1. Surname/Family Name (as in passport) / 2. First/Given Name (as in passport) / 3. Title
- select -MrMissMsMrsDr / Date of Receipt
4. Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) / 5. Nationality / 6. Gender
M / F
7. Personal Email Address / 11. Address for Correspondence
Line 1
8. UCL Email Address (if applicable) / Line 2 / All supporting
Line 3 / documents
9. Tel (incl. country code) / City / Postcode/Zip
Country / Eligible / YES / NO
10. Mobile/Cell Phone (incl. country code) / 12. Dates when address is valid (dd/mm/yy)
From: / To: / Notes
13. Research Subject Area/Programme Title
Development Planning
14. UCL Department/Institute / 15. UCL Faculty
Bartlett Development Planning Unit / Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment
16. Name of Proposed Principal UCL Supervisor / 17. Fees Status / 18. Method of Study
- select -Home (UK)EuropeanOverseas / Full-Time
19. Proposed Starting Date / 20. Qualification Sought / 21. Admissions/Enrolment Status
September / 2016 / M.Phil/PhD / Formal application made / Formal application approved
Month / Year / (M.Phil./PhD, EngD, etc) / (Please tick the relevant box)
EDUCATION – qualifications already obtained
22a. Detail your education since age 17. Start with the most recent qualifications. Where appropriate include professional qualifications.
Name of College/ University/Awarding Body
(state country if outside the UK) / Start date
dd/mm/yy / End date
dd/mm/yy / Qualification
(e.g. ABA, BSc) / Degree Title: Subjects studied and grades obtained (e.g. Economics – 75%, Politics – 70%) / Overall class/ grade/GPA
(e.g. 5.5) / Grading Scale/ Range of grades
(e.g. low 1 – 6 high)
EDUCATION – qualification currently being taken
22b. Detail qualifications yet to be awarded. Where appropriate include professional qualifications.
Name of College/University/
Awarding Body
(state country if outside the UK) / Start date
dd/mm/yy / End date
dd/mm/yy / Qualification
(e.g. BA, BSc) / Degree Title: Subjects studied and grades obtained so far
(e.g. Economics – 75%, Politics – 70%) / Expected final class/grade/ GPA (e.g. 5.5) / Grading Scale/ Range of grades
(e.g. low 1 – 6 high)
23. List employment relevant to the programme of study or scholarship requirements only.
Name and Address of Employer
(state country if outside the UK) / Start date
dd/mm/yy / End date
dd/mm/yy / Position held and main duties
24. Provide an up-to-date list of publications in clear chronological order with the most recent work first. Please include reports, thesis, dissertations, conference presentations and work published in the public domain. For books, please provide full title, date of publication and publisher; for articles, include details of the relevant journals; for publications that have appeared online, state the full web address. (Please do NOT include or enclose publications’ abstracts, summaries or copies).
25. List only those awarded on the basis of academic merit/achievement. We may request proof (copies of award letters/certificates) of the information you give below.
Name of Institution/Awarding Body / Name of Prize/Award/Scholarship / Total Value
(in GBP £) / Start date
dd/mm/yy / End date
dd/mm/yy / Purpose
(e.g. Tuition fees, maintenance)
26. List any funding you intend to apply for and/or have applied for and/or secured relating to the intended programme.
Name of Institution/Awarding Body / Name of Prize/Award/Scholarship / Value per year(in GBP £) / Duration (in years) / Purpose
(e.g. Tuition fees, maintenance) / Status / Notification date (if not secured)
- select -AppliedSecuredIntend to apply
- select -AppliedSecuredIntend to apply
- select -AppliedSecuredIntend to apply
27. List any languages you can speak, read, write and your level of proficiency in each
Language / ProficiencyRead / Write / Speak
- select -ConversationalGoodExcellent / - select -ConversationalGoodExcellent / - select -ConversationalGoodExcellent
- select -ConversationalGoodExcellent / - select -ConversationalGoodExcellent / - select -ConversationalGoodExcellent
- select -ConversationalGoodExcellent / - select -ConversationalGoodExcellent / - select -ConversationalGoodExcellent
- select -ConversationalGoodExcellent / - select -ConversationalGoodExcellent / - select -ConversationalGoodExcellent
- select -ConversationalGoodExcellent / - select -ConversationalGoodExcellent / - select -ConversationalGoodExcellent
The documents listed below MUST be attached to this application. Without them your application is invalid.
28. Indicate in the right-hand column which documents you have enclosed. Further information on required documents is provided in the guidance notes.
Research Proposal
Academic Reference 1 (see below the required template 1 – related to the most recently completed studies or intended to complete this academic year)
Academic Reference 2 (see below the required template 2 – related to your academic studies)
Academic Reference 3 (optional)
Photocopies of official college and university degree certificates and transcripts (incl. English translation if in foreign language)
Documents cannot be returned.
To the best of my knowledge, the information on this application is accurate and complete. I understand that my application is valid only if all required information is provided and all required supporting documents (which will not be returned to me) are enclosed.
I agree to inform the DPU PhD Programme Director () immediately of any other scholarships, grants or awards I am offered or awarded (by an external sponsor/institution, other offices within UCL or my admitting department) subsequent to submitting this application, and to provide details and proof of their details if requested. I understand that any additional funding awarded from another source may be taken into account in the calculation of any scholarship I may receive.
Data Protection Act 1998: I agree to UCL processing personal data contained on this form or other data which UCL may obtain from me or other people or organisations while I am applying for funding. I agree to the processing and disclosure of such data for any purposes connected with my studies or my funding while on UCL’s premises or for any other legitimate purpose, including the compilation of statutory statistical and personal returns that UCL is obliged to make to government or other agencies.
