icTrue Colors – Coaches
Gold Coach
- Stable
- Provides security
- Dependable
- Efficient
- Structured
- Organized
- Mood – concerned
- Proud of responsibility
- Need – membership
- Pleasure – being indulged
- Most trusted tool – authority
- Notice most – standards; right and wrong
- Philosophy – fatalist
- Desire more – ownership
- Join others for – ceremony
- Want for family (team) – hierarchy
- Best at – Planning
A Gold Coach can be counted on. The kids would always know what is expected of them. They would understand that the coach will be there everyday, on time, will run an efficient practice which ends at an appointed time every day. They will know that every aspect of the practice will be handled in a reasonable, normal, routine fashion. The kids will know what is expected of them each day; they will know how the coach wants them to behave and they will know what to expect.
The coach will handle every aspect of the coach’s routine with efficiency, from handing out and tracking equipment to daily attendance, to daily practice plans and goals. He/she will reward the kids for taking on their part of the team responsibility and for demonstrating concern for the team by their on time record and their understanding that team comes before the individual. The coach will be in charge and build team traditions and present a stable environment.
Blue Coach
- Warm
- Compassionate
- Idealistic
- Intuitive
- Cooperative
- Mood – enthusiastic
- Proud of integrity
- Need – rapport
- Pleasure – make believe
- Most trusted tool – intuition
- Notice most – integrations
- Philosophy – believer
- Desire more – romance
- Join others for – inspiration; loves groups of people
- Want for family (team) – Harmony, sharing
- Best at - personnel
The blue coach will welcome any and all who want to participate. He will reward kids for being part of the team and make them feel appreciated for anything they do. He will believe that kids want to do what is right, will be enthusiastic and try to build a positive rapport with his team. He will inspire the team through his actions, support, and words. He will encourage a sense of family on a team and be concerned that all are involved.
Kids will feel like they are appreciated and that their coach believes in them. They will hang on the coach’s words and believe they can accomplish anything. They will be emotional and enthusiastic as they approach contests.
Orange Coach
- Fun loving, lively
- Spontaneous
- Flexible
- Carefree
- Hands on
- Mood – excited
- Proud of skill
- Need – impact
- Pleasure – play games
- Most trusted tool – impulse
- Notice most – variations; likes variety
- Philosophy – optimist
- Desire more – stimulation
- Join others for - frivolity
- Want for family (team) – mobility
- Best at – Leadership, motivation, competitive, tactics
The orange coach will make practice fun and lively. He may introduce a drill or a skill at any time, keeping practice interesting, exciting, and changing. He allows for individuals to be creative in their reactions to new situations at practice. He may spend more time in playing the sport than in practicing individual skills, seeing the big picture activities as more fun and more educational. He will feel that kids are more committed when they are having more fun. He will want kids to be able to play several positions. He will want kids to be prepared for varying attacks that might occur in a contest and will want them to be able to act instinctually as well.
Kids will experience a coach who makes practice fun, exciting, and different. They may see the big picture better than their own individual role within it. The kids will be excited, they will experience a coach who is actively involved with them individually, and who encourages them to freelance and show creativity. He will reward those who can adapt and succeed in new situations. Kids who need step-by-step instructions may not flourish.
Green Coach
- Analyzer
- Detail minded
- Powerful
- Efficient
- Has deep knowledge
- Mood – calm
- Proud of ingenuity
- Need – achievement
- Pleasure – demonstrates proficiency
- Most trusted tool – reason
- Notice most – differentiations
- Philosophy – relativist
- Desire more – precision
- Join others for – clear cut purpose
- Want for family (team) – individuality
- Best at - strategy
A green coach will set individual goals for himself and for his team. He will work on practicing and perfecting skills which, he believes, will make the athlete a better, tougher, more confident player. He will have high expectations, be in clear control of the team, expect efficiency and perfection. He will know his sport, study it, and expect the same from others. He will encourage and reward individuality. He will expect that kids know their role, know why they must perform their part well, and understand what they must do to succeed.
Kids playing for a green coach will know that he is the boss with high expectations for them. He will be calm, yet demanding, expecting no excuses for failure. He will expect precision and notice when minor mistakes are made. Kids will know that the coach knows his “stuff” and wants to succeed. They may not know whether he likes them personally or not.