
PeopleSoft FMS System

Student Adjustment Data Journal Process

Instructions for using the People Tools student adjustment data download to extract transactions and copy the data into the student data adjustment journal template.

Student transactions including tuition, fees, books, and financial aid are sometimes posted to a central cost center, and a subsequent journal is prepared to move the activity to the correct funding cost center. When the activity is moved to the funding cost center the student data should be captured to enable complete reconciliation and reporting on student activities. A new PeopleSoft data download and Excel journal template have been developed for these student activity adjustment journals.

This document describes three steps:

  1. Download data from the GL for the activity that needs to be reallocated.
  2. Use the spreadsheet template to provide the correct funding cost center.
  3. Upload the spreadsheet for posting to the GL.

Data Download

This is a PeopleSoft client process. (If you do not have client access to PeopleSoft you must use the new spreadsheet template and fill in the relevant data manually.)


Go> Process Financial Information> Review Financial Information> Report> Download Student Adj Data

Run Control Panel:

Run Control Parameters:

Fiscal Year From, Fiscal Year To, Accounting Period From and Accounting Period To control the time period for the journals.

Account From and Account To control the range of accounts to extract. Note that payroll accounts are excluded from this process as the payroll adjustment journal form is used to process payroll corrections.

Journal ID, Journal Date can be used to select from a specific journal.

Jrnl Source, Jrnl Ref, Subclass, and Entered by allow the user to further filter the data extract

Campus, School, Division, Department, Program and Cost Center allow the user to filter the extract to a particular area or a specific cost center (Note that security is in place to restrict user to cost centers for which the user may access CSR reports).

Output File Name(required) is used to specify the file name where the transactions will be written. Enter a file name without a path or extension. For example, if you enter STUDADJ03your transactions will be written to your hard drive as C:\TEMP\STUDADJ03.CSV.

Using the Spreadsheet Template stdnt_adj_upld.xls

The spreadsheet template can be downloaded from the FMS Forms page at

  • Open stdnt_adj_upld.xls file.
  • Click Enable Macros button. This will bring up the Student Data Adjustment Journal Excel spreadsheet.

  • The Date field defaults to today’s date. If this is not in the correct accounting period you may enter a new date.
  • You need to supply a 10-character Journal ID.
  • You must also enter your OPRID. (Email Netid)
  • Next, in EXCEL, Open the data file downloaded from the GL


  • Then copy and paste the data from the CSV file columns A through L into stdnt_adj_upld.xls. When selecting the data skip the header row (row 1); in this example select A2 through L3. Paste the data into cell A6 of stdnt_adj_upld.xls.

  • The data download process selected journals from June 2009 where account code is 75401 and cost center is GX4146000. But when the extract file is created the accounting is reversed, because the intent is to move this activity to another cost center. In the example above the original SIS journal debited GX4146000 with the financial aid transactions. The extract moves this accounting to the credit side of the entry, because the plan is to debit the funding cost center and credit GX4146000 in the adjustment journal.
  • The student name and GU ID number are included to link the transaction to the student. The term (subclass) and Banner detail code are included for reporting purposes. The journal line date from the original journal is copied into the activity date field.
  • Enter the funding cost center in the debit side of the entry to complete the adjustment transaction. Note if the original journal were a credit to 75401 then GX4146000 would be on the debit side of the entry and the funding cost center would be entered into the credit side of the entry.
  • After entering the cost centers you click the FINISH button format the template and create the batch total. Click UPLOADto create the journal file to be loaded into the GL. This creates a file C:\TEMP\JOURNAL.PRN that is uploaded in the next step. You may now close the spreadsheets.

Upload Spreadsheet Data

This is a PeopleSoft client process.


Go> Process Financial Information> Process Journals> Process> Load External Journals

Run Control Panel:

There is a single parameter, the name of the file to be loaded: journal.prn. When run, this program creates the journal file specified on the spreadsheet.

S:\UFS\OBJECTS.FMS\GL & Budgets\Training - GL\Using Excel Journals\ProCard Reallocation Process.doc

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