation Skills / D. With assistance, ask a question to their partner, and listen for a response / D. Anecdotal checklist (Need to create) / D. Zaner Blowser
D. Printing Books
D. Practice Books
D. Back to School Houghton Mifflin Printing Pages
D. Sing Spell Read and Write
D. Belling the Cat- Story (this story stops and the students have conversation around why the story stops) Found in the back of the Back to School Section of the Teachers Edition / D. Partner
Turn Taking
E. RFS.1.3a Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. Basic knowledge on one-to-one letter-sound correspondence / E. Spelling Sound Correspondence / E. Read aloud, letter sound correspondence, for consonants / E. DIBELS / E. Phonics Book
E. Sing, Spell, Read, Write
E. Practice Book from Series
E. Phonics Workbooks / E. Initial
E. Middle
E. Final
E. Consonant
E. Sounds
October Curriculum Map for First Grade ELA (Last modified September 21, 2011)
Group Reading / A. RL.1.6 Identify who is telling the story at various points in the text
B RI.1.6 Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided by the words in a text.
C W.1.5With guidance and support from adults and peers, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed.
D SL.1.3 Ask and answer questions about what a speaker says in order to gather additional information or clarify something that is not understood
E. L.1.2a Demonstrate command of conventions of English language. Capitalize dates and names of people (teacher model)
F. L.1.2b Demonstrate command of conventions of English language. Use end punctuation for sentences(teacher model) / A. Narrator
Main Character
B. Illustrations
C. Details in Writing
D. Conversation Skills
E Proper Nouns
Capital Letters
F Punctuation
Sentences / A. Indicate, orally or by drawing a picture, the person telling the story
B. Define, orally, the difference between illustrations and text
C. Define, orally, the term details
C. Change details, in writing, to “show rather than tell”
C. Identify, orally, details needed in a peer’s writing or drawing (using a checklist) teacher modeled
D. Ask and answer questions, orally, to gather information to clarify
E. Explain, orally, what types of words need to be capitalized
E. Identify, in writing, words that should begin with capital letters
F. Demonstrate, orally and in writing, the use of end punctuation / A. Drawing
Student Work Sample
B. Student Assessment
Venn Diagram for a text (by teacher with student input)
C. Observation Checklist
Final Writing Sample
D.. Checklist of students who are able to ask and answer questions
E Student Work Sample
Observation Checklist
F. Student work sample / A. Anthology
Big Books
Classroom Library
B. Anthology
Big Books
Classroom Library
C. Step Up to Writing
Word Walls
D. Teacher selected topics
E Daily message
Reading Workbook
Practice Pages
F. TE Daily Sentence, Reading Workbook, Grammar Practice / A Narrator
Main Character
B Illustrations
C. Details
Word Wall
Who, What, Where, Why, How, When
D. Details
Word Wall
Who, What, Where, Why, How, When
E. Proper Noun
F End Marks (exclamation, period, question mark)
November Curriculum Map for First Grade ELA (Last modified October 26, 2011)
Whole Class Reading / A. RL.1.3 Describe characters, setting, and major events in a story using key details / A. Story Elements / A. Identify and describe, in writing or orally (drawings), characters, setting, and major events from stories using key details.
