University Writing Center

Instructor Writing Resources

The following websites are highly recommended for writing. For more links, go to our University Writing Center’s website:


A free website with various completed rubrics and a place to make your own.

·  Find rubrics

·  Create rubrics

·  Create rubrics based on topic

·  Make rubrics interactive

·  Customize rubrics

Colorado State Writing Center

Click on “Teaching Resources.”

·  Teaching guides (more than 30) on a variety of issues such as planning and conducting classes with technology.

·  Teaching activities such as discussion starters, peer review, and development of arguments

·  Teaching links for resources for writers and teachers of writing, with annotated bibliographies

·  Content on topics such as library resources, search sites, English as a second language (ESL) and literature,

·  First-year Composition resources, such as their course syllabi, assignments, daily lessons plans for courses at CSU

·  List of teaching guides and a teaching activities resource bank

·  Link to The WAC Clearinghouse—a collection of resources for teachers who use writing in their classes:

·  Link to Across the Disciplines—a journal that covers topics such as language, learning, and academic writing:

·  Detailed section on dealing with plagiarism--why it happens, how to prevent it and how to detect it

University of Wisconsin Writing Center

Click on “Writing Across the Curriculum.”

·  Ideas on how to teach with writing, such as designing an effective syllabus, developing writing assignments and integrating writing into courses

·  Suggestions on conferencing with students, responding to and grading student writing, and evaluating courses

·  Recommendations on how to work with multilingual students

Case Western Reserve Writing Center

Click on “Writing Pedagogy.”

·  Information on responding to student writing, designing writing assignments, preventing plagiarism

·  Writing Wiki

·  Samples of assignment sheets

University of Hawaii-Manoa Writing Center

Click on “Teacher Resources.”

·  Effective writing assignments

·  Responding to student writing

·  Writing and research

·  Overcoming writing errors

·  Helping students make connections between ideas

·  Working with ESL students

·  Writing peer review & feedback forms

·  Teaching forms of writing

·  Enhancing on-line interaction

·  Using writing to improve reading

·  Getting students to think

·  Quick tips for instructors in writing intensive classes

·  Handouts for students

·  Sample syllabi

·  General resources such as videos on writing and 20 FAQ’s about writing

University of Minnesota Writing Center

Click on “Teaching with Writing.”

·  Information on course design, writing across the curriculum and writing in the disciplines, checklist for writing intensive writing syllabi, tips on improving oral and written communication in the classroom

·  Material on course feedback and assessment such as when and how to involve students in course feedback and samples of course feedback and assessment

·  Samples of assignments and activities, such as approaches to designing writing assignments, ten tips for effective writing, ideas on informal in-class activities, strategies on teaching writing in a large class and samples of writing assignments and activities

·  Information on responding and grading, such as commenting on student writing, assigning revision memos, creating effective peer response workshops, responding to student writing on line, and responding to non-native speakers

·  Help with grammar and mechanics, including assistance for non-native speakers of English

·  Ideas on preventing plagiarism and sample handouts for students