e-mail: / 14 August 2014
(01273) 292387
White access line across your driveway
Thank you for your enquiry about a White Return Line (WRL) across your driveway.
We can only provide/ remark the WRL if your driveway has a dropped kerb. There is a charge of £10 per metre of white line and this must be paid in advance of the works being carried out.
Unlike yellow lines a WRL hasno legal standing. This means that it cannot be enforced.The road marking is simply used to highlight the presence of an access. We allow half a metre either side of your dropped kerb to allow access. If your driveway is being obstructed you can call the enforcement line on 0845 603 5469 select option 3.
To apply, please complete the consent form and return by post or email to the above address. Once received a site visit will be carried out and we shall contact you with a price for the WRL.
If you have a shared crossover, we also require permission from your neighbour before we proceed.
Payment can be made over the phone or by sending a cheque made payable to Brighton & Hove City Council; alternatively you can pay online at and selecting Pay Online. You must select White Return Lines (WRL) from the drop down box and enter your address in the reference box. (If you make your payment online we still require the WRL consent form.)
The WRL is free of charge to blue badge holders; please provide a photocopy of this.
A contractor carries out the work and will be carried out subject to weather conditions and the availability of the contractor.
Yours sincerely
Russell McMillan
Traffic Technician
White Return Line (WRL) consent form.
Name ……………………………………………………………………….
Postcode……………………... Phone No………………………………….
Address where white access mark will go (if different from above) …………………………………………………………………………………………..
If you know the length of your WRL, you can make payment, however refunds do take time to process if incorrect.
Please provide online payment reference,photocopy of your Blue Badge or send a cheque made payable to Brighton & Hove City Council as appropriate.
For shared Driveways/Crossover only.
If you share your dropped kerb with a neighbour, you will require their permission for the white line to be installed.
Name & Address of other owner……………………………......
Post Code………………………………Telephone …………………………………..
Signature of other owner………………………………………………….
Please return this form to: Parking Infrastructure, Room 323, Norton Road, Hove, BN3 3BQ