In attendance:

Vaughan Parry WilliamsChairman (Nottingham)

Stuart EdwardsMember (Bath)

Bob ReevesMember (Bristol)

Ian ElvinMember(Northumbria)

Mike WallMember (UWIC)

Ian RobsonMember (Harper Adams)

Derek MorganCo-opted

John RobinsCo-opted

Jo KirkBUSA Sports Administrator

Jim EllisBUSA Sports Administration Manager


Alan BuzzaLoughborough

Ted WoodDurham

Peter DrewettEngland U21 Team Manager (RFU)


Rory ScottMember (Scotland)


The Chair welcomed the members to the meeting and it was noted that those attending the meeting as observers would not be able to participate in any voting.

The committee congratulated Derek Morgan on the success of his year as President of the Rugby Football Union.


14.1The committee noted that correspondence had been received from Glasgow University raising concerns that all leagues below National League Division 3 in Scotland would be playing Under 19 rules. It was noted that written agreement had been reached with the SRU that BUSA matches would not be included in these experimental regulations and that teams’ insurance would cover playing in the BUSA competition under BUSA rules and regulations.


15.1The committee noted that the RFUW had increased both their insurance and affiliation fees this season and that BUSA was in ongoing discussion with the RFUW over the level of increase of the affiliation fee. The committee noted that should an institution not affiliate to the RFUW then their students would be ineligible for the England Students representative team. It was agreed that confirmation should be sort from the RFUW regarding the need for affiliation and that at the present time institutions would be advised that affiliation was not entirely necessary should teams only be competing in BUSA competition.


16.1The committee noted that the 1st FISU Men’s Rugby 7’s Championship would be held in Beijing from the 15-17 September 2004. It was agreed to discuss possible entry to this at the next meeting of the Rugby Union MG. The Chairman noted a letter received from the BUSA Chief Executive confirming that BUSA was the sanctioning body for this event and that consideration would only be given to sending a team representing Great Britain.


17.1The committee noted that following the Rugby Union MG meeting in June 2003 all institutions participating in the 2003-04 Men’s Rugby Union Premier Leagues A & B had been asked for their preferences on a proposed restructuring of the Men’s 1st XV Championship with effect from the 2004/05 season. It was noted that four options had been provided:

a)To retain the Status Quo

b)To move to an 8 Team ‘national’ Premier League A

c)To move to a 6 Team ‘national’ Premier League A

d)To move to an 8 Team North & South Premier League A

The committee received copies of the responses received from all 25 teams in the Premier Leagues for the forthcoming season. The committee noted that with the 2003-04 season commencing in four weeks it was important to ensure that details of any restructuring for the following season be available on the website prior to the start of fixtures.

17.2The committee noted a definite split in the responses received from those teams in the North and South Premier League A’s. It was noted that all Northern Premier League teams had selected a preference for a ‘national’ Premier League A of 8 teams, whereas those in the South Premier League were split between the status quo and an 8 team North / South Premier League. The committee further noted that this disparity was due to the quality of fixtures available to the teams in each of the Premier Leagues (i.e. the current standard in the South being more competitive).

17.3The committee noted the importance of providing University players with a structure in which they could develop and one which would provide them with top quality fixtures against the best University teams. The committee noted that the ‘national’ Premier League was designed to provide not just an increase in the number of fixtures but also a higher quality of fixture.

17.4The committee noted that at present there was a perceived potential problem with a conflict of interest between the top Universities and clubs over the provision of the right quality of fixtures for University players.

17.6It was agreed that the aim of the restructuring was to strengthen the standard and profile of student rugby. It was further noted that only 7 different institutions have appeared in the last 10 BUSA finals, thereby suggesting that the strength of University rugby is limited to a small number of institutions. The committee noted that this was very similar to the BUSA Cricket Championships whereby the same four institutions have contested the semi finals for the past 3 seasons.

17.7The committee noted that Wednesday fixtures were becoming more and more difficult for some institutions as they were struggling to get players out of lectures. The committee agreed that weekend fixtures would not only provide a higher profile for the teams in terms of the national press but would also provide a better training structure in which to develop players (i.e. Train Mon – Thurs, Friday rest day, Saturday Match day, Sunday rest day).

17.8The committee had a very lengthy discussion regarding the restructuring and taking all of the aforementioned into consideration, it was

RECOMMENDED (votes for 5, votes against 2) that the following be implemented with effect from the 2005-05 season:

a)A ‘national’ Premier League A in England & Wales consisting of 8 teams playing home and away, with the 14 league matches taking place on a mixture of weekends / Wednesdays.

b)These 8 teams being the top 4 teams in each of the current Premier League A leagues (north and south).

c)The Scottish Conference to continue operating as at present.

d)Premier Leagues B to continue to be north and south but to be expanded to 8 teams per league. Matches continuing to be played on Wednesday afternoons (possibility of 1 or 2 matches being played at weekends).

e)All 8 teams from the ‘national’ Premier League A to qualify for the Last 16 of the Championship along with the top 2 from Scotland and the top 3 from each of the Premier Leagues B.

f)Trophy league matches would continue to be played on Wednesdays.


18.1Women’s Fixtures - The committee noted that in previous seasons the Women’s fixtures had started a week later than the Men’s on health and safety issues. It was further noted that the BUSA Office had not moved the first weeks fixtures to later in the season, but that this had only just been raised, two months after the fixtures went live on the BUSA website. The committee agreed to distribute information in the mailout strongly recommending that institutions consider moving their fixtures from the first two weeks of the season to later in the year. Action : JK

18.2Referees Appointments - The committee noted that the RFU appointments body were unable to sustain appointing officials to all 60 of the BUSA Premier League A fixtures. It was noted that it had been agreed between BUSA and Ken Bracewell (RFU Referees Manager) that the RFU would appoint National Panel referees to approximately 30-40% of BUSA Premier League A fixtures. The RFU would then request local appointment bodies appoint the best referees in the area to the remainder of the fixtures.

There being no other business the Chair thanked the members for attending and closed the meeting at 6.10pm.