A. Dictate and describe, orally, / A. Student work sample
A. Student checklist / A. Picture Book
A. Teacher created materials
A. Graphic organizers / A. Character
A. Setting
A. Major Event
A. Sequence
A. Beginning
A. Middle
A. End
B. RI.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text / B. Key Details / B. Ask and answer questions, orally or in writing, about key details from the text / B. Student Checklist
B. / B. Informational texts (Reading A to Z)
B. Scholastic News
B. Time for Kids / B. Ask
B. Answer
B. Details in Text
C. W.1.2 Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure / C. Informative Texts / C. Write, as a whole group, an informative paragraph using Step Up to Writing / C. Whole Class Informative Paragraph- Introducing / C. Informational writing
C. Step Up
C. / C. Topic Sentence
C. Key Details
C. Concluding Sentence
D. SL.1.2 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media / D. Key Details / D. Ask and answer questions, orally or in writing, about key details from the text / D. Checklist / D. Scholastic News Web Links
D. Book Flicks / D. Ask
D. Answer
D. Key Details
December Curriculum Map for First Grade ELA (Last modified October, 26 2011)
(verbs) / Assessment / Suggested
Resources / Vocabulary
Whole Class
Reading / A. RL.1.2 Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrateunderstanding of their central message or lesson. / A. Key Details and Central Message or Lesson / A. Identify, in writing or orally, the key details that support the main idea / A. Student Graphic Organizer / A. The Gingerbread Man / A. Key Details
A. Central Message
B. RI.1.2 Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text. / B. Main Topic and Key Details / B. Identify, in writing, the main topic and key details to support an informational text / B. Student Graphic Organizer / B. Scholastic News
B. Time for Kids
B. Teacher Libraries (and School library for holidays and family traditions) / B. Main Idea
B. Key Details
C. RI.1.3 Describe the connection between two individuals, events,ideas, or pieces of information in a text. / C. Make connections / C. Identify connections between different holidays (identify how two different holidays are connected/the same) / C. Assess similarities of two different individuals, events, holidays (etc.) / C. Book Flix
C. Two pictures / C. Making Connections
C. Similar
C. Different
D. W.1.3 Write narratives in which they recount two or moreappropriately sequenced events, include some detailsregarding what happened, use temporal words to signalevent order, and provide some sense of closure. / D. Narrative / D. When provided with an experience (teacher demonstration of how to make hot cocoa), students will write a narrative using temporal words. / D. Student Writing Sample / D. Social Studies- Family Traditions
D. Step Up to Writing (6-1— 6-24) / D. Narrative (tells a story)
D. Details
D. Beginning, Middle, End
D. Temporal Words (First, Next
E. SL.1.2 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through othermedia. / E. Key Details / E. Ask and answer questions about key details based on information presented / E. Student writing sample / E. Student Movie / E. Ask
E. Answer
E. Key Details
E. Wh words
January Curriculum Map for First Grade ELA (Last modified December 7, 2011)
(verbs) / Assessment / Suggested
Resources / Vocabulary
Whole Class
Research Month
Polar Animals
/ A. RI.1.7. Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe itskey ideas. / A. Key Ideas, Illustrations and Details / A. Describe key details, in writing or orally, using the illustrations from the text / A. Student Work Sample / A. Informational Texts / A. Key Ideas
A. Details
A. Illustrations
B. RI.1.8 Identify the reasons an author gives to support points in atext. / B. Supporting Details / B. Identify the supporting details an author uses to support his/her points / B. Student work sample (“How to Make a Snowman, or any How-To) / B. Step Up to Writing (Use frosting a cookie example) / B. Supporting Details
B. Topic (Green)
B. Details (Yellow)
B. Conclusion
B. Temporal words (first, next, last…)
C. W.1.7 Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g.,explore a number of “how-to” books on a given topic anduse them to write a sequence of instructions). / C. Research Project / C. Research a specific topic and write key information about the topic / C. Class writing sample
C. Class book / C. Books on Sea Animals (or whatever topic teacher chooses) so students can research different aspects of the same topic. Will use all to write a class-wide paragraph.
C. / C. Research
C. Organize
D. W.1.8 With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided
sources to answer a question. / D. Information / D. Gather information, in writing, from different sources / D. Student Research Project Page / D. Teacher selected books
D. Video/movie / D. Source
E. SL.1.4 Describe people, places, things, and events with relevantdetails, expressing ideas and feelings clearly. / E. Presentation / E. Present, orally, the information gathered from research / E. Student Checklist / E. Teacher selected materials
E. Teacher demonstration of presentation / E. Presentation
F. With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of
digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in
collaboration with peers. / F. Digital Tools / F. Use digital tools to publish writing / F. Final Product / F.
