HL7 PC Co-Chair Open Meeting – [February] [13] [2017]

Current WG Co-Chairs: Stephen Chu,Laura Heermann-Langford, Jay Lyle, Michelle Miller, Emma Jones, Michael Tan; Michael Padula

Present –Michael Tan, Emma Jones, Michelle Miller, Martin Rosner, Jay Lyle, Michael Padula, Russ Leftwich, Gay Dolin, Laura Heerman-Langford, Rob Hausam, Stephen Chu

Previous minutes notes are here:

Move to Approve: Stephen ; Second: Jay


  1. Roll Call and Review Agenda –
  2. Agenda items and New Items to plan for
  1. Merge PC and Child Health WG. The name of the WG will remain as PC. HL7 working group administrative documents will be adjusted as appropriate
  2. Action: Vote: Move; Laura Second; Gay; 1 Abstain; 0 Against; 9 For
  3. New WG name suggestions (Will work on the name later):
  4. Adult and Child Care WG
  5. Patient Care and Child Health WG
  6. Care across the lifespan WG
  7. Co-chair structure
  8. PC had an open co-chair position that was closed. We can re-open it if one of the child health co-chairs would like to step into that position. We need to vote to open a new co-interim chair position.
  9. Motion (Laura moved): Mike to be an interim co-chair until the next PC election; Russ Second; 0 abstain; 0 Against; 10 For
  10. Need to confirm with HQ and let them know we have 3 open position instead of 2. Michelle will let Linda know
  11. Finalize the co-chair vote on the LHS Care Team PSS co-sponsorship
  12. Action: Vote: Stephen Move; Laura Second; 0 Abstain; 0 Against; 10 For
  13. Russ will update the PSS
  14. NIB assessment scales, problem of publication facilitator.
  15. Ballot reconciliation of the previous ballot of September.
  16. V3 model intendion to move to normative
  17. Didn’t have enough quorum to vote on the disposition. Lots of comments
  18. Need an e-vote for the disposition
  19. Need to republish the assessment scales in the may WGM. We don’t have a publishing facilitator. This is a big problem.
  20. Need someone with the V2 tooling to apply changes to the V3 model. Is William Goosen willing to do it? Suggestion to ask M&M or Lynn
  21. Action: Michael will send email to M&M
  22. Michael moved for E-Vote on the disposition comments; Jay second; 0 Abstain; 0 Against; 10 For
  23. Housekeeping:Defer to the next co-chair call].
  24. Update of the 3 year planning spreadsheet- Michael will email the previous version to review. Need to include Child health part of the 3 year plan. PC will send the plan to Child health folks to update that part
  25. Mission and Charter
  26. SWOT
  27. DMP (Wayne was planning on creating one general DMP instead of per WG)
  28. 'Interested party' question on the Trauma IG project.[Jay]
  29. Revision to an existing IG for the trauma registry data submission]. Plan is to update and ballot in May. ACS is driving this
  30. Okay for PC to keep an eye on it.
  31. Vote: Jay moved that PC is interested party; Stephen Second; 0 Abstain; 0 Against; 9 For
  32. FHIR STU3 – outstanding items
  33. Action: Update and continue gForges – need 2 affirmative comments done today.
  34. Clem McDonald condition – gForge 11280
  35. Michelle miller – NKA represented as a code - gForge11101
  36. Action: Vote: Move; Stephen Second; Russ Leftwich; 0 - Abstain; 0 - Against; 9 For
  1. Updates on:
  2. Current Topics
  3. PC Ballots
  4. PC Projects Status
  5. Co-Sponsored Projects Status
  6. From TSC ?

Current Topics

  1. Allergy Intolerance Topic:
  2. Updates: None provided
  3. Care Plan Topics
  4. ONC Types of ‘Care Plan’ Work

ONC need updates on care plan implementation – the ONC interoperability proving grounds is a way to track active interoperability projects. We will discuss during the WGM

  1. Content
  2. Structural
  1. Care TeamDefinition Project [with ONC]
  2. Content
  3. Structural
  1. IHE: New Care Team Management Profile proposal
  2. Proposal can be found here
  3. Update:None provided


PC Ballot updates

  1. FHIR Clinical Resources (Michelle):
  2. – has the FHIR timeline.
  3. Updates: FHIR tracker: will use the next 2 calls (Tuesday and Thursday this week). We have until Sunday. Need to look at referral request and apply the workflow pattern to it.
  4. Michelle will review Grahame’s email about practioner.role and we will discuss on the FHIR call and provide clarifications.
  5. Allergy ‘reactions’ need to split from Adverse ‘reactions’ agreed to – discussion did not get resolved at Jan WGM. Still need to continue the discussion

