Planning Board Minutes
July 12, 2017
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July 12, 2017
In attendance: Danny Nicolas,James Levasseur, Joseph Bard and Charlene Taggart.
Members of staff and public: Donna Daigle, Dawn Daigle, Tony Theriault, Yvette Brown, George Dumond, Kelly Martin, Russell Boucher, Kathy Roy,Steve PelletierandCindy Bouley.
Danny Nicolas called meeting to order at 7:05pm. A quorum was established.
- Review Minutes from February 7 and June 19, 2017.
Motion by Charlene Taggart and Seconded by James Levasseur to accept meeting minutes from February 7 and June 19, 2017 as written.
Vote: All in Favor.
2. Review Paradis Brother Enterprise LLC: 62 West Main Street, Map 15 Lot 158, develop a parking lot.
Kathy Royexplained that the wish to make a parking lot. Russell Boucher went over the plans with the Planning Board.
Mr. Nicolas asked if the silt in the road would be taken care of. Mr. Boucher answered that once the lot is done it will stop the silt. The lot will be grassed in and paved.
Dawn Daigle stated that they did not need the parking lot 3 years ago. Mr. Nicolas stated that no one parks in the back of the store. Dawn Daigle stated that they don’t use all of the back lot because of truck deliveries.
Joseph Bard asked about storm water management plan. Steve Pelletier stated that this project doesn’t trigger a storm water management plan, but there is one in the plans. Mr. Bard asked if the Public Works Director, Tony Theriault was okay with the catch basin. Mr. Theriault stated that he has no problem with it and that the Paradis’ have MDOT permission. Mr. Bard stated that creating the ditch will divert to the catch basing.
James Levasseur asked if the decision the Planning Board made three years ago would still hold; exit only, trees for buffer and right hand turn only? Donna Daigle said yes it will.
Mr. Bard asked if there were any problems or complaints. Kelly Martin stated that she doesn’t want another entrance onto that street, it would add too much traffic and “racing”. She is afraid that the parking lot would be used to avoid the traffic light for traffic going to the ski tow. Mr. Nicolas said that we had not agreed to have a left hand turn. Mr. Bard asked “why”? Donna Daigle stated to have another exit instead of the one going to West Main Street. They have had a lot of near misses.
Mr. Nicolas asked if Mr. Theriault had any traffic concerns. Mr. Theriault said that he had none. Mr. Bard stated that once the project was done there will be arrows and signs that will help guide the traffic.
Mr. Dumond asked if the there would be still a buffer to Mrs. Brown property and what about light pollution? Mr. Boucher said that the lights would be the same as what are in the other parking lot and would be located on the current poles and that Roger Saucier is going to be doing the lights. Dawn Daigle stated that the lights would be on a timer just as the others are.
Motion by James Levasseur and Seconded by Joseph Bardto forgo “A-Y”.
Vote: All in Favor.
Mr. Theriault asked about snow removal. Mrs. Roy stated that they are currently using only half of the lot for snow removal. Ms. Martin stated that a lot of the snow melt and water runoff goes into the road making it icy. Mr. Boucher stated that there will always be some water going into the road. But once the site is finished it will be a lot better. Mr. Nicolas asked if the water off the lot would continue to pool onto Page Avenue, where will it go. Mr. Boucher showed on the plans that the new design will have very little shedding onto Page.
Mr. Bard asked if the exit only lane be narrowed on and cut it down to ten feet or so and angle it toward Main Street and put a curb on it. Mr. Boucher said yes it could be done.
Mr. Theriault stated that the snow should be contained to the paved area.
Mr. Pelletier asked what the time frame was to be completed and stated that silt fencing will be used during construction phase. Mr. Boucher stated that it should be finished before the tar plant closes which is November 15th.
Motion by Joseph Bard and Seconded byJames Levasseurto grant permit for parking lot with the following stipulations:
- Exit only
- Exit narrowed down to twelve feet
- Right hand turn only onto Page Avenue
- Off set exit from Pinkham Avenue
Vote: All in Favor.
4. Other:
Planning Board discussed the Whistle Stop and the liquor license.
Planning Board asked if Steve Pelletier followed up with the Fire Marshall office yet as to if a home occupation needs to be ADA complainant.
Motion to adjourn by James Levasseur and Seconded by Charlene Taggartat 8:00 pm.
Danny Nicolas, Chairperson Charlene Taggart
Don Lebel, Vice ChairJoseph Bard, Alternate #1
Carolyn Bouchard, SecretaryVacant, Alternate #2
James Levasseur