1960: Countries, population, and per capita GDP, alphabetically

1960 Data from the book book The World Economy: Historical Statistics, Angus Maddison, OECD Publishing Development Centre Studies, 2003

The book gives GDP using Geary/Khamis dollars; see


The pie chart converts these to the same scale as used in the

2005 GDP table by multiplying by 1.372104

details of conversion from Geary-Khamis dollars in 1960
2,501.775 / 1960 level US Real GDP Billions of Chained 2000 dollars from FRB St Louis (Nov 2007)
divided by / 180,639 / 1960 U.S. population, thousands
multiplied by: / 1,000,000
equals / 13,850 / 1960 real GDP per capita, measured in chained 2000 dollars
11,003.500 / 2005 level US Real GDP, Billions of Chained 2000 dollars
divided by / 296,852 / 2005 U.S. population, thousands
multiplied by: / 1,000,000
equals / 37,067 / 2005 real GDP per capita, measured in chained 2000 dollars
2.67642 / growth factor for U.S. per capita GDP from 1960 to 2005
(equal to / 37,067 / divided by / 13,850 / )
41,600 / US GDP per capita used in 2005 pie chart
15,543 / what GDP would have been in 1960
using the scale from 2005
11,328 / US GDP per capita 1960
in Geary-Khamis International Dollars
1.37210 / conversion factor from Geary-Khamis
dollars to 2005 scale
(equal to 15,543/11,328)

Data is not available for all countries in 1960. The far

right column gives the 2005 list so it is possible to see

which countries are missing from the 1960 list (most of

these are very small). Also note that the 1960 lists includes

countries such as Yugoslovia and the Soviet Union which have

split up since 1960.

The population is listed in thousands.