February Curriculum Map for First Grade ELA (Last modified January 25, 2011)
(verbs) / Assessment / Suggested
Resources / Vocabulary
Whole Class
Reading / A. RL.1.4 Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that suggestfeelings or appeal to the senses. / A. Feeling/5 Senses Words / A. Identify, orally or in writing, feeling words / A. Draw a picture of how they are feeling, using specific words / A. Valentine’s Books
A. Multi-media
A. Book Flix / A. See
A. Smell
A. Taste
A. Hear
A. Feel
B. RL.1.5 Explain major differences between books that tell storiesand books that give information, drawing on a wide
reading of a range of text types. / B. Contrast / B. Identify differences between informational texts and texts that tell stories / B. Graphic organizer (Venn Diagram) comparing literature and informational books / B. Presidents Day Books
B. Book Flix / B. Differences
B. Literature (telling stories)
B. Informational Text
C. RI.1.4 Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify themeaning of words and phrases in a text. / C. Asking questions about unknown words / C. Ask and answer questions, orally or in writing, to clarify meaning of words in text / C. Oral checklist
C. Writing sample with a question
C. / C. Teacher selected texts
C. Sentence strips with questions and statements (answers to the questions) so students can see that questions need answers
C. Scholastic News
C. Time for Kids / C. Asking
C. Telling
C. Answer
C. Period
C. Question Mark
C. What
D.RI.1.5 Know and use various text features (e.g., headings, tablesof contents, glossaries, electronic menus, icons) to locatekey facts or information in a text. / D. Text Features / D. Define and use text features, mechanically and orally, to locate information about texts (mechanically means you can observe the students flipping through the book) / D. Text Features Checklist
D. Text Features Quiz / D. Reading A to Z books (starting at letter G)
D. The Anthology
D. Presidents Day Books / D. Glossary
D. Table of Contents
D. Caption
D. Heading
E.W.1.5- With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed. / E. Organization and Revising of Writing / E. Write a paragraph, (with topic sentence, three supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence), as a class
E. Respond, orally, to suggestions from peers / E. Class-wide book / E. Step Up to Writing
E. Writing Process Posters / E. Organization
E. Topic Sentence
March Curriculum Map for First Grade ELA (Last modified February 7, 2012)
(verbs) / Assessment / Suggested
Resources / Vocabulary
Whole Class
Reading / A. RI.1.7Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas. / A. Key Ideas / A. Identify, in writing or orally, the relationship between key ideas and illustrations / A. Student Work Sample (Students should be given a text and they have to write a sentences that correlates. They should also be given a sentence and they should illustrate it) / A. Reading A to Z (you can print with just the pictures or words, and they could write their own story)
A. Teacher selected materials / A. Illustrations
A. Details
A. Key Ideas
B. RI.1.9 Identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or procedures). / B. Similarities and Differences / B. Identify similarities and differences between two different / B. Venn Diagram (personal or class) / B. Possible Weather books (to show that there can be actually pictures (photographs) or illustrations)
B. Can compare a lion and a lamb (both animals) / B. Similarities
B. Differences
B. Same
B. Difference
B. Venn Diagram
B. Compare and Contrast
C. W.1.2 Write informative/ explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some
sense of closure. / C. Informative writing / C. Write three facts and a conclusion when given a topic sentence. / C. Writing Piece / C. Step Up
C. Informational Texts / C. Topic Sentence
C. Facts
C. Closure/ Concluding Sentence
D. L.1.6 Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being read to, and responding to texts, including using frequently occurring conjunctions to signal simple relationships (e.g., because). / D. Writing and speaking fluently / D. Use words, when writing and speaking, learned in previous lessons (i.e-if you are studying weather, we want the students to use weather words when speaking/writing)
D. Use transitional words, in writing. / D. Writing piece
D. Conversation / D. Time for Kids (for students to read the text and go back into the text for answers) / D. Conjunctions (because, also, and, but, if…then…)
E. SL.1.4 Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant
details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly. / E. Details / E. Describe, orally, people, places or things, with relevant details. / E. Speaking and Listening checklist / E. Picture Vocabulary Cards (to play a game…one student has a picture card and has to describe what they see. The rest of the students have to guess what the object is).
