/ BSC 1005LE06General Biology
Non-Science Majors Lab
Summer B 2016
CRN: 14218; 1 credits – 2 hours
Instructor: / Marsha Sanford / E-mail: /
Class Days: / Tuesday and Wednesday / Phone Number: / none
Class Time: / 1stperiod / Office Location: / O-118
Class Location: / O-118 / Office Hours: / 11:30 – 12:30
Course Description: / BSC 1005L. Laboratory for General Biology Non-Science Majors.Students may use BSC 1005L or BSC 2010L to fulfill the general education science requirements but not both.
1 credit - 2 hours.
Co-requisite: BSC1005
Course Materials: / Lab book: BSC 1005 Laboratory Manual, Department of Biological Sciences, St. Johns River State College 2012-2014 Lab Manual. ISBN: 978-0-7380-5647-0.
Pen, #2 pencils, calculator, ruler, paper or notebook for taking notes, notebook for keeping papers organized, Engineering or Drafting eraser (optional).
Tutoring: / Free on-campus tutoring is available in the Academic Support Center, Room L124 on the St. Augustine Campus.
Free online tutoring is available through Smarthinking via the student tab on the MySJRstate portal.
Student Learning Outcomes: / After completing this course, students shall be able to:
  1. Apply knowledge of the microscopes to understand structures and functions of organisms;
  2. Using the distinguishing characteristics of various organisms, identify their position in the classification scheme;
  3. Apply concepts of ecology to a simulated or natural populations, communities, or ecosystems.
This course will cover the following topics:
A. Use of the microscope
B. Biochemical tests
C. Cells
D. Cell Division
E. Dichotomous Keys
F. Human Inheritance
G. Molecular Genetics
H. Diversity of Life: Prokaryotes, Protista, Fungi, Plants, and Animals
I. Evolution
J. Ecology
Assessment: / Your final grade will be determined by 2 tests, daily lab participation, labclean up, appropriate lab technique, and predominately attendance; homework will be given but not graded.
Grading Scale: / 90 - 100%: A 80 - 89%: B 70 - 79%: C 60 - 69%: D below 60%: F
Make-Ups: / There are no makeup labs. There are only 2 tests; a midterm and a final test. Only extreme cases for makeup testing will be considered for a makeup time prior to the end of the semester. In the event there is a makeup needed, you will only be allowed one makeup test/assessment for the course. This will be given the last week of class and will be during your class time (final exam week). If you miss more than one exam, a 0 will be given for each additional missed exam. If you miss a test or the final exam, you will be required to show a doctor’s note for the reason you missed the exam and in the event of a death in the family you will need to show a copy of the obituary or memorial service in order to make up the exam.
Academic Integrity: / Students in this class must know, observe, and not compromise the principles of academic integrity. It is not permissible to cheat, to fabricate or falsify information, to submit the same academic work in more than one course without prior permission, to plagiarize, to receive unfair advantage, or to otherwise abuse accepted practices for handling and documenting information. The grade for this course includes the judgment that the student’s work is free from academic dishonesty of any type. Violations or infractions will be reported to the Vice President for Student Affairs and may lead to failure of the course and other sanctions imposed by the College.
Disability Services: / Students with disabilities who require a note taker or other accommodations should notify their instructor as soon as possible so those accommodations can be coordinated with the appropriate office. Students who would like to be a note taker should notify their instructor as well.
Attendance and Withdrawal: / A student may receive a warning to their SJRstate e-mail account when the equivalent of three 50-minute class periods have been missed and may be withdrawn from the course after the fourth 50-minute absence.
The last day to withdraw from SJRState College is Tuesday November 1st, 2016. The last day for Dual Enrollment withdrawal is Wednesday November 9th, 2016.

Additional:Please be on time to class. Attendance is essential for your success in this class. If you are going to miss 2 or more days, please come and talk to me. Cell phones and lap tops may not be used in class. There is no food or drinks allowed in the classroom. No chewing gum in class. Because of the nature of this course, students need to pay attention to the lab procedures, therefore no horseplay is allowed. Students may not video or record thislab class.

Tentative Course Calendar BSC 1005L – Lab
Fall 2016(subject to change)
You MUST have your lab book for every lab class and you must always
wear closed toed shoes to class. ALWAYS!
Week of… / Topic
1 / Aug 10 / Introduction, Lab equipment, lab safety
2 / Aug 15 / Metric system and Microscope use. Pgs. 3-10 in lab manual
3 / Aug 22 / Cell Anatomy and Cell Types. Pgs. 11-13 and 19-24 in lab manual
4 / Aug 29 / Calorimetry Lab. Pgs. 27-39 in lab manual
5 / Sep 5 / Enzyme Lab – Apple lab – handout will be given
6 / Sep 12 / Cell Division. Pgs. 47-52 in lab manual
7 / Sep 19 / Molecular Genetics. Pgs. 73 – 80 in lab manual
8 / Sep 26 / Human Inheritance. Pgs. 61 – 64 in lab manual
9 / Oct 3 / Chromosomal Abnormalities and Pedigrees. Pgs. 65-72 in lab manual
10 / Oct 10 / Mid-term Exam
11 / Oct 17 / Dichotomous Key handout and lab manual
12 / Oct 24 / Ecology handout will be given
13 / Oct 31 / Organismal Diversity I. pgs. 89-99 in lab manual
14 / Nov 7 / Organismal Diversity I. Withdrawal deadline for DE is November 9th.
15 / Nov 14 / Organismal Diversity II. Pgs. 101-112 in lab manual
16 / Nov 21 / Organismal Diversity II.
17 / Nov 28 / Thanksgiving week
18 / Dec 5 / Organismal Diversity III. Pgs. 113-121
19 / Dec 12 / Organismal Diversity III.
20 / Dec 19 / Final exam