Countries from 1960 list / GDP PerCAP 2005 scale / GDP PerCAP Geary/Khamis / POP / Countries from 2005 list
Albania / 1,991 / 1,451 / 1,623 / Albania
Algeria / 2,865 / 2,088 / 10,909 / Algeria
American Samoa
Angola / 1,719 / 1,253 / 4,797 / Angola
Antigua and Barbuda
Argentina / 7,628 / 5,559 / 20,616 / Argentina
Australia / 12,062 / 8,791 / 10,361 / Australia
Austria / 8,945 / 6,519 / 7,047 / Austria
Bahamas, The
Bahrain / 3,901 / 2,843 / 157 / Bahrain
BanglaDesh / 746 / 544 / 54,622 / Bangladesh
Belgium / 9,539 / 6,952 / 9,119 / Belgium
Benin / 1,342 / 978 / 2,055 / Benin
Bolivia / 2,204 / 1,606 / 3,434 / Bolivia
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Botswana / 553 / 403 / 497 / Botswana
Brazil / 3,204 / 2,335 / 71,695 / Brazil
British Virgin Islands
Bulgaria / 3,996 / 2,912 / 7,867 / Bulgaria
BurkinaFaso / 836 / 609 / 4,866 / Burkina Faso
Burma / 774 / 564 / 22,836 / Burma
Burundi / 609 / 444 / 2,812 / Burundi
Cameroon / 1,142 / 832 / 5,609 / Cameroon
Canada / 12,010 / 8,753 / 18,267 / Canada
CapeVerde / 697 / 508 / 197 / Cape Verde
Cayman Islands
CARepub / 1,269 / 925 / 1,467 / Central African Republic
Chad / 781 / 569 / 3,042 / Chad
Chile / 5,927 / 4,320 / 7,585 / Chile
China / 923 / 673 / 667,070 / China
Colombia / 3,426 / 2,497 / 15,953 / Colombia
Comoros / 977 / 712 / 183 / Comoros
CongoDR(Zaire) / 1,036 / 755 / 16,452 / Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Congo / 2,090 / 1,523 / 931 / Congo, Republic of the
Cook Islands
CostaRica / 3,725 / 2,715 / 1,248 / Costa Rica
Cote d'Ivoire / 1,723 / 1,256 / 3,576 / Cote d'Ivoire
Cuba / 2,816 / 2,052 / 7,027 / Cuba
Czechoslovokia / 7,009 / 5,108 / 13,654 / Czech Republic
Denmark / 12,091 / 8,812 / 4,581 / Denmark
Djbouti / 2,430 / 1,771 / 78 / Djibouti
Dom.Republic / 1,786 / 1,302 / 3,231 / Dominican Republic
East Timor
Ecuador / 3,141 / 2,289 / 4,416 / Ecuador
Egypt / 1,360 / 991 / 26,847 / Egypt
ElSalvador / 2,420 / 1,764 / 2,582 / El Salvador
Eq.Guinea / 1,024 / 746 / 244 / Equatorial Guinea
Ethiopia / 602 / 439 / 25,864 / Ethiopia
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
Faroe Islands
Finland / 8,548 / 6,230 / 4,430 / Finland
France / 10,354 / 7,546 / 45,670 / France
French Guiana
French Polynesia
Gabon / 5,741 / 4,184 / 446 / Gabon
Gambia / 991 / 722 / 352 / Gambia, The
Gaza Strip
Germany / 10,572 / 7,705 / 72,481 / Germany
Ghana / 1,891 / 1,378 / 6,958 / Ghana
Greece / 4,317 / 3,146 / 8,327 / Greece
Guatemala / 3,104 / 2,262 / 3,976 / Guatemala
Guniea / 538 / 392 / 3,028 / Guinea
GuineaBissau / 687 / 501 / 617 / Guinea-Bissau
Haiti / 1,448 / 1,055 / 3,723 / Haiti
Honduras / 1,918 / 1,398 / 1,952 / Honduras
HongKong / 4,300 / 3,134 / 3,075 / Hong Kong
Hungary / 5,007 / 3,649 / 9,984 / Hungary
India / 1,033 / 753 / 434,000 / India
Indonesia / 1,398 / 1,019 / 95,254 / Indonesia
Iran / 2,956 / 2,154 / 21,577 / Iran
Iraq / 3,753 / 2,735 / 6,822 / Iraq
Ireland / 5,875 / 4,282 / 2,832 / Ireland
Isle of Man
Israel / 6,398 / 4,663 / 2,141 / Israel
Italy / 8,117 / 5,916 / 50,198 / Italy
Jamaica / 3,642 / 2,654 / 1,632 / Jamaica
Japan / 5,469 / 3,986 / 94,092 / Japan
Jordan / 3,197 / 2,330 / 849 / Jordan
Kenya / 996 / 726 / 8,157 / Kenya
Korea, North
