Lesson Component: / Daily Plan: Text and Time
·  Journal writing in daybooks
Article of the Day:
·  Read together (Teacher models for students)
·  Discussion
·  Group deep dive (look at sentence structure, diction, vocabulary, tone, organization, etc.)
·  Journal response
·  Focus student attention to components of literature by using mini-lessons.
·  Have students use the article of the day or other text to explore components in mentor texts.
·  Have students examine their own writing for components and revise as needed.
Informational Texts:
·  Read together (Teacher models for students)
·  Discussion
·  Group deep dive (look at sentence structure, diction, vocabulary, tone, organization, etc.)
·  Complete accompanying exercises at teacher discretion. (May be used on consecutive days)
Voice Lesson:
·  Focus student attention to components of literature by using mini-lessons.
·  Have students use the article of the day or other text to explore components in mentor texts.
·  Have students examine their own writing for components and revise as needed.
Vocabulary Lesson:
·  Use intermittently during readings to focus students on specific vocabulary in texts.
Grammar Lesson:
·  Complete as independent or pair activity.
·  Share with another partner group.
·  Discuss in class, and use the activity to teach mini-lessons in grammar and usage.
Ticket out the Door:
·  Daybook entry
·  321: (three things you learned, two skills you practiced, one question or comment for teacher)
·  Answer Lesson Essential Question on post-it and leave on board.
·  One word summary of the day whip-around