Signature / Date
Please return this form together with all supporting documents listed above to the DPU PhD Programme Administrator by or posting to: PhD Programme Director, Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London, 34 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9EZ.
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Please show your understanding of and interest in the area of research and the project. The selection committee members are not likely to be specialists in your area.
The proposal should be written by you, not your proposed supervisor or any other academic.
Lay Summary
Please explain clearly the purpose and potential significance of the proposed research in relation to the DPU’s broader vision and mission. (max. 200 words)
Specialist Summary
Please describethe aim of your research and the methodology that you will use and the potential significance of this study to your discipline. (max. 500 words)
Personal statement
Please describe how this award will support your career development (max 500 words)
Page 1 of 7
This reference form is available to be downloaded separately from the scholarship webpage if required.Applicant Full Name
1. How long have you known the applicant? / 2. In what capacity do you know the applicant?
3. The applicant is/was in top / % of students I have taught throughout my academic career.
4. The applicant is/was in top / % of students in the current year cohort.
5. Please comment on the applicant’s research potential, academic performance, prizes and scholarships won, research skills, relevant personal qualities, motivation and suitability for the intended programme or research project, as well as his/her career aims and prospects. Where applicable, explain the grading structure of the qualifications attained and provide information about the distribution of grades within the cohort of students with which you are comparing this student.
(Please comment below or include a separate signed letter on headed paper. If a separate letter is provided we still require the other sections on this form to be completed)
6. Recommendations
I strongly recommend this applicant for the above scholarship / I recommend this applicant for the above scholarship
I do not recommend this applicant for the above scholarship / I am unable to comment
Title / First name / Last name
Name of Institution / Address
Line 1
Position / Line 2
Line 3
Tel / City / Postcode
Email / Country
Under the terms of the 1998 Data Protection Act, an applicant has the right to access any reference submitted to UCL. Please tick this box if you do not wish the applicant to have access to this reference.
Signature / Date
Thank you for your co-operation in completing this form. Please enclose the printed version of this form and a letter (if preferred) in an envelope and EITHER sign across the seal before returning it to the applicant OR send it directly to the DPU PhD Programme Administrator by e-mailing or posting to: PhD Programme Director, Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London, 34 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9EZ
Page 1 of 7
This reference form is available to be downloaded separately from the scholarship webpage if required.Applicant Full Name
1. How long have you known the applicant? / 2. In what capacity do you know the applicant?
If the applicant is a new UCL student and you are not able to comment on applicant’s academic performance please go to section 5b.
3. The applicant was in top / % of students I have taught throughout my academic career.
4. The applicant was in top / % of students in the current year cohort.
5a. Please comment on the applicant’s research potential, academic performance, prizes and scholarships won, research skills, relevant personal qualities, motivation and suitability for the intended programme or research project, as well as his/her career aims and prospects. Where applicable, explain the grading structure of the qualifications attained and provide information about the distribution of grades within the cohort of students with which you are comparing this student.
(Please comment below or include a separate signed letter on headed paper. If a separate letter is provided we still require the other sections on this form to be completed)
5b. Please comment on the applicant’s research potential and how it will fit into the Department research strategy.
(Please comment below or include a separate signed letter on headed paper. If a separate letter is provided we still require the other sections on this form to be completed)
6. Recommendations
I strongly recommend this applicant for the above scholarship / I recommend this applicant for the above scholarship
I do not recommend this applicant for the above scholarship / I am unable to comment
Title / First name / Last name
Name of Institution / Address
Line 1
Position / Line 2
Line 3
Tel / City / Postcode
Email / Country
Under the terms of the 1998 Data Protection Act, an applicant has the right to access any reference submitted to UCL. Please tick this box if you do not wish the applicant to have access to this reference.
Signature / Date
Thank you for your co-operation in completing this form. Please enclose the printed version of this form and a letter (if preferred) in an envelope and EITHER sign across the seal before returning it to the applicant OR send it directly to the DPU PhD Programme Administrator by e-mailing or posting to: PhD Programme Director, Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London, 34 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9EZ
This reference form is available to be downloaded separately from the scholarship webpage if required.
Applicant Full Name
1. How long have you known the applicant? / 2. In what capacity do you know the applicant?
3. The applicant is/was in top / % of students I have taught throughout my academic career.
4. The applicant is/was in top / % of students in the current year cohort.
5. Please comment on the applicant’s research potential, academic performance, prizes and scholarships won, research skills, relevant personal qualities, motivation and suitability for the intended programme or research project, as well as his/her career aims and prospects. Where applicable, explain the grading structure of the qualifications attained and provide information about the distribution of grades within the cohort of students with which you are comparing this student.
(Please comment below or include a separate signed letter on headed paper. If a separate letter is provided we still require the other sections on this form to be completed)
6. Recommendations
I strongly recommend this applicant for the above scholarship / I recommend this applicant for the above scholarship
I do not recommend this applicant for the above scholarship / I am unable to comment
Title / First name / Last name
Name of Institution / Address
Line 1
Position / Line 2
Line 3
Tel / City / Postcode
Email / Country
Under the terms of the 1998 Data Protection Act, an applicant has the right to access any reference submitted to UCL. Please tick this box if you do not wish the applicant to have access to this reference.
Signature / Date
Thank you for your co-operation in completing this form. Please enclose the printed version of this form and a letter (if preferred) in an envelope and EITHER sign across the seal before returning it to the applicant OR send it directly to the DPU PhD Programme Administrator by e-mailing or posting to: PhD Programme Director, Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London, 34 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9EZ.
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