E. / E. Describe
E. Details
E. Feelings
E. Clearly
April Curriculum Map for First Grade ELA (Last modified February 7, 2012)
(verbs) / Assessment / Suggested
Resources / Vocabulary
Whole Class
Reading / A. RL.1.7 Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events. / A. Details in a story lead to comprehension / A. Describe, orally, how illustrations add to details about characters, setting, and events / A. Teacher observation (Teacher can ask: How did the picture help you learn about _____) / A. Student worksheet / A. Illustrations
A. Details
A. Characters
A. Setting
A. Events
B. RL.1.9 Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories. a. With prompting and support, students will make cultural connections to text and self. / B. Compare and Contrast
B. Connections / B. Compare and contrast, in writing or orally, experiences of characters from stories
B. Make cultural connections, in writing, or orally, with texts read/listened to / B. Student Foldable / B. City Mouse and Country Mouse
B. Two Frogs from Japan / B. Compare
B. Contrast
B. Adventure
B. Connections
C. W.1.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure. / C. Opinion / C. Write an opinion piece, supporting their favorite book with details from the text / C. Writing Piece / C. Step Up to Writing
C. A to Z Reading
C. / C. Opinion
C. State opinion
C. Reason
C. Closure
D. W.1.5 With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed. / D. Revising and Editing / D. Revise and edit, each other’s papers, with supporting (teachers will use guided questions to support the process) / D. Edited Paper (Teachers can give students prompts for editing. i.e. Students swap papers and look for capital letter, period, and spacing in their friend’s paper). / D. Teacher Editing Sheet
D. Student Paper for opinion writing piece / D. Edit
D. Revise
D. Peer
E. SL.1.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diversepartners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adultsin small and larger groups / E. Conversations / E. Participate in conversations with peers about topics they learned earlier in the week / E. Checklist / E. Teacher selected materials / E. Conversation
E. Partner
May Curriculum Map for First Grade ELA (Last modified January 25, 2012)
(verbs) / Assessment / Suggested
Resources / Vocabulary
Whole Class
Reading / A. RL.1.11 Make connections between self, text, and the world around them (text, media, social interaction). / A. Connections / A. Make connections, in writing, to increase comprehension / A. Connections Foldable / A. Making connections foldable / A. Connections
A. Text
A. Self
A. World
B. W.1.6 With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, I including in collaboration with peers. / B. Digital Tools / B. Use digital tools (i.e. a microphone) to create an audio recording of a written piece / B. Audio File of writing / B. Sound Recorder File / B. Microphone
B. Digital Tool
C. W.1.11 Create and present a poem, dramatization, art work, or personal response to a particular author or theme studied in class, with support as needed. / C. Personal Response / C. Create and present, orally, a response to a theme studied / C. / C. Plant resources
C. Flowers
C. / C. Present
C. Create
D. SL.1.6 Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation. (See grade 1 Language standards 1and 3 on page 26 for specific expectations.) / D. Complete Sentences / D. / D. / D. / D. Complete Sentence
E. L.1.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. a. Capitalize dates and names of people. b. Use end punctuation for sentences. c. Use commas in dates and to separate single words in a series.
d. Use conventional spelling for words with common spelling patterns and for frequently occurring irregular words.
e. Spell untaught words phonetically, drawing on phonemic awareness and spelling conventions. / E. Conventions- Fluency / E. Write and speak fluently using conventions appropriate to first grade / E. / E. / E.
June Curriculum Map for First Grade ELA (Last modified January 18, 2012)