PC Projects Status Updates

Co-sponsored projectsUpdates

  1. SDWG – CCDA 2.1 companion guide ballot
  2. Point persons: Elaine, Lisa
  3. Plan to re-publish in Jan.
  4. Updates: None provided
  5. International Patient Summary Document – Decided to leave with SDWG (HSI co-sponsoring). Content part is still in the project scope which means more involvement for PC. PC need to contribute up-front. Encourage PC members to join calls– not just co-chairs. Need content SMEs.
  • Action: Rob
  • Will start project page when fully approved.
  • Will send out a poll: Stephen: email with rob. He’s trying to coordinate call times that will work. Looking forward to the first call.
  • IHTSDO coordination. Continue to move ahead. Will continue to work jointly with CDA on FHIR. Working on the minimal data needed for a useful set.
  • Updates: None provided
  1. PC - CIMI POC
  2. PC and CIMI co-sponsoring. Involves MnM. Rob Hausam and Susan Matney participating. Modeling comes from CIMI. Anticipate finishing this summer. Resulting artifact is a CIMI model and analysis. No ballot.
  3. Want to re-ballot in May 2017. Need to meet the Feb deadline. We may need to vote on email to meet the Feb deadline.

Updates:None provided

  1. PC/FHIR – Negation
  2. Rob and Jay lead
  3. See spreadsheet – look at column D and if you have a scenario that is missing, email Jay.
  4. Plan on getting to something that’s ready to publish with plan for May 2017 informative ballot
  5. Artifact will be a “policy” – something that people have to follow. Why will it not be a DAM? Stephen preference is a DAM that will wash out a set of policies that can be used as an appendix. Negation is a large and important topic. Jay thinks we can call it a DAM. The work will be the same. There is interest in writing a policy that people will have to follow. DAM will be heavy with existing design patterns. Will talk about it on the next negation call. Whether we do a DAM or not can still do a policy paper. Strongly support the policy paper.
  6. Updates:plan to ballot in May
  7. Jay move to ballot the Negation DAM in May; Laura Second; 0 Abstain; 0 Against; 9 For
  1. CIMI/FHIM Investigative Study
  2. Updates:None provided
  1. PC/JET - Allergy
  2. Substance terminology harmonization (JET project – analysis of the list and regeneration of use frequency list.)
  3. Up for which ballot? – was not balloted in Jan.
  4. Action: Need to ask Elaine if needed for May.
  5. Updates: None provided
  1. PC/FHIR - Care Plan
  2. Care Plan Harmonization
  3. Stephen: Next steps is a Care Plan harmonization project looking at harmonizing the DAM and the Care Plan FHIR resource. Laura started a spreadsheet. Stephen sent out the spreadsheet. Calls will be during the Bi-monthly care plan calls. Goal is to do high level analysis and proposed resolutions.
  4. Updates: None provided
  1. PC/SOA - CCS Publication- Laura
  2. Located here -
  3. Sent email to Lynn to ask why not in the master grid. Notification of intend to publish done.
  4. Updates:CCS publication – TSC made some changes in their tracking system. Also need to find the spreadsheet.
  5. Action: Stephen will follow-up with Enrique for the spreadsheet and with TSC
  1. PC/SOA - PSS for "Scheduling Service" Specification
  1. Laura – Round 2 of CCS See
  2. PC is co-sponsor. SOA will do the heavy lifting
  3. Laura will review off line and update PC via email discussion
  4. Stephen – we need to be aware of how this contributes to PC care plan work
  5. Updates: None provided
  1. PC/FHIR Updates
  1. Clinical Notes –
  2. Clinician-on-FHIR
  3. Plans for next steps
  4. Suggestions for overall approach next time around
  5. ClinFHIR tool use
  6. Updates: None provided
  1. PC/SDWG - CCDA clinical status value set- Discussed during WGM
  2. Stephen updated the slides. Lisa responded with spreadsheet.
  3. Next Steps: Stephen will review Lisa’s spreadsheet and update slides. Will discuss on our next co-chair call.
  4. Updates:None provided

Parking Lot

  1. Family member FHIR resource – Hackathon
  2. Elaine: NIH project thru NCBI – propose taking a look at FM history that will enable adding family tree information to FHIR resources. Genomic tool used for entering family history.
  3. Project postponed - will try again in Jan. 2017
  4. Adverse Event Resource –
  5. Owned by RCRIM (we are co-sponsoring).
  6. Updates: None provided

Other Committee Business

Next PC WG Co-Chair call – February 27, 2017(4thMonday)

** Topics to discuss during this call

DESD Assignments:

  1. Anatomic Pathology – Stephen
  2. Anesthesia – Stephen
  3. Attachments – Jay
  4. BRIDG – JeanEmma
  5. Child Health – RussStephen
  6. Clinical Genomics – Laura
  7. CIC – Jay
  8. CQI – RussStephen
  9. CBCC – JeanLaura
  10. Emergency Care – Laura
  11. Devices – LauraMichelle
  12. Patient Care – Stephen
  13. Pharmacy – Michael, Michelle
  14. PHER –ElaineLaura
  15. RCRIM – Elaine Emma
  16. Learning Health Systems – Laura
  17. Triage Person: Emma (notice from Melva Peters)