From Cllr Morson

Local Development Framework/Eco Settlement

John Mitchell, Director of Planning and Acting Chief Executive, has advised that it will be difficult for the Council to abandon the LDF process. This is because of a technicality relating to a five year supply of land for development which cannot be reviewed until the present process is complete.

With regard to the EcoTown, he has stated that there will be three crucial factors relating to the Government’s choice of location. These are: deliverability, affordability and benefits to the community. It is vital that residents write strongly about how the proposed EcoTown will affect their quality of life. The Joint Parish Councils are working together to formulate guidelines. The choice of Elsenham as a site for an EcoTown does not fit the Government criteria of a ‘greenfield’ site, which is a very important argument. It is vital, in their letters, that residents highlight the present transport and traffic issues that would arise from the imposition of an EcoTown. Please write to:

The Eco Towns Team

Housing and Growth Programmes

Department for Communities and Local Government

2/H9 Eland House

Bressenden Place

London SW1E 5DU

With copies to:

Rt Hon Caroline Flint, MP, Minister for Housing

House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA

Rt Hon Sir Alan Haselhurst

(as above)

Bill Bates

Stone Cottage, Henham, OR

Chris Bush, 2 Coriander Drive, Elsenham.

A key date for diaries is Tuesday, 17 June 2008, for the Environment Committee Meeting at Saffron Walden Offices at 7.30pm, where both the LDF and the EcoTown proposals will be discussed in detail. Please make every effort to attend.

New Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council

Catherine Dean’s year as Chair is now completed. The new Chair of the Council is Mark Lemon, Independent Councillor for atyHatfield Heath. The Vice Chair is Alistair Walters, Conservative Councillor for Saffron Walden.

Area Panels/Area Forums

The administration of the Council has decided to abandon Area Panels and replace them with Area Forums. These will not be decision-making bodies but will include a panel of representatives from the Police, Highways, PCT, UDC and Essex County Council. Members of the Public can raise any issue. The first meeting of the South Panel will be on Tuesday, 10 June 2008, the likely venue will be Great Dunmow. To be confirmed.