Menifee Valley College, Mt. San Jacinto CCD

10:00 – 11:00 p.m.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


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Members Present

James Decker

Scott Kasper

Linda McMorran

Kevin Segawa

Jeff Slepski

Brian Twitty

Keenan & Associates’ Consultants

James Hudson

Members Absent

Nancy Alvarado

Jason Bader

Marcus Castellanos

Karla Garcia

Joyce Johnson

Robin Steinback

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  1. Review and Accept June 21st, 2007 Minutes
  • Motion to Accept – B. Twitty
  • Seconded – J. Hudson & L. McMorran
  1. Old Business
  • K. Segawa, B. Twitty, and J. Hudson repeated for the Menifee Valley safety committee members the progress on the phone conversion and upgrading of the existing phone system for emergency response functions is in the Grants Department. This conversion is bundled up within a $50,000 BCP.
  • K. Segawa stated that the District-wide Emergency Preparedness training has been completed except for the faculty. When offered on a voluntary basis, only 15-faculty showed up for the session. Faculty training will be completed by fall of 2008 when it will be mandatory. The sessions will be placed upon a mandated Flex Day.
  • B. Twitty mentioned that, with the RTA bus stop in place, drop-offs are quite frequent and has reduced significantly the pedestrian crossing of Antelope Road.
  • K. Segawa to reprogram the radios at both Child Development Centers (Menifee Valley & San Jacinto).
  1. New Business
  • .J. Decker mentioned that the LRC front doors do not have an ADA-activated switch plate. B. Twitty stated that the front double doors are fire-rated and cannot be altered due to the Fire Code. The side doors can be altered to accommodate an ADA activation switch plate. It takes about eight pounds of pressure to open or close the existing doors. The request will be taken under advisement and forwarded to the appropriate committee.
  1. Round Table Discussion
  • K. Segawa mentioned that as part of his involvement with the Safety Committee, he will put together a brief summary of crime statistics to be presented at each of the meetings. He noted that there is roughly a felony arrest performed per day at each campus. He will compile the public information on a per week basis.
  • The use of internal and external cameras on both campuses was brought to the committee for discussion. It stemmed from an alleged attempted abduction incident with a High School student on campus. If cameras were present within the parking lots and situated in “high risk” areas of the campus proper then it may deter such incidences. S. Guarino of the San Jacinto safety committee meeting mentioned that a cost and strategic location study be implemented before moving forward on this initiative. She recommended meeting separately outside the committee to pursue this recommendation.
  • J. Hudson was asked to review the injury losses for the year at next meeting date with the members.

The next Safety Committee meeting is set for 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. at San Jacinto on Wednesday, November 14th, 2007 and 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. at Menifee Valley on Thursday, November 15th, 2007

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