SouthKorea / 1,516 / 1,105 / 24,784 / Korea, South
Kuwait / 39,534 / 28,813 / 292 / Kuwait
Lebanon / 3,283 / 2,393 / 1,786 / Lebanon
Lesotho / 628 / 458 / 859 / Lesotho
Liberia / 1,688 / 1,230 / 1,055 / Liberia
Libya / 2,511 / 1,830 / 1,338 / Libya
Madagascar / 1,544 / 1,125 / 5,482 / Madagascar
Malawi / 541 / 394 / 3,450 / Malawi
Malaysia / 2,099 / 1,530 / 8,428 / Malaysia
Mali / 734 / 535 / 4,486 / Mali
Marshall Islands
Mauritania / 858 / 625 / 1,117 / Mauritania
Mauritius / 3,810 / 2,777 / 663 / Mauritius
Mayette / 1,437 / 1,047 / 55 / Mayotte
Mexico / 4,329 / 3,155 / 38,579 / Mexico
Micronesia, Federated States of
Morocco / 1,824 / 1,329 / 12,423 / Morocco
Mozambique / 1,821 / 1,327 / 7,472 / Mozambique
Namibia / 3,589 / 2,616 / 591 / Namibia
Nepal / 833 / 607 / 10,035 / Nepal
Netherlands / 11,371 / 8,287 / 11,486 / Netherlands
Netherlands Antilles
New Caledonia
NewZealand / 12,987 / 9,465 / 2,372 / New Zealand
Nicaragua / 2,721 / 1,983 / 1,493 / Nicaragua
Niger / 1,290 / 940 / 3,168 / Niger
Nigeria / 1,172 / 854 / 39,920 / Nigeria
Northern Mariana Islands
Norway / 9,890 / 7,208 / 3,581 / Norway
Oman / 1,283 / 935 / 599 / Oman
Pakistan / 888 / 647 / 50,387 / Pakistan
Panama / 3,281 / 2,391 / 1,148 / Panama
Papua New Guinea
Paraguay / 2,134 / 1,555 / 1,910 / Paraguay
Peru / 4,148 / 3,023 / 9,931 / Peru
Phillipines / 2,025 / 1,476 / 28,529 / Philippines
Poland / 4,411 / 3,215 / 29,590 / Poland
Portugal / 4,056 / 2,956 / 9,037 / Portugal
Puerto Rico
Qatar / 45,422 / 33,104 / 45 / Qatar
Reunion / 3,072 / 2,239 / 338 / Reunion
Romania / 2,530 / 1,844 / 18,403 / Romania
Rwanda / 900 / 656 / 3,032 / Rwanda
Saint Helena
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
San Marino
SaoTome / 1,190 / 867 / 63 / Sao Tome and Principe
SaudiArabia / 5,103 / 3,719 / 4,718 / Saudi Arabia
Senegal / 1,983 / 1,445 / 3,270 / Senegal
Seychelles / 3,248 / 2,367 / 42 / Seychelles
SierraLeone / 1,175 / 856 / 2,396 / Sierra Leone
Singapore / 3,170 / 2,310 / 1,646 / Singapore
Solomon Islands
Somalia / 1,752 / 1,277 / 2,956 / Somalia
SouthAfrica / 4,173 / 3,041 / 17,417 / South Africa
Spain / 4,215 / 3,072 / 30,641 / Spain
SriLanka / 1,784 / 1,300 / 9,879 / Sri Lanka
Sudan / 1,405 / 1,024 / 10,589 / Sudan
Swaziland / 1,283 / 935 / 352 / Swaziland
Sweden / 11,921 / 8,688 / 7,480 / Sweden
Switzerland / 17,092 / 12,457 / 5,362 / Switzerland
Syria / 4,148 / 3,023 / 4,533 / Syria
Taiwan / 2,047 / 1,492 / 11,209 / Taiwan
Tanzania / 630 / 459 / 10,260 / Tanzania
Thailand / 1,479 / 1,078 / 27,513 / Thailand
Togo / 958 / 698 / 1,456 / Togo
Trinidad and Tobago
Tunisia / 1,843 / 1,343 / 4,149 / Tunisia
Turkey / 3,083 / 2,247 / 28,217 / Turkey
Turks and Caicos Islands
Uganda / 978 / 713 / 7,262 / Uganda
UAE / 30,780 / 22,433 / 103 / United Arab Emirates
UnitedKingdom / 11,862 / 8,645 / 52,372 / United Kingdom
UnitedStates / 15,543 / 11,328 / 180,671 / United States
Uruguay / 6,806 / 4,960 / 2,531 / Uruguay
Venezuela / 13,235 / 9,646 / 7,556 / Venezuela
Virgin Islands
Wallis and Futuna
WB/Gaza / 1,891 / 1,378 / 1,113 / West Bank
Yemen / 1,323 / 964 / 5,872 / Yemen
Zambia / 1,317 / 960 / 3,254 / Zambia
Zimbabwe / 1,287 / 938 / 4,011 / Zimbabwe
Yugoslavia / 3,344 / 2,437 / 18,133
USSR / 5,413 / 3,945 / 213,780

