UNOFFICIAL COPY AS OF 10/08/20181998 REG. SESS.98 RS BR 1254
A RESOLUTION adjourning the Senate in loving memory and honor of Mavin "Mimi" Martin.
With deepest respect, we pay homage and tribute to Mavin "Mimi" Martin.
WHEREAS, Mimi Martin, a native of Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky, and longtime supporter of the arts, preservation, and environmental causes, traversed these earthly bounds on December 1, 1997; and
WHEREAS, Mimi Martin was the devoted wife of Boyce F. Martin, Jr., and she was the loving mother of two daughters, Dr. Mavin Martin Johnson of Memphis, Tennessee, and Julia Martin Hudson, and two sons, Boyce F. Martin III and Dr. Robert C. G. Martin; and she was the proud grandmother of a granddaughter; and
WHEREAS, Mimi Martin attended Vassar College and received a bachelor's degree and master's degree in educational and counseling psychology from the University of Louisville; she received her master's degree in clinical psychology from the Fielding Institute in Santa Barbara, California; and most recently, she completed her doctoral program in clinical psychology at the Fielding Institute, and her degree will be awarded posthumously; and
WHEREAS, Mimi Martin committed many years of community service to the causes she steadfastly believed in, and her influence will continue through the Actors Theatre of Louisville where she was a founding board member and instrumental in the Humana Festival of New American Plays, which gained international recognition for the theatre; she was founder and past president of the Strategies for Environmental Control; she was national chairwoman of the Child Advocacy Program for the Association of Junior Leagues; she was past president of the Junior League of Louisville, and she supervised the renovation of Stairways, the Junior League's headquarters and community center; she was chairwoman of the Kentucky Heritage Council; and through her interest in the YWCA, she helped raise $7 million to support the Rape Crisis Center, the Spouse Abuse Center and other projects for the YWCA; and
WHEREAS, the passion, dedication, intelligence and social consciousness Mimi Martin brought to her community and this great Commonwealth will never be forgotten; and
WHEREAS, all who knew and admired Mimi Martin will grieve over their loss, and she is mourned across the length and breadth of the Commonwealth;
Be it resolved by the Senate of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:
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UNOFFICIAL COPY AS OF 10/08/20181998 REG. SESS.98 RS BR 1254
Section 1. The Senate does hereby express its most profound sense of sorrow upon the passing of Mimi Martin and extends to her family its most heartfelt sympathy.
Section 2. When the Senate adjourns this day, it does so in loving memory and honor of Mimi Martin.
Section 3. The Clerk of the Senate is hereby directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Honorable Boyce F. Martin, Jr., 5903 Jenness Court, Louisville, Kentucky 40222.
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