Teleconference, 14/12/16

Updated 20/12/16 - Incorporating a couple of corrections from Geoff Clarke.


Hans Aanesen

Geoff Clarke

Nig Greenaway


Chris Parker

Peter Brown

Minutes from last meeting.

The notes from the last meeting were agreed.

Review of outreach for possible statements of use

Three Statements of Use referencing the Committee are required to submit a Committee Specification as a Candidate OASIS Standard.

Three possible Statements of Use for TGF v2 have been previously identified.

1) Chris Parker has reported that there is real interest in Dubai in preparing a TGF statement of use, and potentially offering some work done there to expand the TGF patterns back as new patterns into the TGF. Further details should be available in early 2017. Chris Parker)

2) Future health profile in some 5 places in Sweden and 25 in Norway and other work using the same platform (see below). Hans will pursue getting one or more statements of use. (Hans Aanesen)

3) Other places where the TGF has been used (Gershon Janssen). Gershon has spoken to a few people in the Dutch Government and will follow up with them.

Action: Try to progress Statements of Use for the above by the next TC meeting

Review of other SDO activities

Hans is doing some work with the Norwegian government using new infrastructure models (cloud, mobile, etc.) and public-private links. This is based on the same underlying platform as his work on health. This is based upon open standards and the TGF approach and being applied in other sectors (e.g. Farming) as well.

Hans has provided some material on the IoT Platform that explains how his projects are moving from incremental to disruptive innovation and from Health into Smart Grids. Hans would appreciate comments on the material and assistance with anglicising the text.

ACTION All to provide comments and provide suggestions for how we can best use this material.

Geoff attended an ISO SC40 (Service management/governance/outsourcing) meeting. This is developing a standard ISO 38505 “Information technology -- Governance of Data” Parts 1 & 2 (Standard and technical report respectively) both of which will likely be published H1 2017.

JTC 1 SC 41 is now looking at both IOT and sensors.

There is a new ISO TC309 on organisational governance, Geoff and Peter are engaged in this.

Public-Private sector bridge Patterns

Nig had supplied a list of private-public sector differences (“Public- Private Sector Bridge” v0.A) that might cause issues within any programme. Hans and Geoff felt that the document captures a number of differences between the two worlds.

ACTION: All to review the document and suggest ways to address the differences between the sectors for the items identified and any relevant experiences.

Circulating these to the group before the next meeting will help to ensure progress during that session.

There will always be a need for integration and these will become greater over time (e.g. integration across different clouds and at higher functional levels within and between domains). Data privacy and interoperability are important but users need to understand the value of the data and be prepared to give up some rights for the good of the whole system. For example, without an MNO knowing where its customers are, it would not be able to provide them with any level of service at all.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held at 15:00 EST/20:00 GMT on Wednesday 1st February (06:00 AEST Thursday 2nd February for Geoff).

Nig Greenaway

Fujitsu Fellow

15th December 2016

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