1960 GDP per capita, descending order

Rank / 1960 DATA *** / GDP PerCAP 2005 scale / GDP PerCAP Geary/Khamis
1 / Qatar / 45,422 / 33,104
2 / Kuwait / 39,534 / 28,813
3 / UAE / 30,780 / 22,433
4 / Switzerland / 17,092 / 12,457
5 / UnitedStates / 15,543 / 11,328
6 / Venezuela / 13,235 / 9,646
7 / NewZealand / 12,987 / 9,465
8 / Denmark / 12,091 / 8,812
9 / Australia / 12,062 / 8,791
10 / Canada / 12,010 / 8,753
11 / Sweden / 11,921 / 8,688
12 / UnitedKingdom / 11,862 / 8,645
13 / Netherlands / 11,371 / 8,287
14 / Germany / 10,572 / 7,705
15 / France / 10,354 / 7,546
16 / Norway / 9,890 / 7,208
17 / Belgium / 9,539 / 6,952
18 / Austria / 8,945 / 6,519
19 / Finland / 8,548 / 6,230
20 / Italy / 8,117 / 5,916
21 / Argentina / 7,628 / 5,559
22 / Czechoslovokia / 7,009 / 5,108
23 / Uruguay / 6,806 / 4,960
24 / Israel / 6,398 / 4,663
25 / Chile / 5,927 / 4,320
26 / Ireland / 5,875 / 4,282
27 / Gabon / 5,741 / 4,184
28 / Japan / 5,469 / 3,986
29 / USSR / 5,413 / 3,945
30 / SaudiArabia / 5,103 / 3,719
31 / Hungary / 5,007 / 3,649
32 / Poland / 4,411 / 3,215
33 / Mexico / 4,329 / 3,155
34 / Greece / 4,317 / 3,146
35 / HongKong / 4,300 / 3,134
36 / Spain / 4,215 / 3,072
37 / SouthAfrica / 4,173 / 3,041
38 / Peru / 4,148 / 3,023
39 / Syria / 4,148 / 3,023
40 / Portugal / 4,056 / 2,956
41 / Bulgaria / 3,996 / 2,912
42 / Bahrain / 3,901 / 2,843
43 / Mauritius / 3,810 / 2,777
44 / Iraq / 3,753 / 2,735
45 / CostaRica / 3,725 / 2,715
46 / Jamaica / 3,642 / 2,654
47 / Namibia / 3,589 / 2,616
48 / Colombia / 3,426 / 2,497
49 / Yugoslavia / 3,344 / 2,437
50 / Lebanon / 3,283 / 2,393
51 / Panama / 3,281 / 2,391
52 / Seychelles / 3,248 / 2,367
53 / Brazil / 3,204 / 2,335
54 / Jordan / 3,197 / 2,330
55 / Singapore / 3,170 / 2,310
56 / Ecuador / 3,141 / 2,289
57 / Guatemala / 3,104 / 2,262
58 / Turkey / 3,083 / 2,247
59 / Reunion / 3,072 / 2,239
60 / Iran / 2,956 / 2,154
61 / Algeria / 2,865 / 2,088
62 / Cuba / 2,816 / 2,052
63 / Nicaragua / 2,721 / 1,983
64 / Romania / 2,530 / 1,844
65 / Libya / 2,511 / 1,830
66 / Djbouti / 2,430 / 1,771
67 / ElSalvador / 2,420 / 1,764
68 / Bolivia / 2,204 / 1,606
69 / Paraguay / 2,134 / 1,555
70 / Malaysia / 2,099 / 1,530
71 / Congo / 2,090 / 1,523
72 / Taiwan / 2,047 / 1,492
73 / Phillipines / 2,025 / 1,476
74 / Albania / 1,991 / 1,451
75 / Senegal / 1,983 / 1,445
76 / Honduras / 1,918 / 1,398
77 / Ghana / 1,891 / 1,378
78 / WB/Gaza / 1,891 / 1,378
79 / Tunisia / 1,843 / 1,343
80 / Morocco / 1,824 / 1,329
81 / Mozambique / 1,821 / 1,327
82 / Dom.Republic / 1,786 / 1,302
83 / SriLanka / 1,784 / 1,300
84 / Somalia / 1,752 / 1,277
85 / Cote d'Ivoire / 1,723 / 1,256
86 / Angola / 1,719 / 1,253
87 / Liberia / 1,688 / 1,230
88 / Madagascar / 1,544 / 1,125
89 / SouthKorea / 1,516 / 1,105
90 / Thailand / 1,479 / 1,078
91 / Haiti / 1,448 / 1,055
92 / Mayette / 1,437 / 1,047
93 / Sudan / 1,405 / 1,024
94 / Indonesia / 1,398 / 1,019
95 / Egypt / 1,360 / 991
96 / Benin / 1,342 / 978
97 / Yemen / 1,323 / 964
98 / Zambia / 1,317 / 960
99 / Niger / 1,290 / 940
100 / Zimbabwe / 1,287 / 938
101 / Swaziland / 1,283 / 935
102 / Oman / 1,283 / 935
103 / CARepub / 1,269 / 925
104 / SaoTome / 1,190 / 867
105 / SierraLeone / 1,175 / 856
106 / Nigeria / 1,172 / 854
107 / Cameroon / 1,142 / 832
108 / CongoDR(Zaire) / 1,036 / 755
109 / India / 1,033 / 753
110 / Eq.Guinea / 1,024 / 746
111 / Kenya / 996 / 726
112 / Gambia / 991 / 722
113 / Uganda / 978 / 713
114 / Comoros / 977 / 712
115 / Togo / 958 / 698
116 / China / 923 / 673
117 / Rwanda / 900 / 656
118 / Pakistan / 888 / 647
119 / Mauritania / 858 / 625
120 / BurkinaFaso / 836 / 609
121 / Nepal / 833 / 607
122 / Chad / 781 / 569
123 / Burma / 774 / 564
124 / BanglaDesh / 746 / 544
125 / Mali / 734 / 535
126 / CapeVerde / 697 / 508
127 / GuineaBissau / 687 / 501
128 / Tanzania / 630 / 459
129 / Lesotho / 628 / 458
130 / Burundi / 609 / 444
131 / Ethiopia / 602 / 439
132 / Botswana / 553 / 403
133 / Malawi / 541 / 394
134 / Guniea / 538 / 392

1960: Countries arranged by categories; categories are alphabetical; Population and GDP per capita

Category / 1960 DATA *** / GDP PerCAP 2005 scale / GDP PerCAP Geary/Khamis / Population
Africa-other / Algeria / 2,865 / 2,088 / 10,909
Africa-other / Angola / 1,719 / 1,253 / 4,797