2014–2015 English Language Arts

Lisa Eller

During this course, we will study and read a variety of literary genres, examine and apply vocabulary, analyze the structure, theme, style, and use of literary elements in each work. Additionally, we will learn how to write well-organized paragraphs and essays. The course requires the use of Modern Language Association (MLA) format for essays and major writings, such as research assignments. These units are based on the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS).

Textbooks: Literature and the Language Arts

Supplementary Reading: Reading assignments are determined by the teacher. If an outside reading assignment is considered objectionable by parent/guardian and or student, a substitution may be made at the teacher’s discretion.

Lost or damaged textbooks and/or supplementary reading texts are the responsibility of the students to whom they are assigned, and monetary compensation must be made.

Testing: Listed below are the different types of tests given throughout the course and explanations of how each test is weighted in relation to the final grade.

Benchmarks- Students will take benchmarks tests. This will help them and their teachers determine which standards have been mastered and which standards need improvement. Each benchmark will count as a test grade.

Georgia Milestones Assessment (GMA) - This test is required by the state of Georgia. It is a multiple-choice test. The test material is covered in class. A student must take the GMA in order to learn credit in ninth grade English. The test score counts as 20% of the final grade.

Class tests – These tests are given to determine mastery of a concept or work of literature.

Make-Up Work: When a student returns from an absence, it is his/her responsibility to find out what assignments s/he missed and to make up those assignments in a timely manner.

Late Work: During the first five days following the due date, the value assigned to late work is at the discretion of the teacher. After five days, teachers may assign a grade of NO HIGHER than a 70 for the late work.

Test Re-Takes: Test re-takes are allowed whenever students earn below a 70 on a test (excluding benchmarks and the End of Course Test). Students are allowed to re-test for a grade not higher than 70.

Grading Procedures:

Students have assignments that fall into three categories: tests, daily, and the GMA. Test grades include unit tests, papers, and projects. Daily grades are made up of class work, homework, and vocabulary.

Final Average:40% -Test Grades

40% - Daily Grades

20% - Georgia Milestones Assessment

Grading Scale: A 100-90

B 89-80

C 79-70

F 69-0


  1. Respect yourself and those around you.
  2. Be prepared for class. This means something to write with, something to write on, and a positive attitude about learning.
  3. All rules in your student handbook apply in this class.
  4. Adhere to Academic Integrity
  5. If you need help, please stay for tutoring. Tutoring is available upon request.

Important Contact Information:

Lisa Eller,

School: 706-778-0830

This syllabus may be altered by teacher or administrator at any time.



Please complete this section and return it to school with your child.

Please sign this acknowledgement and return it to class, signifying that you have received and understand the course syllabus.

______Student Signature Class Period Date

______Parent Signature date

Parent e-mail address, if available:______